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"How do you not know why she's avoiding you?" Jimin said, his mouth full.

"I bet it's your fault," Hoseok said, shaking his head.

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Three months. She's been avoiding me for three months."

"Maybe she's actually busy," Hoseok said, shrugging. "Y/N isn't the type to lie. She's bad at it."

"That's why I know she's lying."

Jimin chuckled. "Why not just visit her?"

"You think I haven't tried? Y/N is always out and never home," Jungkook grumbled. "Plus our schedule is no joke. My body is sore from so many practices and our crazy schedule. I'm exhausted and tired. I can't even fall asleep too."

"Sounds like a man in love," Hoseok joked.

Jungkook narrowed a look. "Not funny."

"Hey, we know how close you and Y/N are," Jimin patted Hoseok's back, letting him know that he's got his back. "Why not give it a go?"

"Because we're friends."

"Right," Hoseok arched an eyebrow. "Our Jungkookie loves someone else." 

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