Chapter 44

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The next morning, I wake up after a rather peaceful sleep. I woke up several times because I unconsciously turned around in my sleep and my bruised jaw was pressed against the pillow -and well, that hurt.

But still, I'm not as exhausted as I was yesterday. It's an improvement so I won't complain.

I slowly sit up and kick the blankets away as I stretch my arms. The sun is poking through the curtains so it has to be afternoon already. The sun doesn't reach my window in the morning.

Ignoring the throbbing pain in my jaw, I slowly get up and make my way to the mirror on the wardrobe. Ever since it happened, I haven't seen the bruise yet. I see it for the first time and I completely understand why everyone looks so shocked. It's a really ugly bruise. There's yellow, purple, red and on some places it's even black.

So this is how Jungkook wakes up every morning. Checking out his bruises to see if it's possible to cover them up to hide them for others.

I quietly observe myself in the mirror for a moment. A pair of sad eyes stares back at me. Deep dark circles has formed under my eyes and I look exactly the same as how I feel; tired and done.

But I don't have much reason to complain, do I? Jungkook has been through this for years. What I'm feeling is nothing compared to what he has felt through the years.

With a sigh, I walk back to my bed and let myself fall down on it, face first. I immediately regret my movement as a painful sensation reminds me of the bruise as my jaw collides with the pillow.

I wish I could just go to school. Of course I could've gone but it's already 2PM so it's pointless. But I miss it. I miss Jungkook, I miss Taehyung. Causing trouble with Tae would've been a good way to take my mind off everything that's going on.

I just hope they'll come to visit me soon. I feel incredibly lonely. Of course, my mom is off to work and my dad probably doesn't even know that I'm here. He's most likely working in his little office downstairs.

Jungkook and Taehyung have classes until 4:30 PM. They won't show up anytime soon. I feel bored, I feel miserable. I don't want to be alone like this. I need some distraction. Maybe streaming some music is a good idea. It's been a while since I listened to my favorite Stray Kids album. It was at the school party, to be precise. It would be nice to hear my favorite songs again.

I slowly get up to search for my earbuds. I haven't used them for a while so I have no idea where I put them. Probably at the most illogical and random place I could think of at that moment.

I open the drawer of my nightstand and immediately spot the black wire of my earbuds. But before I can grab them, my door bursts open and I jolt up.

It's Jungkook. But he doesn't look okay, not at all. His cheeks are covered in wet and sticky trails and his eyes are stained red from the many tears he has shed already. The bruises from yesterday are clearly visible in his face. He is breathing heavily as he looks at me with a helpless expression.

"N-Noona," he cries before he staggers closer and literally throws himself into my arms. I have no clue of what is going on, but it can't be good.

His tears are coming rapidly and soon, my T-shirt is stained with Jungkook's tears. His embrace seems to tighten with every sob and I keep stroking his back, hoping to calm him down a bit while I'm progressing what's happening right now.

I was alone in my room, feeling bad about everything. And then a totally upset Jungkook stormed into my room and now I feel even worse.

Trying my best to stay calm, I gently rake my fingers through Jungkook's soft black hair, knowing how it helped him to calm down several times before. But today it doesn't seem to work.

And that's how we stand gor a while; Jungkook being a crying mess and me who is rubbing his back and stroking his hair, just being there for him. And eventually, he calms down a little bit. At least enough to be able to speak again.

"T-They know," Jungkook blurts out between two sobs. "Someone told the principal and they took my dad and I-"

The boy starts crying again and I gently push him down to sit on my bed, his almost full body weight becoming too much for me to support.

"Noona," Jungkook starts after a while. "Someone told the principal and he informed the child protection institute." He looks at me, his eyes tearing up again.

And then he speaks the words I was so afraid of.

"They are taking me away," he chokes out before his tears break free again. He clutches onto my shirt for dear life and I feel myself breaking down on the inside.

I can only think of one person who did this.

Jung Hoseok.

Jeon Jungkook will be taken away. The thing where he is so afraid of, where we are so afraid of, is happening. His secret is uncovered and now they will take him away to God knows where. We'll most likely get seperated and I can't handle that. And neither can he.

"Where are they taking you?" I whisper, trying to keep my voice from breaking as I tightly hug him.

"Back to Busan," he whispers back, sounding like he's being sufficated. "To my grandparents."

My heart drops at his comment. Busan. Freaking Busan. They're taking him so far away. He didn't want that. He kept it a secret so he could stay here with me. And look what they've done. They think they are helping him. But in reality, they are breaking his heart. I can almost see him break in front of me. And it's breaking me too.

"And when are you going to leave?" I ask, my voice sounding more suffocated with every word I say.

"M-Monday," Jungkook softluly breathes out, wiping away the tears. And then he finally looks me in the eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Noona," he starts. "I swore I would stay and now I'm leaving you behind and-"

"Don't be," I state, trying to sound confident. Monday. Then my life will be ripped apart. "It's not your fault."

Jungkook nods a few times and then he looks up, his beautiful doe eyes filled with tears. "Let's spend a lot of time together until I leave," he says, trying to sound strong. He gives me a helpless, almost desperate smile, nothing like the sweet bunny smile I've grown to love so much.

"Let's do that," I agree. I try to give him a confident smile but it most likely looks as desperate as his.

It's more like we're trying to convince ourselves that everything will turn out okay, even though we both know it won't.

I gently cup Jungkook's cheeks with my hands and look at his beautiful face. I can't imagine that I won't be able to see it anymore in a few days. I don't want to inagine.

I bring my face closer and softly connect my lips with his. A single tear leaves my eye and makes a wet trail on my cheek.

I already felt like I was living in a bad dream. But now this nightmare realky got out of hand.

And I'm not sure how much I can take anymore.


A/N That GIF at the top still gets to me every time 💔😭

Sshshhsh don't hate Hobiii, here's a picture of him to make sure you won't hate him 💗

Ok so I was writing this and Spring Day started playing and idk what happened but I feel really sad now

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Ok so I was writing this and Spring Day started playing and idk what happened but I feel really sad now

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