Chapter 33: Fun

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"This seems endless, no?" North grunted, swishing his swords around.

"I know but we have to keep going," said Merida, shooting arrows.

She reaches for another arrow but her bag was empty. "Tooth!!" she screams at the top of her lungs, "I am in desperate need for mah arrows now!" she says.

"Sorry for the delay!" Tooth appears, flying swiftly & dropping off a bunch of arrows in front of Merida before flying away again.

"Yes! Thanks, Tooth!" Merida says, picking up her arrows & putting them in her bag.

She takes one & shoots an arrow at an incoming Night Mare. From behind it was Tooth, who catches the arrow & gives a thumbs up. Merida gives a thumbs up, too.

Unfortunately, as she watched Tooth scale the sky, a Night Mare was hovering over her. She turns to it & it pins her down, taking the form of Mor'du.

She screams in fright. Everyone hears it & turns to her. Including Hiccup.

"Merida!" he turns Toothless to Merida's direction. Rapunzel worriedly looked above them as Night Mares rushed down to Merida.


Jack was distracted in his battle with Pitch because of all of these events. In result, Pitch was able to hit Jack easily & he crashes down yet again.

"Jack!" Rapunzel reaches out for Jack as he fell by them. However, Hiccup stops her.

"Rapunzel, calm down! You'll fall," he said.

"But...!" she tries to argue but he shakes his head.


As more Night Mares covered Merida, she became completely out of sight. Tooth catches Jack & puts him on the ground.

He quickly jumps up & goes to North, who kept on slashing the Night Mares. "What's going on?" Jack asked him.

"These Night Mares just attacked Merida," said Bunny.

Suddenly, the inside of the pile glowed a bright gold. North & Jack back off. At that moment, Toothless swooped down on the ground. Hiccup quickly got off & went to Jack.

From above, Pitch was watching. "What's this?" he says to himself.


"Is everything okay here?" Hiccup asked. "Not sure," Jack told him.

A second after, the Black Sand bursted into spreading Gold Sand. Merida was underneath all of it & she was panting, frightened still.

Hiccup runs to her & helps her up. "You okay?" he asks & she nods.

"What just happened?" Rapunzel asked, seeing the Gold Sand.

"I think... you three can change the Black Sand back to Gold Sand," said North.

The moon became bright, making everyone, even Pitch, look at it. "Man in Moon says... you can change it," said North to the three.

"That's amazing," said Hiccup & Rapunzel in sync.

Pitch lets out an evil laugh in an echoing voice. "Doesn't matter," he said, "There are many ways to snap out a light," he said, removing all the possible lights around.

The four, along with the Guardians, got ready to fight. However, one was very unsure as the shadows reached them.

"Jack," said Rapunzel, gripping on Jack's sleeve, "I'm scared," she said. With this, Jack remembers.


"Jack," said Emma in a trembling voice, "I'm scared," she said as the ice cracked beneath her feet.

"It's alright. You're gonna be just fine. You're not gonna fall in," said Jack, reassuring his sister, "We're gonna have a little fun instead," he adds.


"Don't be scared," he turns to Rapunzel, "We're gonna have a little fun instead," he said. She looks a him with little confusion.

"I have an idea," said Merida to Hiccup softly.

"What?" asked Jack & Hiccup.

"So..." Pitch said, appearin from the shadows riding a Night Mare, "do you believe now... in the Boogey--"

Jack cuts him off with a snowball thrown at Pitch's face. Everyone laughs at the sight.

"What's your plan, Mer?" said Jack, throwing another snowball at Pitch then to two of the Night Mares.

"The three of us will recover enough Dream Sand, give kids dreams & eventually have the believin' in the Sandman again so he'll come here," she said.

"Good enough," said North.

"Let's go!" said Merida, running with Rapunzel & Hiccup with Toothless.


A/N: This story is about to end but thanks to all the people who have read this story. I'm really glad & sis would probably be, too. I was thinking of starting a story series but not a fan fiction. From this story onwards, I'm 100% alone on the making of it. That's all, folks!

Reads are support. Comments are understanding. Votes are likes. Shares are friendship. Follows are love.

Neko out! \(=^w^=)/

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