Chapter 34: Guardian

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Pitch grunts angrily, removing the snow from his face. As Hiccup, Toothless, Rapunzel & Merida passed by the Night Mares surrounding Pitch, they touched it & they turned to Gold Sand. The ones that Rapunzel touched, however, changed into their original Dream forms. Some became ponies, some became schools of fish & some became dinosaurs.

The three laughed as Pitch fell of the Night Mare he rode on, which was touched by Merida. Pitch stood up.

"Fine," he says as the 'Dream Team' was far enough, "Have your last hurrah," as he said this, he disappears into the shadows.

The Guardians get prepared for an attack from behind. "All your pathetic scrambling will be for nothing," said Pitch.


Merida's plan worked. They were able to collect enough Gold Sand to give dreams to all the kids they could find. In one of the rooms, a figure made of Gold Sand appears.

"Sandman!!" they all exclaimed happily.

The quiet little man gave them a smile & a bow, showing his gratitude.

"Let's get you to the Guardians," Hiccup reached an arm out for Sandman.

The trio happily went back to Jack & the others with Sandman.


As Hiccup & the others saw what was happening to Jack & the Guardians, they decided to fight back.

From behind the unwary Jack stood Pitch with a Black Sand scythe raised in the air.

"Jack!" Rapunzel shouts in panic.

"Toothless!" Hiccup looks over to his dragon who shoots the scythe with his fire along with Merida's arrow that was shot.

It caught Jack's attention & he turns around to see Pitch swinging his scythe, about to strike Jack with it.

In time, Sandy was able to catch Pitch's scythe with a lasso made of Gold Sand. Sandy pulls Pitch towards him where he throws the Boogeyman to the streets, unconcious.

The Guardians happily reunite while everyone had a snowball fight.

"So... have you found out who you were?" North asked Jack.

Jack gives him a smile. "Took me a while," he gives a glance to the people playing next to them, "But I got it figured out," he said.

"Which means you are ready to become Guardian?" asked North.

"Heads up, Punzie!" said Merida, throwing a snowball at Rapunzel.

"Whoops," Rapunzel ducks & the snowball hits Hiccup instead.

The two girls, including Toothless, laughed at him.

"Okay, that's it," Hiccup gathers snow & rolls it into a ball. He thows it towards Merida but she was running around too fast to get caught. Instead it hits Jack's head.

"Alright, who threw that?" he said, creating a snowball using his magic. He throws it & it hits Bunny.

"The one who doesn't get hit wins!" Jack exclaimed, flying in the air.

"With pleasure," Bunny throws a quick snowball at Jack. The winter spirit falls to the ground & everyone laughs.

Around this time, Pitch awakens & he sees the happiness in his midst.

"How dare you have fun in my presence! I am the Boogeyman & you will fear me!" he screamed menacingly but Rapunzel just passed through him.

"No..." he mutters & he begins to run away.


Pitch reaches the frozen lake, the Guardians following quicky on their feet.

"There's no place to hide now, Pitch," said Jack.

"You can not kill me. There will always be fear," Pitch answers.

"And as long as children believe, we'll be here to fight fear," said North.

"Oh really? Then what are they doing here?" said Pitch, gesturing to the appearing Night Mares, "They smell fear, you know,"

"They can't be my Night Mares. I'm not afraid," said North.

"Looks like it's your fear they smell," Jack said as he watched the Night Mares charge Pitch & eventually disappear from sight.

Jack's four friends was there to see it happen.

"Will he be gone forever?" asked Rapunzel.

"No. Like he said, we can not kill fear & it will always be here," said Jack.

"So... does this make you a Guardian now?" Hiccup asked.

"Yeah. I found out about my past. I'm ready to take in my present," Jack answer.

North nods & walks to the sled. From there, he took a book with the symbol of the Guardians on the cover. He opens it.

"Are you ready now, Jack? To make it official," said North & he nods back.

"Then is time you take Oath: Will you, Jack Frost, vow to watch over the children of the world? To guard them with your life - their hopes, their wishes & their dreams, for they are all that we have, all that we are, and all that we will ever be," North stated.

Jack glances over to his friends, Hiccup, Rapunzel, Merida & even Toothless was smiling at him, as if telling him to go on. Live his dream. Well, it wasn't exactly Jack's dream. His dream was to be believed in & this was a good way to get started with that.

Jack turns back to North, "I will," he said.

"Then, congratulations, Jack Frost - for you are now & forevermore, a Guardian!" North announces.

Everyone else cheers, while North picks Jack up. "Kreisnov!" he kisses each of Jack's cheeks, then sets him back down.

Sandy makes Gold Sand fireworks. Everyone cheers & Rapunzel gives Jack a hug. "Kids will believe in you now!" she said excitedly, letting go of him.

"Yeah," Jack says, looking over at the other three who were admiring the falling debris of the fireworks.

"Congratulations, Frosty the Snowman," said Merida, patting Jack's shoulder.

"... Jack?" Tooth approaches Jack, simply hovering over the groud.

"What is it?" he asks her, worried because of the tone in her voice.

"North has... something important to say to you," said Tooth, giving way for the normaly-jolly-but-now-disappointed North.

"What's the problem, North?" asked Jack.

"Jack. It's the Man in Moon. He wishes to..." North looks up at the moon & Jack looks at North along with the three.

"... to separate you from your friends," said North, looking back at Jack.


A/N: OOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!!! CWIFHANGEW!!! That's baby-talk (or just super slang) for 'cliffhanger'. This ends my story. The next one will be short. I kinda felt lacking on the final battle but whatevs... they fought with him the whole story anyway. SO! Thanks for reading & I hope you stick with me & read my other upcoming stories.

I know there are some mistakes & unclear stuff scattered aroud in this story but I'll fix them after I update the last chapter. This is the last part but there is still a different last chapter, which will be short. Like, super, epilogue short. Okay so maybe not that short... it's like one chapter long...

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Neko out! \(=^w^=)/

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