Back in the past

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You placed your bags on the floor and looked around the house. You took your time to study every little detail, with memories flashing right before your eyes. So many good things have happened here, whether it's with your parents or Jungkook. Compared to the years before, the whole house now feels so cold.

I feel like a stranger in my own house, you thought to yourself. You couldn't help but miss your mother. How many years have it been since you've seen her smiling face?

You debated unpacking but then decided against it since you couldn't be bother. Instead, you made your way towards the bed. Your whole body was still sore from your recent accident but you didn't care. Nothing hurts more than the pain in your chest.

Closing your eyes, you wondered what is going through the members' minds right now... especially Jungkook's. You hated yourself for leaving without a word but it was the best thing to do. You knew that if you contacted the members, they will try to convince you to stay and you might even end up listening to them.

You opened your eyes and stared at the ceiling. You have two months off work, so that's a good thing too.

As you twist and turn in bed, you slowly reminisce about the past, even though you tried not to. It was hard though since it feels like you've never left this place.

Jungkook, you thought to yourself, feeling your chest tightening with thoughts of him. You don't remember the exact moment that you fell in love... Does anybody? Seems like it's been forever now. You remember always feeling so nervous whenever you see Jungkook, especially if it's been so many months. You didn't think it was possible considering you two are close friends. You've kept it hidden for so many years now... you had hope that someday you'd be able to tell Jungkook.

I can't wait to tell you about it one day, you had thought to yourself, feeling tears in your eyes. You thought back to how you had confessed to him in such an angry and rash way... That wasn't how you wanted to tell him.

Your thoughts were interrupted by your phone vibrating. Knowing that it was probably Jungkook, you ignored it. Jungkook is your closest friend so one day you hope to clear things up and hopefully he'll keep you as a friend. For now... you just need time to yourself.

Turning your head away from your phone, you caught a glimpse of your mother's clothes and started crying. You wanted nothing more than comfort. 

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