Chapter 39

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As soon as lunch break is over, we head downstairs again, ready for our next class. Students are staring at Jungkook like he's the craziest thing they've ever seen. Which is probably true.

Girls are gawking as they watch how Jungkook strolls through the hallways, obviously thinking that it's the hottest thing they ever witnessed.

I fully agree with them.

Jungkook remains ice cold towards them, not even giving them a single glance. No matter how much his appearance and behaviour might have changed, his attitude towards his female fans stays the same.

The girls' dreamy stares change into malicious ones as soon as their eyes drop down to our connected hands.

They hated me ever since I started to hang out with 'their Jungkookie', but I'm sure they hate me even more now. If I end up dead, suspect Jungkook's fanclub first.

"Hyunnie! Kookie!" an overly excited voice bellows through the hallways as we near our classroom. In a flash of messy purple hair, Taehyung forces his way through the mass of students and before we can say anything, he flings his arms around us in a way too tight hug.

"Y-Yah!" Jungkook protests, his voice muffled by Tae's shoulder. I desperately try to wiggle free from his strong embrace. Students are staring at us, now for a different reason.

"I'm so glad!" Taehyung squeals, crushing us even more. Our classmates give us one last weird look before they roll their eyes and look away.

Jungkook succesfully manages to pry Taehyung's arms off him. The hug loosens up a bit and I also see a chance to escape. But not before Taehyung ruffles my hair.

"How do you even know?" Jungkook asks as he rubs his upper arm, probably massaging it after a Taehyung-style hug.

"I can see it on your faces," he proudly replies as he gives us a smug look. "I know Hyunjae for almost my entire life, I-"

"It has been two years, pabo," I sigh.

Taehyung just shrugs but his face lights up as Jimin joins us. "Mochi!" he exclaims, regaining the attention of thr surrounding students.

I almost choke on the air I'm breathing. "'M-Mochi'?" I repeat.

Jimin looks like he already regrets that he joined us.

"So now there's Suga, Kookie, Jin and Mochi," Jungkook states, using his fingers to count the names.

"And V," I add while pointing at Taehyung. I know he hates that name. Which is why I always use it to shut him up.

"No, not V," Tae grumbles.


"Soooo," Jimin begins, ignoring Taehyung. He quietly observes Jungkook's appearance for a moment. "You kinda...changed."

"Obviously," Jungkook shrugs.

Our teacher finally gestures us to enter the classroom and we're about to make our way inside. But a female voice stops us.

"Jeon Jungkook and Kang Hyunjae?"

We both turn around. Behind us stands one of the principal's secretaries with a clipboard in her hands. I already know what this means. I already told you that Jungkook looks like he will get a lot of trouble, right?

"That's us," Jungkook replies, pointing at me. I nod, confirming his words.

It's not hard to guess why they call me in, either. They probably think this is my doing, that I made Jungkook like this. But the thing is, did I?

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