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"Nothing's wrong, I promise," you said. You were feeling nervous from seeing Jungkook. You hated yourself for feeling that way. You were like this back in the days too, always unable to talk properly or even maintain your feelings and thoughts because of him.

Jungkook stared at you for a beat. "But... I know you're lying."

You were surprised by how serious he looked. Jungkook played around since he's the maknae of the group. He's like that around you too- smiling and laughing and always teasing you. To see him look so serious had you feeling uneasy about everything.

"I don't know what you're talking about," you said quickly, before cursing yourself in your mind for making it sound like you know exactly what he's talking about. "Everything's good with me."

Jungkook continued to stare at you for a few seconds before crossing his arms and leaned back against the chair, saying, "Why are you lying?"

You stared back.

When you said nothing, Jungkook uncrossed his arms and leaned towards the screen. It's almost like he's right there in front of you. 

"I know you're lying because we've been friends since forever. Did you forget already?"

As if I can ever forget that, you thought to yourself numbly. You said nothing in response to what Jungkook said.

"I hope you'll tell me why you're avoiding me these days," he paused. "Eventually."

You smiled, but it was tight, "Thanks for understanding."

He smiled back and nodded once. 

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