Chapter 21

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It's busy as we enter Namjoon's coffeeshop. Most of the tables are filled with people, from chattering students to grumpy looking elders that expected this place to be a bit more quiet and peaceful. For once, Namjoon doesn't have time to greet us so he gives us a friendly smile instead. An unknown barista walks up to the counter to help us but then Yoongi quickly walks in our direction. "I'll help them," he softly says to his colleague before giving us a small smile. "So, Hyunjae with her Kookie, right?"

Yoongi looks amused as Jungkook frowns at me. "I'm not her Kookie," he scowls. "I'm not a Kookie at all, stop calling me that." He pouts and both Yoongi and I try our best not to laugh. He deserves it, after teasing me ever since the History test. This is payback.

"So, I'm not Namjoon and I don't remember our customer's usual picks so what can I help you with?" Yoongi asks as he grabs a small notebook, switching to his professional side. Jungkook shrugs. "I don't have an usual pick, as long as it's something with caramel. You choose," he says, which causes Yoongi to smirk. "That's fun, no customer let me pick their order before." He quickly scribbles something down on the notepad.

It's fun to see how much Yoongi loves this job. When we came here right after his first day of work, he looked bored, grumpy, lazy, sleepy, you name it. But now he looks like he's having fun. He's smiling and being nice to people which is very different from the Yoongi he acts like when he's at school, where he remains a grumpy sleepyhead. When he's on break and decides to join us at our table -whether I'm here with Jungkook or Taehyung, it doesn't matter to him- he doesn't sleep anymore. He just sits and laughs with us. Especially when Jimin's with us. It's like an entire different Yoongi.

"Americano," I say as Yoongi gives me a questioning look.

He nods and goes over to the coffee machines to prepare our orders. This part of the shop is filled with the quiet snoring of the coffee machines, which is actually quite soothing to listen to. The air is also filled with the smell of all kinds of coffee. Waiting for your order to be prepared isn't a pain here, it's actually rather pleasant. Plus, the baristas are good looking. That's something that counts for most female customers, right?

"I'll pay," Jungkook says as Yoongi hands us our coffees. I look at him in surprise, not sure where this sudden change is coming from. He's been teasing me all day and now he's suddenly acting nice. Not that I'm complaining, though. It means free coffee for me.

With our coffee in our hands, we make our way to one of the only free tables, right in the middle of the small coffeeshop. I hate this, sitting in a spot like this. But all the good seats are already taken.

"I don't have much time today," Jungkook states as we both sit down opposite of each other. "Let's just look at what we already did and what needs to be done."

I nod. That means that I'm not stuck with him for too long. Even though he's acting normal again, I still feel incredibly uncomfortable when he's around.

"So," Jungkook hums as he takes out the assignment paper, that he always seems to be carrying with him. He gently places it onto the table and point his finger over it. "This is what we've already finished," he explains as his index finger moves along the sentences on the paper. "We're already done for the most part, we might even make it within this week." His face lights up as he says that. He really likes to lives up to his reputation, doesn't he?

"Let's go for it," I agree. I still don't know how he got me to cooperate so smoothly. Is it only because of Taehyung? Jungkook always forced me to be motivated by saying 'do it for Taehyung' but he doesn't have to anymore. Maybe I'm also cooperating for Jungkook and not only for Tae. I just hated it when Jungkook was upset because of me, because I was being rebellious. Am I turning soft?

"We have yet two chapters to write," Jungkook continues as his index finger roams to another section on the paper. "It's not that much but it's probably the most difficult part of the assignment."

I'm not surprised. This entire assignment was rather easy so far. Too easy to be true. "Jungkook, with your amazing brain, we can pull it off," I say, gaining a small smile from him. "Look, this might be fun." I also lean forward to take a better look at the paper. I ignore the fact that I'm really close to Jungkook while doing that. Let's keep this professional. But I can't help it, my poor heart accelerates nonetheless. With a slightly shaking finger I point at the last part of the assignment. "'Create your own short myth or legend with the knowledge you gained'. That's cool, right?"

Jungkook leans back in his chair and gives me a doubtful look. "That's what I meant with the hardest part, you know? I don't have much fantasy."

"But it's perfect," I say, sounding almost enthusiastic. "I have plenty of fantasy and you have knowledge. I'm almost looking forward to write this."

Jungkook gives me an amused smile. "It's unusual to see you like this, you know?" he laughs "Getting all excited over a school assignment."

I'm not doing this for Taehyung anymore. That's how it started. But I ended up doing it for myself, for Jungkook. Because I liked to work with Jungkook. I just realized that.

"I know," I say with a sheepish smile. I'm almost ashamed of my own excitement. I've never been like this ever since elementary school. Kindergarten, maybe.

"We only have one chapter left before we can start with our own myth," Jungkook says with his genuine smile still on his face. He looks happy and it makes me kind of happy as well. It's confirmed, I'm turning soft for Jungkook's smile. I take a sip of my steaming coffee before I smile back at him. "That's great," I admit. "It will be fun, believe me." I swear I have to figure this out.

"But that's the problem," Jungkook states. Though I can see that he isn't being serious. "Your definition of fun is completely different from mine. I think I should be scared now, huh?" He tries his best to give me a serious face but I can see the corners of his mouth curling up in a small smile. He quickly hides it by taking a sip of his coffee.

"Scared of a girl, Jungkook?" I ask the boy with a smug face. Jungkook slightly tilts his head as he replies. "But you're not an average girl, Hyunjae." He mimics my tone as he says my name, giving me the same smug look.

We both laugh a bit before Jungkook turns his attention to the paper in front of us again. "I think we can finish this chapter within a couple of hours," he mutters. "Classes are over rather early tomorrow, we can go to the library to work on it and maybe even finish it?"

"So we can start with our own myth soon?" I ask, trying to hide my excitement.

"Exactly," Jungkook replies. He quickly gulps down the last bit of his coffee, his face slightly wincing in pain since it's still rather hot. "I have to go now, see you tomorrow at school." He collects his stuff in his bag before raising from his seat and slinging the bag over his shoulder. "See you tomorrow," I reply. He gives me a quick wave before he walks out of the coffeeshop. Even Namjoon greets him as he walks by. He really is one of us now, isn't he? At least it feels like he is.

I finish my coffee in silence. It's a shame Yoongi's shift isn't over yet, he has no time to join me or have a little chat with me. A lot of people had already left the coffeeshop but it was still rather busy. It's funny to see Yoongi running around like a madman, though.

After a little while it's getting a bit awkward. Students keep staring at me, probably because I'm the only one that's here on her own. I can see them thinking, 'poor, lonely, insecure girl with no friends'. It's not that I'm insecure, I just hate being stared at like this. I give some of the students a nasty glare before leaving my seat to toss away the now empty cup. Then I quickly leave the coffeeshop, saying goodbye to Namjoon and Yoongi on my way out.

Today was strange. A sudden History test, the nerves that came with it, Jungkook's weird changes in behaviour -I told you he's a bipolar Kookie, right?- just everything. Ever since I met Jungkook, things have been weird. I think it's for the best if I start to mentally prepare for Wednesday. Is it possible to be ready for that?

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