Chapter 20

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I nervously chew on my lower lip as my eyes linger over the test's many questions. I have literally no idea what it's all about; my mind is completely blank. I've been trying to write down something that makes sense for around 30 minutes but my paper is still shockingly empty. These questions just don't make any sense, the annual numbers don't mean anything to me -how am I supposed to know what happened back in 1781?- and I have no idea who the mentioned names belong to. Mr. Jung could've written the test in Chinese and wouldn't make any difference to me.

Every single time I try to focus my mind wanders off to Jungkook on the other side of the classroom. I slightly look up from my paper for the umpteenth time and watch how Jungkook is completely lost in thought, nibbling on his lower lip as he writes something down on his test paper. Once, he even looked up from his test to give me a nasty smirk before concentrating on his test again. I bet my face is still beet red from that little eye contact. Thinking about how I'm going to fail this test and lose this bet, how Jungkook is going to kiss me, makes it even harder to focus. But what is there to focus when you don't even know the answers?

I still refuse to give up. I know it's no use, but I'm just too stubborn to give in. There's no way that I'm going to pass this test but I don't want to let him kiss me that easily. That brat, why didn't he tell me that the test was on Monday? Did he do that on purpose? I was confident; I genuinely thought that we would have more time to study and that I could actually pass this test. But it was too good to be true. Now, who was it that created peace in 1834? How the hell am I supposed to know? Oh right, by studying. I groan in frustration, causing several students to look at me. I avoid Jungkook's eyes as he looks over at me as well.

Next to me, Taehyung leans back in his chair and looks around the classroom with a bored expression. His test paper has changed into a paper plane and he even went through the effort of drawing little windows on his 'plane'. Maybe it wasn't effort. Maybe it was just boredom. I wish that I could've done the same. And then we would've thrown the planes through the classroom, receiving another week of detention. Or two, for disturbing an important test. That would have been fun, though. But no, I had to accept that stupid bet with Jungkook. And look where I am now, completely stressed out over a fucking History test. I shouldn't care. I should not care. But yet I do.

As I keep staring at the questions, no answers come to mind. I don't know them and staring at the paper won't help me. I don't know anything. There's only one thing that I do know. Jungkook is going to kiss me, that's for sure. And there is no escape. Not anymore.


"Hyunjae-ah, how did the test go?" Jungkook gives me an innocent smile as he questions me. That kid. He knows it, he can probably see right through me. And now he's acting like he doesn't know.

"Better than ever," I reply, straightening my composure to look more confident. The truth is, it went horrible. But I didn't lie, a few wrong answers written on a test are better than a test that's folded into a paper plane or rabbit, right? At least I tried. He should give me some credits for that. I've never tried before.

Taehyung, who is walking in front of us with Jimin, glances over his shoulder. "Please tell me what's going on," he says in a begging tone. "Pretty please."

"We made a bet," Jungkook replies. I gasp and he gives me another dangerous smirk. "I owe him a full meal if I fail this test," I quickly say before Jungkook has the chance to blurt out anything stupid, shooting him a warning glare. He holds his hands up in innocence.

"That's stupid," Taehyung snorts. "Who's idea was that?"

"Such a stupid question," Jimin laughs. "Can you imagine Hyunjae suggesting something like that? Of course it's Jungkook's idea." Taehyung laughs along with him and I sigh. Why is that kid always talking about me like we've been friends for ages? I barely know that kid. It's not like I'm all about formality and respect but.... Well, that might be the reason why.

"No, I can't," Taehyung admits as he gives me a small smile.

This is how we roam the hallways nowadays; there are four of us now. It looks like Jimin and Jungkook permanently joined us, they even sat with us during lunch break. And then there's Yoongi who hangs out with us a lot as well. I never really thought that I would make any friends besides Taehyung. But ever since I started to hang out with Jungkook our little squad has grown.

I silently walk behind the boys, my mind completely occupied with thoughts about how I failed the test and how Jungkook will kiss me ...and how it will be. Mr. Jung told us that the grades will be up next class, which is upcoming Wednesday. I'm already freaking out.

"Yah, Hyunnie," Taehyung calls out to me, waving his hand in front of my eyes. "Why are you spacing out like this? If you lose, you only have to buy him food, it's not that bad." I lightly shake my head to shake off all those thoughts running through my head. I wish I could just buy him food.

"Indeed, it's not that bad," Jungkook repeats as he looks at me with doe eyes. Oh how much I want to grab his shoulders and shake that innocent face off of him. But that would be violence, according to the lame school rules. Skipping class and 'forgetting' about homework is one thing, but it's not easy to get away with violence. Little Kookie is saved by the school rules. Consider him lucky.

As we enter the classroom we split into two; Jungkook and Jimin join Seokjin at one side of the classroom, Taehyung and I walk towards the seats in the back at the other side. I have actually no idea what class this is but it doesn't really matter since I'm not planning to do anything. I lazily lean back in my chair as I watch Mrs. Weon enter the classroom. So it's Korean, huh? That's fun. Mrs. Weon is almost scared of me and Taehyung, poor old lady.

But right now, I'm not in the mood to cause any trouble. Jungkook keeps smirking at me from the other side of the classroom and Taehyung is giving me weird weird looks all the time. It's actually kind of embarrassing. Every time Jungkook leans closer to Jimin to whisper something in his ear, I'm scared that he's telling him about our bet. That kid is no good for me, I swear.

It's a mess, and for the first time in my entire life I hate it.

Taehyung, who notices that something's wrong, tries to cheer me up by making weird faces. Childish, I know. Usually it works. But clearly not today. As he didn't suspect that something was off before, he does now. But he just drops it and decides to take a nap. That's Taehyung for you.

I sigh as I glance over at Jungkook. He's too focused on Mrs. Weon's lecture to notice my gaze and I'm glad that he isn't smirking anymore. He's really getting on my nerves. And I'm not done with him after class. Not yet. I promised to work on the assignment after classes has ended. Well, shit.

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