Chapter 1

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"Mr. Kim, Miss Kang. How many times do I have to tell you that smoking is forbidden on the school grounds?" The principal, Mr. Lee, sighs. "How many hours of detention did you already have?"

"Dunno, lost count a long time ago," I reply. Taehyung, who is standing next to me, nods. "Me too, Mr. Lee," he adds with a serious expression.

"I can't believe you. Those kids nowadays... I wish I could just expell you both but your fathers won't allow me to." He groans in frustration. You know, principals have to hold up their facade. But he gave up on that a long time ago, when it comes to us. It's clear that he hates our guts. And hey, I don't blame him for that. If I was the principal, I would hate me as well. Along with Tae.

Mr. Lee sighs again. "Detention next week. Two hours after school, every day. And now leave before I do something stupid." He shakes his head, showing his disgust for us. We both do a quick bow -in a mocking way, of course- and quickly leave the principal's office.

Once the door is closed, we burst out in laughter. Being punished -on purpose- for what you did -also on purpose- gives a weird feeling of satisfaction. Especially when you do it together.

"Every time we enter that office, he looks more and more pissed," Taehyung snorts. I nod in agreement. "It's a good thing our fathers keep paying the school to prevent them from expelling us, now we can only piss him off even more." I say with a big grin.

"Do they even realize that they're wasting their money?" Taehyung lets out a small chuckle before answering his own question. "Probably not."

"I think you're right," I reply. "Every time I say it was just a mistake and then I promise that it won't happen again. He still buys it so he keeps paying the principal."

Taehyung ruffles my hair. "He keeps hoping that his daughter will follow the right path sooner or later." I duck away from Tae's hand that's ruining my hair and giggle. "Poor dad." A small part of me feels sorry for my dad's waste of money. But then again, his rich ass is probably not even bothered by it. I think he just wants to keep up his reputation and he doesn't want his daughter to be expelled because that would bother his 'perfect' image. I mean, I don't think he really believes that I will ever change?

"Hey, let's skip algebra," Taehyung suggests as we walk through the hallways. "The class has already started and besides, I think Mrs. Chang would be pleased if we won't bother her for once."

"But I'm bad at algebra," I pout. Probably because we skipped algebra more than once. It's the least favourite subject of both of us. We both suck at it. But then again, probably because we hardly attend the classes. I'm not entirely sure why we're still going to school.

"And since when do you care?" Taehyung raises his eyebrow and I shrug my shoulders at his question. "Dunno, probably after my death. Or maybe never."

Taehyung nods. "That's what I thought. Let's go and grab a coffee somewhere, I crave some caffeine," he complains, making me laugh. "You're such a caffeine junkie, Tae." He raises his arms in defense. "It's the only thing that keeps me going in this hard life as a delinquent," he says in a over-dramatic voice. I glare at him. "Oh? Not even your best friend?"

Tae and I have been best friends from the moment we first met. we both basically had the word 'troublemaker' written on our foreheads so it was only natural that we sought each other's company. It didn't take long for us to become partners in crime. The entire school feared us, maybe even hated us. The teachers despised us. We had no friends besides each other. Everyone was probably scared to be associated with us. Hell, we might ruin their reputation. Just like they might ruin ours.

"Aww I'm sorry Hyunnie," Taehyung coos while ruffling my hair again. "I didn't mean in like that, you know that. Right, jagiya?"

"Aigoo! Stop calling me that, pabo." I hiss while slapping his shoulder. Of course, I'm not that strong so it doesn't really hurt him. He just laughs and grabs his shoulder, only pretending that he's hurt. "Which one, Hyunnie of jagiya?" he says with a smirk.

We walk towards the exit of the school's main building. We pass several janitors and teachers, but none of them even tries to stop us. They know us too well.

"Both," I growl. I stuff my hand into my bag, in dire need for a cigarette. "Or should I start calling you 'oppa'?"

Taehyung fakes a shiver and gives me a look of disgust. "Please don't. Gimme a cigarette." Before I can protest, he grabs the box and takes out a cigarette. The last one. He hands me the empty box and I smack it from his hand. I pull out my lighter to light my cigarette but before I'm even close to lighting it, Taehyung snatches it away and lights his own. "Thank you," he cheerfully says as he hands it back.

"Pabo," I hiss again before lighting my own cigarette. We finally leave the campus and I inhale deeply. Immediately after, I scrunch up my nose. It's not that I like smoking. It might sound ironic but I actually don't like it. I just do it for the delinquent aesthetic, I think? I look up at Taehyung, who is sincerely enjoying his cigarette. The funny thing is, he started smoking because of me. The person who actually enjoys his cigarette took the habit from someone who doesn't like to smoke.

I feel kind of relieved when Tae gestures to enter a small coffeeshop near the school. Now I can throw away my cigarette almost right after I lit it. I must sound really stupid, with that weird smoking habit of mine. Taehyung inhales one last time and throws his cigarette to the ground, crushing it with his shoe. Then he exhales dramatically slow.

"Finally, coffee." he says with an almost childish-like happy voice. "C'mon, Hyunnie." He grabs my arm and pulls me in, ignoring my loud protest. I swear, this kid...

"Namjoonie!" Taehyung greets the male behind the counter with a huge grin.

The man looks up and flashes a bright smile upon seeing Tae. "Taehyung," he amicably says as he walks over to us. "Here for your daily dose of caffeine?"

"What else,"Taehyung replies with a smirk. "Can't live without, right?"

"I see you brought your girlfriend again," Namjoon says as he spots me. He knows I'm not his girlfriend. He just likes to tease Tae with saying that. It works every time.

"She's not my girlfriend, she's just my best friend." Taehyung goes in full defense mode. As usual. See what I mean?

"Still in denial, as always." Namjoon's professional smile is replaced by a playful smirk. "I'm just teasing you, Tae. Just the usual, I guess?"

Taehyung tssks and Namjoon walks off the prepare our coffee; two Americano's, as usual.

Taehyung, who looks rather pissed -as usual- stomps off towards an empty table. Great, he took it as an opportunity to leave so now I have to pay for both our coffees. Smartass. I wait for Namjoon to finish our order and grab my debit card to pay. Namjoon walks over, a cup of coffee in each hand. His eyebrows raise in surprise as he notices that Taehyung left me here and his eyes scan around the coffeeshop, until he finds Taehyung. "Some things never change, huh?" he says with a soft grin.

"Nope," I replied, popping the 'P'. I ready my debit card in order to pay, but Namjoon raises his hands to stop me. "This one's on the house, Hyunjae. I feel bad since you have to pay because I pissed Taehyung off."

I smile at him and grab the coffee. "Thanks, Joonie." I wave at him with a cup of coffee in my hand before hurrying over to the table Tae is waiting for me. Maybe a hot cup of coffee will lift his spirits again.

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