Chapter 36

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The next day, I have a hard time opening my eyes as I wake up. My eyelids feel heavy, way too heavy to open them. My head hurts. It's a good thing that I didn't drink too much or it would've been worse. And even though I slept for a good couple of hours, I feel exhausted. I honestly feel like I haven't slept at all.

I try to shift my body a bit so I can stretch my limbs. But to my surprise, I can only move a few inches before something blocks me and keeps me from moving further. With an annoyed huff, I move my hand under the blankets to find out what's in the way. I pat the mattress a few times before my hand lands on something warm and slightly soft.

With a groan, I open my eyes, despite all the effort that it takes. I slightly lift the blankets as far as my numb hand allows me to, only to see an arm lazily hanging over my waist.

I gasp in surprise, but then memories from the night before start flooding back. The party, how Jungkook was being sad and drunk and how I took him home. And how we kissed. My face immediately heats up in embarrassment as I realize that I slept next to him last night, sharing a small single bed. What on earth? 

I move my body, trying to wiggle free from his arm. After a few attempts, it slides off my waist and limply falls to the mattress. I immediately feel bad so I turn around and place my hand over his.

My eyes dart to his sleeping face and I can't help but look at him in awe. His lips are parted as he softly breathes. His eyebrows are slightly knitted together, creating a small frown that would disappear sometimes as his face relaxes. The eyeliner on his eyes has smudged a lot and has created huge black smears around his eyes, making him look like a panda bear. His hair is a mess, a typical case of bedhair. Strands of his dark brown hair are poking in every direction. I can't help but smile at how peaceful and cute he looks right now.

But still I have to wake him up.

"Jungkook-ah," I softly call out to the sleeping boy next to me as I nudge his shoulder. Apparently, that was enough to wake him. He lets out a low groan as he opens his eyes. Still half asleep, he reaches out to me. "N-Noona," he mutters.

"Good morning, Kookie," I smile as his hand lightly touches my cheek before lifelesly dropping to the mattress again. "Did you sleep well?"

"My head... hurts," Jungkook growls, his voice heavy from sleep. He gives me a miserable look before closing his eyes again.

"I know," I reply. "Mine too." Then I slowly prop myself up on my elbows before I swiftly roll off the bed and stand to my feet. Jungkook looks up, confusion written on his face. "Where are you going?"

"Change," I say as I open the door. "You should do the same." I point at the clothes I gave him yesterday, that still lay there untouched. "We smell like cheap beer."

Jungkook slowly nods and mutters something under his breath and I leave the room and head towards my own. Once I'm inside, I let myself fall onto my bed with a heave sigh. I massage my temples, trying to get rid of the splitting headache. Everything since the party has been crazy. And then I wake up and it appears that I slept next to Jungkook, after everything that had happened. Sober me would never do that. Or would I?

I start patting the blankets around me, knowing that my phone should be somewhere here. After a few pats, my hand touches a hard object and I grab it before I turn around, now propping myself up with me elbows as I lay on ny bed. I have 3 missed calls and a text message, all from Taehyung. Oops, I completely forgot about him. I quickly open the text message.

aAnnyoenghseto Yyoogi gpme ahsgsa

I frown as I look at the message Taehyung sent me. Yeah right, I have no idea what this means but I guess he's okay? I will call him later today. He probably has a hell of a hangover right now. If he's even awake already.

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