Helping Jungkook

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Somehow you just knew he was there. It's cliché to say this but you can feel him in the room. You smiled when you saw him standing close to where the stage was. He was watching the other artists getting ready to go on stage.

You stood there admiring him from afar because that's how it's going to be, right? You standing and watching him... so close but so far too. The minute Jungkook noticed you, he waved and walked right over.

Jungkook stood in front of you with a playful look on his face. "Help me out, Y/N."

You tilted your head in confusion.

"You know I get shy around her."

You tried to force a smile. "Jungkook, you can do it!"

He gave you a sorry look but the smile stayed on his face, "Sorry for always dragging you into it."

You shrugged. "What are friends for?"

Jungkook reached over and ruffled your hair. 

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