Chapter 30: Wide Awake

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Jack awakens from his memories. He pants & suddenly jumps up in joy.

"I had a family! I had a sister! I saved her," he laughs.

Then, realization struck him. He looks up at the full & bright moon.

"I'm..." he gasps softy, "I'm a Guardian," then a smile was drawn on his face.

He stands up. "I have to find away out of this," he said.


Rapunzel survives the crashing water that hit her. She was trapped inside a cave-like place. There, she finds her old friend, Flynn Rider a.k.a. Eugene Fitzherbert.

He dives into the water to look for an exit but it was too dark for him. Then, Rapunzel sings & her hair glows. They swim to the very bottom where an exit was. They swim through it & they reached the shore... of Rapunzel's tower.


Merida keeps on walking with her 'mother bear' until her father finds her. The King furiously shooed the bear away, thinking the bear was Mor'du, but Merida tries to convince him that the bear was not what he thinks, but is actually the Queen.

Fergus does not believe her & tells his men to take her back in the castle & lock her up in her room. Now, Merida has to find a way to get out before her father kills his own wife.


While Hiccup flew on Toothless, the dragon brought them back to the nest. Luckily this time, there were not much dragons flying around them so there was no real reason to be afraid or lay low.

What scared him was the fact that the Queen Dragon was mad & kept eating the dragons around her. They try to escape & Toothless' tail was nearly burned.


Jack finds his broken staff on the icy floor. He tries to put the two pieces together but fails a few times. After failed tries, the middle of the staff glows a bright light & it was fixed.

Suddenly, it felt like a strong breeze brewed up & lifted Jack out of his place.


Rapunzel runs to the tower. She looks around. It was the same as ever. She climbs to the inside of te tower with the help of Flynn who taught her how to climb it up using two arrows, which was the way he got there in the first place.

Flynn finally leaves, but he leaves his precious satchel with her. She opens it & finds a crown. She couldn't figure out what it was, though. But, she remembers the mosaic she & Jack found. She puts on the crown to confirm it.

"Rapunzel!" calls out Moter Gothel. She was in the tower all this time?

Gothel climbs up to Rapunzel's room. "Dinner time! I made hazelnut soup. Your favorite," she said & she saw Rapunzel in front of the mirror.

"I am the lost princess," muttered Rapunzel.

"Rapunzel, you know I don't like muttering," said Gothel, holding Rapunzel's shoulders.

"I am the lost princess, aren't I, mother?" said Rapunzel, turning to Gothel & holding the crown, "Or should I even call you that?" she glares.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Gothel laughs fakingly.

Rapunzel shakes Gothel's hands off her shoulders. "All this time, you've been telling me that there are selfish people out there who I should get away from when I should be getting away from you!" she says loudly.

"Rapunzel, my sweet flower," said Gothel, reaching out for her hair.

"No!" Rapunzel exclaims, grabbing Gothel's hand in mid-air.

"I am going back out there right now & I will never let you use my hair for your sake again!" she yells at the struggling Gothel. She lets go of the witch' hand & she walks away.

Suddenly, she feels herself floating... feet slightly off the ground...


Merida tried everything to get out but nothing just seemed to work. Then, she goes to the window to see her father & his troupes runnig after Elinor as a bear. She cries hopelessly on her bed.

Maudie, the keeper of the room's key, was no where to be found so she had to look for another way to get out. She looks at the door knob. There might be a way to get out of this mess!

She takes various things that may fit in the lock. None of them worked. She looked quickly under her bed & there she found a bag of arrows & her father's old bow. The bow was too big but she could handle it.

She readies herself to shoot. She takes in a few deep breathes & eventually lets go of the arrow. It pierces the lock & breaks it, making her escape easier than expected.

When she got out, it suddenly felt like the floor was gone. She looks down & falls down a set of stairs.


As Hiccup escaped the nest, he gets off Toothless. The dragon went back to the old, aggressive self Hiccup saw before. It roars at him & tries to shoot plasma at Hiccup. He, in turn, dodges skillfully.

"Woah! Bud, stop!" said Hiccup, trying to pat Toothless.

He notices a bunch of Nightmare Sand on the saddle. He takes some, realizing what it was. He began removing all traces of it & Toothless calmed down.

Hiccup goes in front to Toothless who looke like he has just rebooted. Hiccup turns away & reaches out, thinking that Toothless will pat it with its head. Toothless does so.

And after, the two of them slowly flew apart & were thrown in the sky.


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