Chapter 18: The Truth

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"Know him? Merida, don't be ridiculous. This is the first time you two met," said the Queen.

"No. Maudie was wrong when she told you it was a peasant I was with that night. I was actually with him," she states.

And suddenly, Fergus chokes on his food. "You were with Hiccup before!?" he exclaims.

"Y-yes, dad. I have. He saved me from the terrifying Night Fury that attacked us when I was lost in the woods," Merida said.

"You never get lost in the woods, Merida," said Elinor.

"That's because I followed the will-o-wisps to the cottage where he stayed. There, we were attacked. I never expected that he'd be one of my suitors because he didn't look like royalty," Merida takes a spoonful of her food.

"That's... one, very unique story, Merida," said Elinor.

"It's true!" exclaimed Merida.

"A princess does not raise her voice!" Elinor said.

"But it is," Merida said in a softer voice.

"Fine then. Tomorrow, as soon as I get there, I'll ask Hiccup personally to confirm this issue," said Fergus, "Good enough?" he turns to his daughter.

"Yeah. It's good enough," said Merida, smiling.


The next day, Gobber came to DunBroch to pick up the King & the three other clans. Fergus rode with Gobber. This was his chance.

"Uh... Gobber, correct?" Fergus approaches Gobber.

"Aye, sir. Gobber the Belch. What may it be?" Gobber asks.

"Where might the chief be living in the village?" Fergus asks him.

"I guess I'll just take you there. Their house is difficult to describe," Gobber laughs.


As soon as they arrived, Gobber took Fergus to the chief's home.

Fergus knocks on thw door. "Hello? Anyone home?" he calls out.

The door opens & there stood the one who he wa looking for.

"Y-your Highness!" he stuttered & eventually bows.

"Pick up your head, lad," Fergus laughs along with Gobber.

"Gobber!?" Hiccup looks up, quite alarmed, "Wh-what are you doing here?" asked Hiccup.

"Why not?" Gobber said.

"Dad is looking for you in the Dragon Ring. You still have to set it up for the lesson today," said Hiccup.

"Oh! Yes, yes. On it," Gobber swiftly goes there.

Fergus clears his throat. "May I come in?" he asks Hiccup.

"Y-yes, of course!" Hiccup makes way for the King to go in the house, "It's a bit cramped, though," he said quietly.

"I have a question for you," said Fergus.

"Uh..." Hiccup closes the door, "W-what might that be?" he said nervously.

"Last night, my daughter Merida told us that you two know each other before her bethrotal," Fergus said sseriously.

Then, there was silence. You could hear a pebble drop on the floor. Metaphorically speaking.

"Well, lad? Are you going to answer me or not?" said Fergus.

"Y-yes... & yes, we do know each other before the bethrotal," he admits the truth.

Fergus stands up & marches towards this seemingly talking fishbone.

"I... If that's not how you want it, please don't remove your partnership with my dad. He really wants to help you out & the metal we get from trade from your land helps us in, in making better weapons & if, if you are mad, just at me! Please, your Highness," Hiccup blurted out.

Fergus places his hands on Hiccup's shoulders. "Thank you for your good deed, lad," he said.

"Uh... your welcome, I guess...?" Hiccup said awkwardly.

"Aye. See you in Dragon Training later today," said Fergus in a smile, letting himself out of the house.

What exactly did Hiccup do to get thanks from the King himself?


A/N: Wow! My author's notes are getting awfully often... Oh well! Anyway, the same day I updated this chapter is the same day I watched my second most-awaited movie this year: Disney's Big Hero 6 (first is How To Train Your Dragon 2)!!!!

It was so cool! All of this waiting. It was worth all of it & I regret nothing! GRAVITY CRUUUUSH!! (BTW, like all Marvel movies, Stan Lee was there.)

Reads are support. Comments are understanding. Votes are likes. Shares are friendship. Follows are love.

Neko out! \(=^w^=)/

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