Chapter 15: End of Dreaming

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Not long after that, the sleigh enters the city of Burgess. Night time. The children were asleep.

"Everyone, collect the teeth," Tooth whispered to all her little 'Baby Teeth'.

Sandy suddenly tugged at North's coat.

"What is it, Sandy?" the jolly man asked him.

He made a sillhouette of himself, a sleeping child & a cloud on top his head.

"Ah! You want to make dreams, no?" asked North. Sandy nods.

"Alright then," North nods at the little man. Sandy immediately floated upwards in the sky.

He created a giant Dream Sand cloud where stood at. The cloud made Dream Sand that enteres the children's windows & made them dream.

Along the same time, Tooth's little faries are taking teeth & puttin pennies from under the children's pillows.

Jack watches them. He didn't know why but a part of him wanted to do that for children, too.

He wanted to, even for a little while, be the one who makes those kids smile.

"One day, Jack; you'll give joy to children just like they do," North pats Jack's shoulders.

"I..." Jack sighs before continuing, "... make snow days," he said, forming a snowflake in his hand.

"That good news, Jack!" North laughs.

"Yeah. But no one believes in me. They think I'm just... just a mere saying," said Jack, sadly.

"But they will!" North reassures Jack, who turns to him as he pats his big belly. Jack chuckles.

"You know it in your belly," he says, watching the children again.

Suddenly, Jack noticed that the Dream Sand stopped forming. The children began tossing & turning.

"What's happening?" Jack turns to North.

"Watch out, Jack!!!" North yells, pulling aggresively on the reins. This made the sleigh make a sharp turn.

"Why? What's going on?" Jack looks around, slightly disoriented.

He sees Bunny throw his boomerang at something. It also hits something, which caused something to get showered on him.

He was disoriented. He couldn't see what was going on clearly. Not to mention the fact that it was night time & dark.

When his mind was cleared, he realizes that horses made of Black Sand were running towards them. On his jacket were specks of this Black Sand.

These horses also ate the Baby Teeth. They can be seen through these creatures' transparenr stomachs. One of them was being chased & Jack was just in time to catch one of the faries i his hands, saving it from one of them.

"Are you okay?" Jack opens his palms to see her there, curled up & trembling. She smiles & nods, making a small, hummingbird-like sound.

North lets go of the reins. He pulls out two swords & began slashing the horses that came in his way. Bunny threw boomerangs at them while Tooth sliced them with her wings as she flew by them. Jack tried fending them off with his staff.

The reindeers automatically lead the gang to Sandy, whose cloud was surrounded by a thick layer of Black Sand. They can see that Sandy is trying to turn this kind of sand to normal.

Off the distance, they can see. There stood Pitch. He readies an arrow made of the same Black Sand from everywhere. Now they know where it was coming from.

Pitch released the arrow... then it hits Sandy's back. The Guardians watch in horror.

"I'd say sweet dreams," Pitch spoke, "but there aren't any left,"

Sandy turns to Pitch. Sandy eventually falls to his knees as his cloud & himself is turned into the Black Sand.

"No!!" Jack exclaimed, flying up to Pitch.

However, Pitch summons a whole group of these Night Mares. These Night Mares charged towards Jack & cause him to nearly fall to his death.

But then, when everyone thought that Jack was defeated, a blue light shone from the Black Sand. That part eventually exploded & there was Jack, using his powers to freeze then eventually break the Black Sand.

Pitch falls off & so does Jack. Tooth gets to catch him & places him on the sleigh. Everyone looks to him.

Jack regains conciousness. "How did you do that?" North asks him. "I..." Jack staggers a little, "I didn't know I could," he said.

And so, they head back to the North Pole to pay tribute to Sandy.


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