Chapter 29: I Remember A Memory

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In his hands was a swirl of Nightmare Sand. "There are many ways to snap out a light," said Pitch.

The Nightmare Sand forms a flower. "Is it not familiar, Jack? The legendary flower of the Sun that is said to heal any ailment?" he smirks at Jack.

"... Rapunzel!?" Jack's eyes widen in realization. "Bingo!" Pitch crushes the sand's form & the sand scatters on the ground.


After Rapunzel hears Jack's message, she walks back, away from the forest. After some time, while the sun was alreay up, she sees a dam. It then breaks & water flows quickly.

She gathers all the hair she can get in her arms & began running. But, she was caught in the waves & disappears from sight.


Jack angrily charges at Pitch as he fled to the shadows but Jack was instead swallowed by the shadows.


As Jack fell on the icy ground, he realizes that he was somewhere in the Antarctic.

"I didn't believe in you," he heard Pitch say, "I was just trying to show you that. But I understand,"

Jack angrily shoots him with his powers while Pitch swiftly guarded himself with Nightmare Sand.

"You don't understand anything!" he yells, shooting Pitch with his powers again while the enemy shields himself.

"I don't understand what it's like to be cast out?" Pitch yells, shooting Jack with sand, which the Guardian easily dodges from.

Jack shoots Pitch with his powers yet again, but this time; it was more powerful than te rest, appearing like a lightning strike with blue-ish color. Pitch blocks it with a high tower Black Sand.

Jack lands down on the other side of the frozen Black Sand. "To long for a family?" Pitch finished his sentence, appearing to Jack from behind the frozen black sand.

"Look at what we can do," said Pitch, pointing at the 'masterpiece' they made.

"What goes better than dark & ice? Togeter, we can create a world where eerything... everything is--"

"Pitch Black," Jack rolls his eyes & cuts Pitch off.

"And Jack Frost, too. They'll believe in both of us," said Pitch, trying to bribe Jack.

"No, they'll fear both of us. That's not what I want," said Jack, turning away, "Now for the last time; leave me alone," he begins to walk away.

"So yoy want to be alone? Done. But first," said Pitch & as he snapped his fingers, two familiar figures appeared next to him.

Jack hears the angry, struggling voice of one & the desperate, struggling voice of the other. He turns to see Rapunzel in chains in the hands of Gothel.

"Rapunzel!" Jack calls out, "Let her go, Pitch!" he said.

"The staff, Jack! You have a bad habit of interfering. Now hand it over & I'll let her go," said Pitch.

Rapunzel shakes her head at Jack. He, in turn, gives her a worried look. If this is the only way to save you nos, he thought, then I'll do it.

Jack hands his staff to Pitch, which he takes, of course. The staff looses the bright frost that was covering it.

"Now, hand her over," he said.

"No," said Pitch, with the staff in one hand & Nightmare Sand in the other. Jack's eyes widened. He was duped.

"You wanted to be alone... so be alone!" said Pitch who breaks the staff in half & shoots Jack with Nightmare Sand which makes him fall into ravine, unconcious. Pitch also throws his staff in there.


When Jack regained conciousness, all he could think of was how could this happen? Until he realized... that he might also be dreaming now. Maybe his real body is in Pitch's lair & all of these events in the Antarctic are just nightmares.

He then loses hope. He's now asleep as well. How did he expect himself to save Merida, Hiccup & Rapunzel now? His eyes welled up with tears, but they never fell.

He lies his head on the icy wall. "Why am I even doing this...?" he asked himself.

Then, something starts ringing & glowing from inside his pocket. He takes out the Tooth Case he got from Tooth. It was his baby teeth in there. He decided to open it, remembering the reason why they collect the teeth.

That's why we collect the teeth, Jack. They hold the most important memories of childhood.


Jack Frost was once Jackson Overland. He was the elder brother of Emma Overland. He was born during the Dark Ages when fear ruled the world. He wa like a Robin Hood to the children, but instead of stealing from authorities & giving away the gold to the villagers, he brings fun to the children so they won't be sad & afraid anymore.

One day, Jackson's sister, Emma, wanted to learn how to ice-skate. Jackson knew how so his sister asked him to teach her. Not long after winter began, they went to the lake next to their house to ice-skate. Unfortunately, the ice wasn't thick enough to support both of them.

In order to save Emma, Jackson decides to exchange places with her because of her ice-skates, ice under her was cracking. He was barefooted so his part of the lake wasn't really cracked.

First, he distracts her fear by 'playing hopscotch', like they do everyday. He also uses this technique to get the hook-shaped stick in order to grab Emma. He asked Emma to walk closer. Three steps. When '3' came, Jackson grabs Emma using the curved end of stick. He slides himself to the cracked part while Emma was thrown to the other side, far from him & next to shore.

They both laugh & a Jackson was about to walk to her, the ice fails & he falls into the cold, cold lake water under it. The coldness gets to him then he sinks & eventually dies.


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