Chapter 22

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Wednesday arrived before I was even close to 'ready'.

Yesterday went by smoothly without too much complications for me. Jungkook didn't tease me, not even once. Taehyung was just being Taehyung, which is nice. Jimin was being loud as usual, along with a kid that I don't know very well. His name is Jung Hoseok and this is the first time he ever hung around with us. He's the hyperactive kid, the sunshine among people, the one that always cheers you up when you're feeling down. Of course that's someone Jimin would befriend. Yoongi joined us during all the breaks to take a nap at our usual table in his usual seat next to Jimin. Seokjin hesitated to join us as well but I guess he decided that we were being too loud because he shook his head and walked away. Did we steal his friends?

After school I went to the library with Jungkook. He was still acting normal and he almost made me forget about our bet -the bet I'm about to lose. Everything went well and just like Jungkook predicted, we finished the chapter within one day. After we finished, he took me out for dinner again. This time I didn't forget to tell my parents and my mom was completely freaking out on the phone, being way too happy about the fact that I was with Jungkook. Dinner was nice, unlike last time. We talked a lot, laughed a lot and I had lots of fun.

When Taehyung and I arrived at school this morning, Jungkook was still acting nice and normal. But now that we're on our way to History class, he's acting up again. Dangerous smirks, suggestive looks, wiggling eyebrows, weird remarks that make Taehyung doubt about what I told him and wonder what's really going on. And he's making me all nervous again.

I do my best to act normal as I enter the classroom along with my friends -except for Yoongi, of course- giving Mr. Jung the same loud greeting as usual. I follow Taehyung's example and loudly crash into my chair, a little louder than usual, gaining disapproving looks of Mr. Jung and several students. Not like I care, this is what I'm supposed to be doing.

"Good afternoon, students," Mr. Jung greets us as everyone has settled down and the chatter has died away. "As I promised, I've got the grades of your History test last Monday. Please remain silent as I hand them out."

This is it. This is the moment my failure will be confirmed. I'm getting nervous. If I score lower than 70%, Jungkook will kiss me. Stupid bet. A small lump forms in my throat, growing bigger with every table Mr. Jung comes closer. I glance over at Jungkook, who gives me a sly smile. I look away with a sigh but Taehyung caught it and tilts his head. "Hyunjae, you really have to tell me what's going on here," he whispers and I nod. "I promise I will tell you as soon as I have the chance to," I whisper back.

"Miss Kang," Mr. Jung says as he reaches my table. "You genuinely surprised me this time. It's a delight to receive an actual test from you instead of a paper plane." He quickly glances over at Taehyung. "Keep this up, Kang, I'm very pleased." He hands out my paper and I hold back the urge to snatch it from his hands. I can see Jungkook looking at me with his little smirk. Instead of snatching it, I gently take the paper from Mr. Jung's outstretched hand and turn it around.

There's a big red 51% written in the upper right corner.

I try to keep my expression neutral, not wanting to give Jungkook -who is still looking at me- any hints. I can't help but feel my face heat up in embarrassment, though. I failed. I messed up big time. I knew from the beginning that I would fail since I didn't study at all nor did I pay attention during class. But seeing it on paper makes it very definite.

"That's insane," Taehyung mutters as he glances at my paper. I nod and quickly stuff the paper into my bag, not even bothering to keep it neat. What if I just flee from school after class, and don't show up for the next couple of weeks? He knows where I live but he wouldn't go that far, right?

Taehyung keeps looking at me in confusion. "Why so sad?" he questions. "That's a top grade, coming from you. What score did you need to win the bet with Jungkook?"

"70%," I sigh, causing Taehyung to shake his head. "Hyunjae, you could've known that you would never make it. 70% is way too high for someone that never studies. Jungkook must have known that."

I glance over at Jungkook, who finally stopped looking at me and is now smiling as he looks at his test. He probably scored somewhere around 95% or something like that. Just like Jimin and Seokjin. Legend says they never score below 90%. And then you have Taehyung and me, who never score higher than 10%. Except for this time, of course. 51% is legendary. But it still isn't enough.

Soon, the chatter about grades dies and Mr. Jung is finally able to start his lecture about who knows what. Of course I'm not paying attention. Even if I wanted to, I won't be able to focus at all. I'm sure Jungkook will chase after me after classes to claim his prize or something like that.

I patiently wait for the lecture to end, subtly ignoring the stares from both Jungkook and Taehyung. They literally kept stealing glances during the entire lecture. Taehyung noticed how Jungkook was staring at me several times, which caused him to give me even more confused looks. My face seems to be permanently beet red and I'm almost getting used to the embarrassment.

As the bell that signals the class to end finally rings, I quickly gather my stuff that's spread out on my table. Part of me want to rush out of the classroom as fast as possible but I remind myself that I have to act normal. So I wait for Taehyung instead.

To my surprise, Jungkook doesn't even come to me as we walk through the hallways to our next class, which is Biology. I expected him to at least ask me about my test results with that dangerous smirk of his. Instead, he's busy to get rid of some girls that want to know his grade. Or rather; using this as an opportunity to talk to him.

I'm grateful, though. I don't have to worry about facing him yet. I can just talk with Taehyung, acting like nothing's going on. But with the confrontation yet to come, I don't think I can sleep in peace during Biology class.

I glance over at Jungkook, who is surprisingly looking at me as well, his eyes begging for me to save him from those squealing girls. I give him a reassuring smile -the ultimate proof that I'm really turning soft for him- and quickly walk over to him, leaving Taehyung in confusion. As I reach Jungkook, I quickly hook my arm through his without further thinking and I pull him away from the girls with an apologetic smile. I drag Jungkook with me through the busy hallways, back to Taehyung who's already walking ahead of us.

"I saved him from few girls," I explain to a still confused Taehyung as I quickly let go of Jungkook's arm.

"I see," Taehyung mutters.

"Thanks," Jungkook says as he lets out a sigh of relief.

Again, no signs of teasing of smugness. He's just acting all innocent again, just like last time. Is it genuine? Is it because he knows what I'm thinking and he just likes to confuse me? I quickly look over at him. He's just talking with Taehyung and Jimin about typical boy stuff until we reach the Biology lab.

As usual, I slumb in the seat far in the back of the classroom and watch how the three boys continue their conversation around Jungkook and Jimin's seat until the teacher, Mr. Song, walks in. Then Taehyung walks over to our seat with his usual dull 'yay it's Biology class' expression. Biology class is boring, unless we go out to the nearby woods for some kind of reason, which most likely isn't today.

And indeed, soon Mr. Song starts to hand out boring papers with boring Biology questions on it. "To prepare for your next Biology test," he tells the class. The entire class sighs in unison, to emphasize their boredom. Our teacher, who is as dull as the students their expression, doesn't seem to notice it. I think it's way better for that old man to retire already.

Taehyung already looks like he's ready to fall asleep. I think Yoongi's influence is starting to show.

I sigh as my eyes wander over the questions that were given us to prepare for the test that I'm probably going to skip as well. Yeah, why am I going to school again?

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