Chapter 22: This Day

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In a tower deep in the woods stayed the princess. The flowers from that day were still scattered on her bed & on the floor. She remembers it & wishes it could happen again.

"Oh Pascal," she said to the little chameleon on her lap who changed into a familiar shade of blue, "I miss him," she sighs.

She lies down & sighs, like she would always do. Looking up at the ceiling in the open window on the roof, she wonders where be could be now.

Is he looking for her? Or maybe... he's forgotten about her? What if... he doesn't care at all & he was part of the 'kidnapping'?

No! She shouldn't be thinking like this. She should know that Jack is looking for her. Yes. He must be.

He might be in trouble, too...


"Pity," Pitch scoffs at Jack. Jack attacks him with his powers but Pitch dodges before the attack could hit him.

"Fun fact; your precious princess isn't here," said Pitch. He laughs wickedly & disappears in the shadows.

"What?" Jack mutters. His eyes widen in shock. Then he turns to every direction he can hear Pitch's evil laugh.

"You can not kill fear, Jack," Pitch's voice said. His shadow was everywhere, surrounding Jack.

"I am not afraid of you," he said bravely as Pitch appeared behind him.

"Maybe not. But you are afraid of something," said Pitch, walking away as Jack followed him.

"Think so, huh?" Jack points his staff defensively at Pitch.

"Oh, I always know. People's greatest fears," Pitch turns to Jack,

"Yours is that no one will ever believe in you & even your petty human friends will eventually grow up, forget you & pass you off as just an expression," said Pitch.

Did he just say friends? "What did you do?" said Jack.

"Not the point, Jack. What did you do?" said Pitch, disappearing in the darkness. Jack flies off, trying to find him & if by chance, the other Guardians as well.

Then again, the sun was rising. The three of them probably went back to the North Pole already.

So now, he's all on his own.


The big day finally comes. Before the sun's rays touched Berk's roofs, Hiccup is already preparing to leave for Dun Broch. Luckily for all of them, Merida was able to get back early the day before when a messenger of DunBroch arrived to give them a notice, more of a reminder actually, that the games will be dealt with the day after. Which was today.

As the whole crew was already on the ship, they set sail for DunBroch. "Here we are, son," said Stoick to Hiccup, who stared out in the vast ocean. "Make your old man proud," Stoick pats his son's shoulder along with a laugh.

Hiccup looks up at him with a smile. However, he quickly turns away. "Sure hope so," he mutters


When they arrived, everyone was busy preparing a kill dome for dragons. Same as the one back in Berk.

There was a whole ship with dragons in them. One for each heir. There was a Gronckle, Deadly Nadder, Hideous Zippleback & the most dangerous of all; the Monstrous Nightmare. Only the best vikings go after those.

Since the royal family wasn't prepare yet, Hiccup sneaked into the castle to see Merida in that tight dress again.

"Hiccup!" Merida yell-whispered. "Still remember our agreement on my last night in Berk?" she adds.

"Yeah. Sure hope your plan works. If it doesn't... Toothless will be in big trouble," he whispers as well.


In the grotto, Hiccup tried new tricks while flying Toothless. Merida sits in the grass & etches on her bow with one of her newly-sharpened arrows.

It was getting late so Hiccup wanted tot take Merida back to her castle. She refuses but accepts the offer if a ride on Toothless. As the three of them flew high in the sky, Toothless suddenly flys on his own.

He dives into the fog along with other dragons who seem to be hauling in their prey. Merida holds on to Hiccup tightly, terrified that she might fall down or get taken by another dragon.

They enter the fiery & hot inside of the volcano. Toothless hides him, Merida & Hiccup behind a wall of rock. The other dragons let go of their collected animals into the center. One Gornckle spits a mere sardine into te pit.

An angry warbling sound echoed & a giant dragon ate the Gronckle. Fear struck everyone around; causing the dragons to hide away & Toothless to jump out & escape. The dragon barely missed them.

When they got back on Berk, Merida told Hiccup to do something about Toothless & the Dragon's Nest. They agreed to keep both a secret.


"Merida," Hiccup says in a firm voice.

"Yeah?" Merida glances at Hiccup.

"If something..." Hiccup stammers, "If something goes wrong, just make sure they don't find Toothless," he says.

"I will. Just promise me it won't go wrong," Merida attacks.

As Hiccup was about to say something, Elinor knocks on the door & calls Merida.

"Better get going," they say to each other in sync in a soft voice. They realize & laughed softly.

Merida walks for the door & Hiccup goes out the way he went in.


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