Chapter 14: To Burgess!

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Rushing towards the merry duo was Bunny.

"We have clues as to where that princess may be," said Bunny.


Jack immediately jumps towards Bunny.

"Where!?" he shouts.

"Woah. Calm down there, mate," said Bunny, backing off a little bit.

"S-sorry..." Jack, embarrassed, turns away. He scratches the back o his head.

"Is okay," North pats Jack's back, "Where, Bunny?" he asked.

"It's a city in North America. It's called Burgess," Bunny replies.

"You heard him, Jack. To the sleigh!" North cheers.


The team reached an ice-covere room. More like an ice room, to be exact. In the middle wall was a big hole. Probably the way the reindeer's stables.

"There is no way I'm getting on some rickety, old..." Jack pauses for at that moment, 12 reindeers in reins attached to a big, cool-looking sleigh.

"... sleigh," Jack watches the elves fix up the sleigh. North smirks at Jack.

"Okay. One ride but that's it," he says & jumps into it.

"Everyone loves the sleigh," said North as he jumped into the sleigh & held th reins.

"Uh... I think my rabbit holes would be faster, mate. And... uh... safer," said Bunny.

North just laughs & drags Bunny into the sleigh.

"You might want to buckle up," said North to all the ones inside the sleigh. He pulls the reins & the reindeers begin to run.

"Where are the bloody seatbelts?" Bunny panicked.

"Is just expression," North laughs as the reindeers ran at a high speed.

Tooth & Jack sat down & held on to the sleigh. Sandy raised his arms up, feeling the wind in his face.

"I hope you like the loopty-loops!" North cheers once again as the reindeers ran in a loop, making the sleigh run in a loop as well.

"No..." Bunny said, coverig his mouth as he felt like he was about to vomit, "but I do like carrots..." he adds.

And just like that, they were up in the air.

Jack looks at Buny for a while, thinking of doing a little joke at him. When he finally thought of something...

"Hey, Bunny!" Jack calls out. Bunny turns to him.

Jack looks down. "Check out this view--woah!!" as he said so, he 'falls' off the sleigh.

"Ah!! Ugh..." Bunny tries to tell the others that Jack fell off the sleigh.

"He's... uh..." he feels dizzy.

Luckily, he was able to look down on the view of the snowy North Pole from his seat. There, he saw Jack.

Safe & sound on the sleigh's sled.

"Aww. You do care," said Jack in an insulting tone, in Bunny's opinion.

"Back off, you bloody show-pony," said Bunny, irritated.

"Everyone, in the sleigh!" North calls out.

"We're going through 'fast travel' everyone! Hold on," Tooth cheers.

In North's left hand were te reins & in his left was a magical snow globe.

"I say..." he shakes it a bit...

"... Burgess," he whispers.

He throws it in mid-air & a magical portal appeared in which they got sucked into.

So that's how he delivers all those gifts in one night.


A/N: Last Tuesday, November 4 2014, I began making this chapter. A friend of mine, on that day, gave me a comment about this story. You might have already realized the one thing he spotted (if you're authors as well... or maybe story critics?). He told me something about my paragraphs. He said that I should make a seperate paragraph for dialogues.

From this chapter onward, I'll trt doing that. Let's see if anything changes.

Reads are support. Comments are understanding. Votes are likes. Shares are friendship. Follows are love.

Neko out! \(=^o^=)/

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