Chapter 32: Confrontation

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"Tooth!" Jack & the other Guardians ran to her aid. It is then known that Tooth's wings were cut in a few parts but mostly crumpled.

"I'm okay... just broken wings & minimal flying, I guess," she said.

"Let me help," said Rapunzel. She wraps her hair gently on the wings. She begins to sing.

~Flower, gleam & glow...

Let your powers shine

Make the clock reverse,

Bring back what once was mine...~

~Heal what has been hurt,

Change the fate's design...

Save what has been lost

Bring back what once was mine...~

~What once was mine...~

As she sang, her hair glowed; something only Jack & North knew about until know. Gently, Rapunzel removes her hair. The wings were okay now.

"How?" said Bunny, watching Tooth flap her wings & fly high again.

Suddenly, another Nightmare comes in. Toothless easily shoots plasma at it. It disappears.

And from there, the sky cleared up; slowly showing Pitch standing up in a cloud made of Black Sand & more of it piling up behind him.

Toothless growls at the sky with Hiccup trying to calm him down. "Easy, bud... easy..." said Hiccup.

"Pitch!" Jack exclaims.

"Seems like you found a way to break away from your sleep. Beautiful nightmares, weren't they?" said Pitch.

Jack jumps off the ground & shoots Pitch with the 'ice lightning' again. This time, however, Pitch was able to shield it.

"That little trick doesn't work on me anymore!!" he says & deflects the attack.

Jack gets hit & crashes into the ground. Everyone rushes to him.

"He's too powerful. I can't beat him," said Jack.

"Not on your own you can't," said North.

"Where is he getting all this power?" Rapunzel turns to the Guardians.

"Must be something with Corona, mate," said Bunny, throwing boomerangs & egg bombs at Night Mares.

"Corona?" Rapunzel turned to Bunny.

"Yeah. The kingdom with the lost princess. Heard that the crown wa stolen & the whole kingdom fears that the princess' kidnapper took & hid the crown," said Bunny.

"That could be your kingdom, Punz," said Merida.

"Maybe..." said Rapunzel. Suddenly, a Night Mare rushes towards her.

But, as soon as it touched her, it became a pony made of golden sand.

"Gold sand?" North pets it, looking at the sand, "Dream Sand!" he exclaims.

"You!" Tooth points at Rapunzel, an idea in her head, "You can get to Pitch & turn his Nightmare Sand to Dream Sand!" Tooth said.

"Me!?" she exclaims.

"It could work, too," said Jack, standing up.

"Punzie's hair can heal, after all. Maybe it also works for corrupted Dreams which became Nightmares. She can turn Night Mares to... well, Dream Ponies," said Merida, giggling towards the end.

"I can get you close enough on Toothless," said Hiccup, "Right bud?" he pets Toothless & the dragon nods.

"So I just... touch them?" said Rapunzel, pointing at a Night Mare. Unknown to her, the Night Mare ran towards her.

She shields herself with her arms & the same thing happened; the Night Mare turned into what Merida calls... a Dream Pony.

"Oh... okay. Sounds easy enough," Rapunzel nervously said, pretending to be brave & confident about er task.

"Alright. The two of you," Jack points at Hiccup & Toothless, "Take Rapunzel to Pitch. Make sure she's close enough to remove all of Pitch's Nightmare Sand," he orders.

Rapunzel gets on Toothless. "Hang on, Rapunzel. Toothless likes to go fast," Hiccup says.

"Okay," Rapunzel holds on to Hiccup's shoulders & the three of them fly high in the sky.

"Merida," Jack turns to the redhead, "Whaddya want me to do, Frosty?" Merida readies her arrow.

"I want you to stay here with the Guardians to eradicate as much Night Mares as you can," he said.

"Sure thing," said Merida.

"Great. Thanks a lot!" Jack says as he walks off.

"Wait!" Merida chases Jack & grabs his arm.

"What?" Jack looks back at her.

"Whatever yer gonna do, be safe, ya hear me? Rapunzel was looking all over the place in her dreams fer ye. She told me herself on the way here with that Easter Bunny. She was also very worried about ye. We were all very worried, to be exact," said Merida to Jack, concern evident in her voice.

"Thanks for that, Mer. Keep out of serious trouble as well," said Jack, removing Merida's hand from his arm & flying up swiftly.

Merida watches him fly upwards for a while. "Right!" she says to herself & turns to the Guardians, who were just watching her.

"Ye heard the Frost, ye Guardians! Let's get our job done! Don't let any Night Mares hit Jack, Hiccup, Toothless & especially Rapunzel!" she says in a leaderly voice & the four of them begin to fight away the incoming Night Mares.


Many Night Mares were running down towards Jack but he was able to easily freeze them as they went by. He got up to Pitch fast & shot him with ice. Pitch quickly shields himself with sand.

"Finally! Look who decided to show up," said Pitch, "someone who knows how to have a little fun!" he shoots Black Sand at Jack.

Jack dodges it & attacks Pitch again while in the air. Hiccup & Rapunzel saw this as they flew up.

"Jack's in trouble up there!" said Rapunzel.

"Don't worry about him," said Hiccup, skillfully maneuvering Toothless all over the place.

"Why are you suddenly heartless?" Rapunzel says to Hiccup.

"What? No!" Hiccup replies in confusion, "I just said something he would probably say of he heard you," he explains.

Rapunzel shrugs with an "Oh...". At least he wasn't being careless about Jack. Hiccup continues to dodge the Night Mares & Toothless shot them from all directions where he can turn his head to. When Toothless' shot limit of 7 is reached, Rapunzel begins to reach out for the Night Mares, turning them to Dream Ponies.


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