Chapter 29

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The next day, Saturday, goes by in a blur. Usually I'd hang out with Taehyung or Jungkook. But I don't feel like hanging around with Taehyung and Jungkook doesn't answer to my calls or texts. I feel miserable and part of me wants to hurry over to Jungkook's house to see if he's okay. My heart shatters every time I think about his screams. I can already imagine his broken form sitting on the kitchen floor and I can't wipe this vision from my mind, even though I didn't really see it.

But no matter how much I want to, I keep myself from doing so. If what Jungkook has told me is true, and his father really hates girls, I would only make things worse for him.

Yesterday didn't went too well. After I received Jungkook's text, I had some kind of mental breakdown and fled to my room without greeting my parents. I just sat on my bed, thinking about ways to help Jungkook. I had no idea what to do when someone is abused and I have to pretend that I don't know anything. The only thing I came up with that made sense was to be a good friend for Jungkook and that's what I decided to do.

During dinner, I managed to keep my facade up and I told my parents about our grade for the History assignment. My parents almost lost it at the 85% and I've never seen them this happy before in my entire life. I should've been happy, too. But as my parents reacted, I couldn't help but think about the way Jungkook's dad reacted to him. So I pretended that I was happy. My mom even told me to invite Jungkook over, since she wanted to thank him for whatever it is.

But it's hard to invite someone when they don't pick up their phone.

I toss my phone away and let myself fall onto my bed, face down, with a frustrated groan. I tried to call Jungkook for the umpteenth time but again, I'm being sent to his voicemail straight away. Hello, this is Jungkook. I can't answer your call right now so leave a message and I will reply as soon as I'm able to. I have already memorized his voicemail to the point of perfection. I don't even bother to leave a message anymore. But inside, I'm worried sick.

In the meantime, it's getting closer to dinnertime and I'm getting stir crazy. So I quickly decide that I won't eat dinner at home and that I will go out instead. It isn't raining and it's already getting darker so the perfect circumstances for a nice little stroll.

I slowly get up from my bed and make my way downstairs while taming my messy bed hair a bit. As I walk past the kitchen, I tell my mom a quick lie, saying that Jungkook wasn't able to meet me here so I'm having dinner with him somewhere else. She buys it and with a feeling of relief, I put on my shoes and coat before I head outside.

I stuff my hand in my pockets as the pleasant cool air meets my skin after a day of being inside all the time. I don't really know where I'm going, I just wanted to get out. As I walk out of my neighbourhood, I already start to feel better. Physically, at least. All the worries are still present in my stressed out mind.

As I keep walking, I notice that I'm heading towards the more busy part near my neighbourhood, one of the small shopping streets. It grew too large and busy over the years to be still called 'small', though. Countless of shops are open and many people are out on the streets, all kinds of food in their hands as they hurry from one place to another. Car horns are honking impatiently as people cross the street, dragging hyperactive children behind them.

I make my way through the traffic, my new decided destination being a small street with many food stalls just around the corner of this street. AS I enter the food street, countless of junkies and smokers are lined up, casually leaning against the wall, having deep conversations about whatever with their fellow smokers. This is the street where I got my first cigarette. This is the street my parents told me to avoid. But honestly, the food is too good here to ignore.

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