Chapter 3: A Better Turn

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"Mother has always told me that you weren't real," she said to him while she drew on her walls. "What made you believe then?" he flew across the room, looking at Rapunzel's paintings. "The snow," she said, "Mother said that no one sees Jack Frost but he makes it snow," she adds. "Wanna know why I can't be seen?" he said, landing on the floor. "Why?" she turns to him.

"Because people don't believe in me," he says the truth. "Really?" she says in disbelief. "Well, they should," she said, going back to work. "Yeah. Anymore failed attention-getting attempts & I'm insane by now," he said jokingly. "Why are you here, by the way?" he asks her, "All these paintings... they all look like you dancing & having lots of... well, fun," he said. "I..."she sighs, hanging her head, "Mother says the outside world is dangerous so I have to stay here," she says sadly. "It's only dangerous if you're alone," says Jack, trying to cheer her up.

"It's become harder to believe, you know," she puts her palette & brush down. "You should always believe! If you don't, then it'll never come true," his tone drops near the end, "Like me! You kept believing in me & now I'm here!" his voice becomes happy & encouraging when the idea immediately came into mind. "You really think she'll let me leave?" she keeps her painting tools. "I know she will. If she loves you, she'll give you what you want. Not always, but she should even sometimes," Jack is trying his best to encourage Rapunzel to leave & live her dream. She turns to him & he gestures to the window.

"One day is... okay, right?" she says unsurely.

Jack's words got through her & he smiles, nodding. She immediately jumps up happily & hangs her hair on a hook placed above the window. Using her hair, she slides herself down. Jack flies out of the tower. Nearing the bottom, Rapunzel pauses & slowly feels the grass under her feet. She couldn't believe it; she was finally free!


Aimlessly walking through the woods, Merida & Hiccup are finding it hard to believe that what they are looking for actually exists. Hiccup frustratedly scratches his notebook with a charcoal pencil. He sighs & keeps his stuff. "The gods hate me," he groans, "Other people lose their knife, a mug... No, no, not me. I managed to lose an entire dragon!" he says angrily, slapping a branch that was in front of him. And like how karma likes it, the branch slaps him back. "Ow!!" he exclaims in pain. Merida rolls her eyes. "Ya know, ya can't get anything done if ya get frustrated easily. Ya have to be calm & patient. Good things will come to ya, don't worry," she says, trying to lift up his spirits.

Not long after that, Merida spots the same blue flame that led her to Hiccup before. She approaches it to touch it, but disappears & leaves a trail. Yet again. Merida looks back at Hiccup & gestures him to come. Hiccup shrugs & walks with Merida, following the trail of wisps.


Rapunzel was as happy can be. "I can't believe I did this!" she said to herself. "I can't believe I did this," she whispers, "I can't believe I did this!" she jumps up happily. "Mother would be so furious," she whispers to herself as well. "But that's okay! What she doesn't know won't kill her right?" she said while sitting on a rock near the river, holding flowers in her hand. "Oh my gosh... This would kill her," she said, sitting inside a dark, cave-like place. Jack watched her, standing in quite a distance. "THIS IS SO FUN!!!" she runs around merrily, kicking up a pile of leaves. Some of the leaves shower on Jack who was just watching her. "I... am a horrible daughter. I'm going back," she says, standing on a large tree branch with her head on the trunk while Jack looked at her from the ground. "I am NEVER going back!!" she cartwheels down a slope, rolling down & eventually covering her whole body with her hair. "I am a despicable human being," she says, face down in the flowers while Jack sat next to her. "Woohoo!! BEST. DAY. EVER!!" she swings around a tree, using her hair that is tied on a branch while Jack rests his back on the trunk.

Rapunzel finally settles down. Well, sits down, at least, next to a row of rocks. Sobbing with her face buried in her hands. Jack decides to talk to her. He sits down in front of her. He clears his throat before speaking. "You know, I can't help but notice that you're a little bit at war with yourself here," he says. "What?" Rapunzel looks up. "Nah, it's just a guess. Overprotective mother, forbidden roadtrip. I mean, this is serious stuff! But it's part of growing up. A little bit of rebellion is... natural," he says in a smile. He didn't know how he knew this much about life... but he didn't question it anymore. "But... it might break her heart in half... Or crush her soul. Like a grape," she says, gripping her hair. "It won't, trust me," he says, reassuring her. "Really?" she wipes her tears away with her hand. "Of course!" he laughs, "Okay?" he holds out his hand to her & she takes it. She smiles & he helps her stand.

Then, there was a rustling through the bushes. Rapunzel immediately hid behind Jack & he prepares his staff. "Who goes there!?" he shouts, getting ready to shoot anything dangerous that pops out. And there, they saw what seemed to be curly red fur moving fast through the bushes. Jack immediately blasts it with ice. "AHHH!!!! Something's in my hair!!!" the two of them heard. They exchange looks & whatever it was that Jack shot was starting rise. It wasn't a mysterious creature. It was just a girl with extremely messy red hair! "WHO DID THIS!!??" she yells in anger after finding out that half her hair was frozen. "C-calm down, Merida..." another person pops out of the bushes. This time, it was a lanky boy, holding a notebook. "Shush! Did you do this!?" she points towards the duo. Rapunzel suddenly remembers that she was the only one who can see Jack so she tries to take the blame. "M-me?" she nervously points to herself. "What are you doing?" Jack yell-whispers to her. "I'm the only one who can see you, right? I have no choice but to take the blame," she yell-whispers back. "Why?" he whispers in confusion. "Because she can't see you," she whispers back. Jack shrugs & lets Rapunzel do her will.

"No, not you. This blue boy here with his staff," she says, describing Jack. "Wait, you can see me, too?" Jack walks towards her. "I'm not blind, genius," she says in a strong Scottish accent. "Well, did ya!?" And she's back. She folds her hands into fists & places them on her hips. Jack nervously nods. "Maybe," he says, moving back a little. "COME BACK HERE & UNFREEZE MY HAIR IMMEDIATELY!!!!" she chases after the flying Jack with her bow. "What am I gonna do with her...?" says the boy, walking out the bushes.

"Are you a friend of hers?" Rapunzel asks him. "Yeah. Name's Hiccup," he gives her his hand. Rapunzel takes it & shakes it, "Rapunzel is my name. Nice to meet you, Hiccup," she smiles brightly. The two separate their hands after. "What's her name?" she gestures to the ball of red yarn running around. "Merida," he says. Rapunzel nods to show that she understands what he just said.

"Hey, can you see him, too?" she asks him. "Well, yeah," he says accompanied by his shoulder gestures. Rapunzel gasps & calls out to Jack, "Jack!! The two of them believe in you!!" "Really!!??" Jack immediately swoops down to meet Hiccup. About that time, Merida was finally able to hit him with her bow.

"Does that mean you two believe in me?" he asks Hiccup, rubbing the back of his head after Merida hits it. It hurts, but he didn't mind it anymore. He was too happy to pay attention to pain. "Who are you anyway?" says Merida. "Jack Frost," he says, making a snowflake fly around. It touches Merida's nose & disappears into a few blue sparkles. She began to smile & be cheery. "Oh my Gods, you're real!" she exclaims happily. "I am!" Jack went along with her happy side. "You are!!" Merida jumps up happily. She runs to Hiccup & shakes him. "He's real! I knew it! And father said he wasn't real," she says proudly.

It seems like Jack was never alone, after all.


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