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"Excuse me? The Man in the Moon wants what!?" Jack said in disbelief.

"Separate us!?" said Hiccup, "Why?"

"Pitch can come back anytime, mate," Bunny said, "When he does, he won't just go after the Guardians now. He'll go after you, too," he adds.

"Then... we'll never see each other again?" Rapunzel said, her head lowered & slightly scratching her arm.

"Oh, Punzie," Merida hugs her, teary-eyed. Hiccup & Jack join in the hug.

"I'll miss you guys so much..." Rapunzel cries out, hugging back.

"We will, too," said Hiccup. They let go & turn to North.

"Can we just do something together for the last time before we part?" said Jack.

"Sure, Jack. Just don't let a whole day pass," said Tooth.

"A few hours is all we need," said Jack, nodding at the three.


"Jack! Are we there yet?" asked Merida, looking up at Jack who navigated from the skies.

"Few more steps!" he replies loudly.

"You said that an hour ago!" Hiccup yells, rolling his eyes.

Rapunzel looks around, having a feeling of nostalgia in her. She feels like she's taken this route before. That was until...

"Brick bridge," she whispered as she stopped walking.

Hiccup & Merida turn to her. "What is it?" they asked her in sync.

"Brick bridge," she said, pointing ahead.

There was a brick bridge there & in the distance was stood a tall, beautiful castle.

"Told you just a few steps more," Jack laughs, landing in front of them.

"Welcome to Corona!" he said.

Rapunzel's eyes widen & she began running towards the city. She probably found out what Jack's goal here was. She stops running in the middle of the bridge to look back at them... who stood there & watched her.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!!" she exclaims merrily.

"Alright," Jack said, carrying some of Rapunzel' hair.

Merida carries some as well. Hiccup takes a bunch & puts half of it on Toothless' head.

"Toothless looks like a pretty little fairy princess," teased Rapunzel. Toothless just looks away. The four laughed & Rapunzel hugged Toothless.

"Thanks for getting us together, Toothless. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have met," she said.

The dragon responds by snuggling back at Rapunzel. "He says he's gonna miss you, Punzie," said Hiccup.

"I'll miss you too, Toothless," she said, letting go & standing up.


"Okay, here's the plan. Merida, you tell one of the castle guards you found the lost princess," said Jack as they arrived in the outskirts of the palace.

"Right," said Merida, looking for a castle guard.

"The four of us will stay here. Give us a signal when you already did what I asked," Jack said, chasing after Merida.

"Got it!" she says in the distance.


Merida looked everywhere & it seems like the guards were scattered. She caught sight of one & she calls his attention.

"Psst!" she says from behind the guard. He turns around to see Merida behind her.

"What can I do for you, miss?" said the Guard.

"I have found the lost princess," she said, her hands curled into fists on her hips.

"What!? Impossible!" the guard exclaims.

"It's true! I found her locked up in a tower by an evil witch who abused the princess' power to heal," she said.

"Thank you, citizen. I shall report to the King & Queen immediately," he said, running towards the palace.

Merida runs back to Jack & the others. She whistles to get their attention. They turn to her & she gives them a thumbs up. Jack gives her one, too.

"Alright, Hiccup. Get Rapunzel uo to the castle's balcony," said Jack. He kneels down to meet Toothless' face.

"Which means I'm counting on your speed here, Toothless," he said, petting the dragon who gives a proud gesture in return.

Jack laughs & stands up. He helps Rapunzel ride on Toothless.

"Wait!" she holds on to Jack's arm when he places the last bunch of her hair on Toothless.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I... I don't want to go yet," she said.

"Why not? You'll get to see you real family!" said Hiccup.

"I know I just... I don't want to miss you guys..." she said, covering her face with her hands.

"Rapunzel," Jack puts a comforting hand on her shoulder, "Sometimes, life just seems like chapters of goodbyes. I know. I've been through that before. But if you're brave enough to say farewell, life will reward you with a new hello," he said.

Rapunzel looks up, teary-eyed. "Will I see you again?" she asked. Jack nods.

"Let's go now, bud," said Hiccup. Toothless shot above the sky & landed softly on the balcony.

Merida rides on Jack who helps her up. She was heavy, of course, but Jack just has to help her see this big event.


After a few minutes, it began. The balcony doors open. The King & Queen are behind it & began walking towards Rapunzel. The Queen approaches her & puts her hand on the princess' cheek.

The Queen immediately hugs Rapunzel. She hugs back. The King comes & gives it a big, warm hug. But as Rapunzel looked over at where her friends were... they weren't there anymore.


"It has been done," said North in his workshop.

Tooth puts a comforting hand on North's shoulder. "Will they come back?" asked Jack who recently arrived.

Tooth immediately flies over to him. "Of course," she said, wiping Jack's unnoticed tears away.

"If we ever need their help, we can always get you all together. I promise," said North & Jack gives a smile.


A/N: Yup! It is done. I really hoped you liked the ending. I'll just leave this here & eventually fix it sometime.

Reads were support. Comments were understanding. Votes were likes. Shares were friendship. Follows were love.

Neko thanks you! (*=^﹏^=*)/

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