Chapter 19

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"Finally, lunch break," Taehyung breathes out as he overdramatically stretches his limbs. We've only had two classes and he's already exhausted.

We walk over to our usual table in the corner of the cafeteria. It was always empty. Everyone knew that we sat there and nobody wanted to sit with us. So they left that table alone.

Taehyung loudly crashes into his usual chair -I'm still surprised he didn't break it yet- while I sit down a bit more subtle.

"Now you can tell me what you wanted to tell," Taehyung says as he takes out his lunch box. "No excuses."

I slowly nod, taking out my own lunch box as well. The stuff they sell at school tastes horrible so we soon learned to bring our own food. Okay, how am I going to explain this to Taehyung without making him react too shocked and noisy?

As I'm pondering my options, I hear the sound of a cafeteria plate being placed next to me on the table and I look up to see Jungkook standing there, a small smile on his face. "Yah, is it okay if I sit here?"

I look at him in utter amazement and Tae rises his eyebrow. "Why would you? Your reputation will most likely be ruined if they see you eating lunch with us."

Jungkook's small smile changes into a sly one. "Or your reputation might be boosted," he grins.

"Sure, join us," I chime before Taehyung can protest. I'm not ready to talk about those events yet. Not like sitting next to Jungkook is any better or something -my heart accelerates and I know my ears are growing red- but at least I don't have to embarrass myself in front of Tae. Not yet.

"Did Seokjin and Jimin abandon you?" I ask as Jungkook sinks into the chair next to me, seemingly relieved.

Jungkook shrugs. "I don't know where Jimin is. Jin had some class president duties to fulfill."

"Jin?" Taehyung repeats, his eyes widening. Oh god, another nickname is added to the database inside his head. First Suga and Kookie, and now Jin. I can totally see him ending up in detention for calling out to the class president informally. He'll find a reason to drag me with him.

"That's what friends call him." Jungkook shrugs. "He won't be too pleased if you'd call him that."

Taehyung mutters something about trying it some day and I sigh. "Just call him V," I say to Jungkook, gesturing at Tae. "He used to greet people making a V sign with his hand." I wait a second before the expected growl leaves Taehyung's mouth. He hates it when he's called V and he hates it even more when I tell other people about his old nickname. I only told Jungkook because I know he wouldn't call Tae by his most hated nickname. It was just to piss him off a bit, to prevent him from calling Seokjin by his nickname. "I'm not doing that anymore," Taehyung scowls, staring at his food with an annoyed expression. "Don't remind me of doing it."

Jungkook's confused gaze shifts between me and Taehyung and I shrug my shoulders, trying to make it clear that this is okay and that there's nothing to worry about. I think this also prevented Taehyung from calling him Kookie.

"Yah, Jungkook," I hesitantly call out as Taehyung keeps sulking. Unfortunately, I can't buy a donut for him in the school cafeteria. "When do we have that... History test?" I ask as the boy. His questioning look immediately turns into a small smirk and a shiver runs down my spine. "Hyunjae, didn't you know?" He slightly tilts his head and Taehyung looks up from his staring contest with his lunch box, noticing the sudden tension at the table. "The next class is History."

My heart literally stops beating for a moment. I just stare at Jungkook and his smirk only grows bigger. A lump forms in my throat and my heart is beating rapidly, thumping loudly in my chest. My face is growing hot and I think I'm beet red by now. This is it. I haven't studied the tiniest bit and I never really paid attention during classes. Oh, how much I regret that now.

"Guys!" Taehyung hisses as he slams his fist on the table, gaining not only our attention, but from the entire cafeteria. He flashes the students an apologetic smile, causing some girls to squeal, and then he turns his attention back to us. "Something smells fishy here," he says as he looks between me and Jungkook.

I desperately try to swallow my nerves. Jungkook's little smirk never falters.

That is, until another cafeteria plate lands on the table with a loud crash, along with an overexcited "Helloooo." We're all shaken up from the intense tension as Park Jimin joins us at our table. He's another top student that doesn't fit the stereotype. He's loud, cheerful, flirtatious and everything else you don't expect a top student to be. "You don't mind if I sit with ya, huh?"

Taehyung looks even more pissed off now. The second time he was about to find out what's going on is interrupted again. I'm saved for the second time, first by Jungkook and now by Jimin. I should feel bad for Taehyung, who seems to be doomed to eternal sulking. But I've got my own problems to deal with. This test will be an open door for Jungkook to kiss me.

But the point is, do I really mind?

My appetite is completely gone and is replaced by a nervous feeling as I lifelessy stare into my lunch box. "Yah, Hyunjae." Jimin calls out to me as if we had been friends for a long time. "You're not going to eat that, right?" he says as he gestures to my lunch box. It surprises me, but I still shove my lunch box over to him. It will be thrown away anyways if I don't give it to him. "Thank you," he chimes, just as surprised as I am. As soon as the lunch box has disappeared I lay my arms on the table, resting my head upon them.

My head can't take this anymore. It's exhausting to eat with three others when you're only used to eating lunch with one other person, being Taehyung. Now there's Jungkook who's winning another game and this time his little game is freaking me out. And there's Jimin, who's being loud as hell and rubbing his energy off on Taehyung, who's getting noisy as well. I mentally groan in frustration.

And then the bell rings through the cafeteria and the school's hallways, signalling the lunch break to end and the next class to begin within a few minutes. I slowly raise from my seat, putting the lunch box Jimin returned to me -completely empty- into my bag. I follow Jimin and Taehyung, who are walking ahead of us, with great reluctance. Next class is History class and I'm not ready. Jungkook is walking next to me and he can't stop smirking. He knows he owns this game. He knows he owns all of his games.

I silently follow the boys through the crowded hallways. I don't greet Mr. Jung with my usual loud and slightly rude greeting, like Taehyung does right now. I don't glare at the other students as I walk by on my way to my seat. I can only stare at the papers that are already on our tables in horror.


His low voice is merely a whisper in my ear but it's enough to send shivers down my spine. I watch how Jeon Jungkook makes way to his usual seat next to Jimin, that evil smirk still plastered onto his pretty face.

With a sigh, I slumb down in my own chair. Taehyung gives me a slightly concerned look as I stare at the paper in front of me in dismay. But he doesn't say anything. Not even a goodluck. Not like we ever wish each other goodluck, most of the time we just bail on tests, or ruin them on purpose.

But not this time. I won't make it Jungkook that easy.

As soon as Mr. Jung finished whatever he had to say, I tightly grab my pen.

Here goes nothing.

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