Chapter 6: Hiccup's Dragon

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And the dragon taming continues. Jack, Rapunzel & Merida are still watching as Hiccup holds his hand out towards the dragon. It cautiously walks to him again. His mouth was opened & Hiccup noticed something. "Huh? Toothless? I could've sworn you had--" he was cut off when the dragon's immediately appeared from its gums & grabbed the fish then swallowed it. The dragon licked its lips. It was delicious to him.

"... teeth," Hiccup continues his sentence with his hands held to himself. "Lil' Hiccup looks a little pale today, eh?" Merida whispers to Jack & Rapunzel. The three of them laugh softly. "Let's see what else happens," said Jack. The dragon then crawls towards Hiccup. He, on the other hand, falls down on the ground & does his best to get away from the dragon. However, coming in behind him was a big rock where he stops moving away. "I-I... I don't have any more," he said to the dragon.

Then, the dragon barfed up the fish it recently ate. Well, it's body, at least. The dragon sits on its two hind legs again, watching Hiccup like a cat. Hiccup just sat there like a shy child with half a fish in his hands. They kept at it for a while. "What are they doing now?" Rapunzel asks. "Staring contest," says Jack, bored. "Sounds fun," said Rapunzel, obviously not knowing anything about a staring contest.

The dragon looks as if to say "Go on. Eat it," to Hiccup. He, in turn, unbelievably looks at the fish then towards the dragon. He sighs & takes a bite. He pretends to like it & offers it to the dragon. The dragon was smart, though. He gestures to Hiccup to swallow the fish. Hiccup rolls his eyes in disbelief & swallows. "That's gotta have a bad after taste," said Jack to Merida. "Yeah. It's all slimy, smelly & even came from a dragon's stomach," Merida says & they both laugh softly.

Hiccup puts the fish down & holds out his hand to pet the dragon. It snarls at him & tries to fly away but with a broken tail, it can't fly too far & too high so it crashes on the other side of the lake. "That was a good snack wasn't it, Hiccup?" Jack says teasingly. "Guh... it's threatening to come out," said Hiccup, stopping himself from vomitting. Merida laughs at him.

"Hey look, guys! The dragon's doing something. Must be going for a nap," Rapunzel points at the other side of the lake where the dragon breathes fire towards the ground then settles down there seemingly for a nap. "Should we go there & try petting him again?" Rapunzel asked Hiccup. The dragon turns its head & sees them. The ear-like flaps on the sides of its head go down & shows a "seriously?" look & moves away from his spot. "Maybe not," he answered.


The sun was high in the sky when the dragon finally wakes up from his nap. He finds that the three people who have been pursuing him are now having lunch. They made fire with sticks & stones where they roasted fish on sticks. "I wonder when the dragon will wake up," said Rapunzel, taking a bite from her fish. "Dunno. Whaddya think, Hiccup?" Jack asks him. "You guys go on home. This might take a while," he said, taking his stick & pokes it at the ground.

"Oh well," said Jack, leaning on a tree while looking up at the sky. "Should we go now, Punzie?" he looks at Rapunzel who was sitting on a log. "Go where?" she responds. She looks up to see the sun shining brightly. "Oh yeah... we still have the lanterns to look out for..." she mutters to herself in disappointment. "I think Punzie's disappointed in ya, Frost Boy," said Merida as she heard what Rapunzel said. "What?" he looks at Merida, then to Rapunzel. "Huh? N-no! We can try again next year if Hiccup doesn't tame the dragon before nightfall," said Rapunzel.

As Jack was about to apologize, they hear a tree's branch breaking. They look back at Hiccup who sat on a rock, drawing on the sand with his stick. They looked around, Hiccup not seeming to bother one bit. And there was a rustling behind the rocks & bushes. They all raised their weapons defensively. And from the trees came... a black figure! Merida attempts to shoot it but unfortunately misses. It runs in closer towards them when all of a sudden...!

It was just the dragon with a tree branch in his mouth.

The trio sigh in relief but they couldn't help but be amazed with what happened next. The dragon was draging the branch around the sand in an attempt to draw like Hiccup. He just goes all around the place. When he was done, he sits down & nods at it. "What did he make?" Rapunzel asks. Jack flies up to see the view fron above. "Nothing but swerving & curved lines," Jack told Merida & Rapunzel as he got back to the ground. However, to the dragon, it was an incredible work of art.

Hiccup, however, was trapped in the middle of everything. He looked around & accidentally stepped on one of the lines. The dragon snarls at him & as he lifted his foot, the dragon became nice again. The trio was watching him do his "thing" again. He repeated it three times & he began to avoid the lines of the little labyrinth & finally got out. He tried to pet him again. This time around, he held his hand & looked away. The dragon, at first, hesitates but eventually gave in & let Hiccup pet him.


A few hours later of nothing but Hiccup chasing the dragon, now named Toothless, around to put on a special saddle & prosthetic tail on him, the gang is now relaxing as one of today's goals have been realized. "It's getting late," said Hiccup. The sun was nearly setting, after all. "Should we get going, Rapunzel? To the lanterns?" Jack asks her, standing from the grass. "Well... okay," said Rapunzel. He helps her stand up. "We better get going now, guys. I hope we see each other again," she said, dusting off her dress.

"Aww... I wanted to talk more," said Merida, frowning as she sharpened her arrows. "I just hope you guys realize your own goal today," Hiccup said, adjusting the tail, "And thanks for sticking around despite having something else to do," he gave them a smile. "Sure thing," said Jack & Rapunzel in sync. "Bye!" Merida immediately waved her hand. Jack & Rapunzel did the same thing. She runs off while picking her hair up & disappears into the forest with Jack following behind her, doing the same thing.


Behind the other side of the river's bushes were the two dark characters. "Argh! That dragon was supposed to scare her off & not to be friends with that boy," Gothel murmurs frustratedly, "Your plan failed, Pitch...!" she exclaims. "Don't fret. Your wrinkles will become more obvious," Pitch says to Gothel. She reacts by frowning more after hearing a laugh from the Boogeyman "I have a backup plan," he said, snapping his finger as black sand surround it.

"All good things to those who wait,"


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