Chapter 7

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“Hyunjae, you’re late.” It’s the first thing my dad says to me. Not even a greeting, forget about that. Why not start sprouting negative stuff right away? With an annoyed huff, I drop my bag in the corner of the kitchen and walk towards my usual seat at the dinner table. Maybe if they’d just ask where I was instead of scolding me immediately. They would probably like the reason.

“Let me guess, the coffeeshop with that Taehyung guy again?” my mom asks with a face that reads ‘don’t bother, I already know you were with him’. Let’s blow them away with a little surprise.

“Appa, eomma, just calm down,” I sigh. “Yes, I was in the coffeeshop, but not with Taehyung. I was working on an assignment with a kid named Jungkook and it took a little time.”

My parents faces are hilarious. They’re genuinely shocked as they hear my reason. Shock, relief, happiness, amazement, disbelief. All captured in one expression. My dad puts down his chopsticks, probably thinking that all the money and effort he spent on my education -or simply keeping me at school- is finally paying off.

“Jungkook? You mean Jeon Jungkook?” My mom furrows her eyebrows as she thinks about that name and I nod. “I think I might know his father, then,” she hums. “A very ambitious man who is very proud of his son.”

“It’s hard not to be proud if your kid is the school’s top student,” I say as I stuff my mouth with Kimchi. My mother glares at me but doesn’t say anything. I guess she’s really happy with the fact that I’ve been working for school. As far as you can call this working. But I don’t tell her that.

“And why are you studying with that Jungkook, if I may ask?” My dad joins the conversation. I sigh. Isn’t it obvious? “Uh, he’s my partner for the History assignment Mr. Jung gave is today,” I explain, trying my best not to sound too annoyed. Both my parents eyes light up at my reply. I know what they’re thinking. This will be the first time their precious daughter will score higher than an F.

“You should bring him over once,” my mom says with a smile. “I’m curious about him.”

I was afraid for this to happen. Every time I mention another name than Tae’s, they ask me to bring that person over, hoping I will make some ‘good’ friend besides Taehyung, who isn’t ‘good’ in their opinion.

As we finished dinner, I quickly rush upstair to my room, before they can ask me to do the dishes again. Both my mom and dad kept talking about Jungkook and how much better of a friend he would be, compared to Taehyung. It was a pain to listen to.

as I reach my room, I take out my phone. I swear I could feel it buzzing in my pocket during dinner but my parents would take away my phone if I take it out while eating. As I unlock it, it shows that I have two missed call and one text message. Wow, who could this be? I sigh and open the text message.

[Unknown number]:
It’s Jungkook. Are you free tomorrow? We can work on History.

Shit. It really is him. How did that kid get my number? Well, there could be only one way. The only person in school that has my number is Tae. Jungkook probably asked him, either via Jimin or not.

Tomorrow is Saturday. I never really do anything, besides hanging around with Taehyung or bothering Namjoon in the coffeeshop. Somehow I got the feeling that Jimin is bothering Taehyung about this assignment as much as Jungkook is bothering me, so Tae’s probably busy tomorrow. Not wanting to know what that kid might do if I refuse to work with him, I sigh as I reply back.

[Kang Hyunjae]:

Probably not the friendliest reply ever, but Jungkook and I aren’t exactly friends or so. We rather dislike each other. Formalities and honorifics were dropped immediately and I think that’s a sign you can’t stand each other. No, I don’t feel sorry for replying this way. Again, he should be happy that I even want to work with him. It’s only because I don’t want to end up in a different class from Taehyung. Oh Tae, what I’m doing for the sake of our friendship. Well, he’s doing the same thing for me. Or at least I hope so.

Just as I’m about to throw my phone onto the bed to do something else, the screen lights up again. It’s another text from Jungkook.

[Unknown number]:
Meet me at the library tomorrow. 2PM. Don’t be late.

It wasn’t even a question. It’s more like an order. That kid knows I hate the library. That brat. This time, I throw away my phone for real, not even bothering to answer. Jungkook knows I’ll be there. He knows I have to, for Taehyung. He owns this game and I hate it.

That damned Seokjin. Why didn’t he pair me up with Taehyung like he usually does? Then we’d have each other, even while we have to work on this stupid assignment. Does Seokjin really thinks Jungkook will have a good influence on me? That he can get me to study? Ha, like that kid has any influence on me at all, let alone good.

I sigh as I think about tomorrow. My parents will be thrilled when I tell them I’m going to the library with Jungkook instead of hanging around with Taehyung. I just hope my parents don’t think that I actually decided to improve my grades and behaviour. Maybe I should tell them it’s only a one-time thing?

Then there’s a knock on the door. I quicky shove my school bag under my bed since the cigarettes were in full eyesight and whoever is at the door would definitely kill me if they find any cigarettes, even though they know about my smoking habit.

“Hi sweetie,” my mom says as she enters my room. “Your dad and I are visiting your aunt tonight since she invited us over. We won’t force you to come with us.” She gives me a knowing smile. “I just wanted to let you know that we are very proud of you.”

“Thank you, mum,” I reply with a fake smile. This is so cheesy. They really think I’ve become a saint, don’t they? Let’s add some fuel to the fire. “Say, mum. Tomorrow I’ll be out with Jungkook to work on the assignment again.”

It works. My mom almost squeals in happiness at my words. “I’m so glad, Hyunjae.” She flashes me a bright smile. “Be a good girl and see you later sweetie.” With that, she leaves the room and I’m all alone. Again, my dad didn’t even bother to say goodbye. It’s not like I care though.

I’m home alone once more. My parents are always out, either for business or family matters. When I was younger, I hated it. But now I’m used to it and I even grew to like it. It’s not like I can do anything interesting. I wish I could just invite Tae over but my parent would kill both Taehyung and me if they’d find out.

I let myself fall back onto my bed. Tomorrow will be the first time I spend time on homework in ages. Mental preparation might be a good idea.

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