Chapter 48

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A few months has passed since my life became a mess. A few months since I saw Jungkook for the last time. A few months since I've felt true happiness. Call me dramatic but I'm just stating facts. It's just how it is and I can't make anything else of it. I wish I could.

Ever since Jungkook left Seoul, nothing has been the same. School is basically a nightmare since every singe thing in that building reminds me of Jungkook. Class, lunch breaks, canceled hours, they just feel so empty and meaningless without him there. In the beginning, people -both students and teachers- would come to ask how I was doing. Girls that threatened me to stop hanging around with Jungkook came to apologize. They soon learned that asking me about Jungkook wasn't a good idea. My calm and careless demeanor were long gone and now my emotions would often go out of control. The smallest random thing could be enough to cause my eyes to tear up. So it wasn't long before nobody approached me anymore. It wasn't even on purpose but I shut myself off of the outside world almost completely. Only my friends -Taehyung, Jimin and Yoongi- stayed loyal and would never leave my side.

I hardly went outside, except for school. I avoided many places, like Namjoon's coffeeshop. And if I would go there, I always ordered Jungkook's favorite drink until Taehyung forbid me to do so. It only makes you more depressed, he told me. And he was right.

I even started to study for tests. Mainly to get my mind off things and it worked pretty well. My grades were boosted and teachers would often praise me about it. But it did nothing to me. I wasn't happy when they praised me.

After a few weeks going on like this, things started to change. I stopped isolating myself and I started to pretend like I was fine. People kept telling me that I would get over him eventually and I was done with hearing that. So I thought that if I acted like I was doing fine, they would stop bugging me about it. And it worked, most of the people fell for it. But Taehyung saw right through me.

Taehyung never gave up on me. He always stayed with me, no matter how bad things where going. He would always do his best to cheer me up and he was there to catch me if I would fall. And he succeeded. No matter how bad things were, he always managed to make me feel better, even if it was just for a few minutes.

And eventually, I really started to feel better. I didn't have to pretend anymore. I could walk into Namjoon's coffeeshop and order an Americano again, instead of crying over a Caramel Frappuccino. I could attend class without staring at his empty seat. I could walk around Seoul without going crazy every time sonething reminded me of Jungkook. I could fall asleep in peace, instead of crying myself to sleep every night. I learned how to smile again.

Of course, I still mis Jungkook. I miss him a lot. More than I can say with words. But I learned to live with that feeling. We talked over the phone occasionally but not as much as we both wanted to. But fair is fair, the last weeks before summer break are crazy.

"JAE," Taehyung exclaims all of a sudden. "Are you even listening?"

I jump up, his sudden loud voice roughly shaking me up from my thoughts. I squint my eyes a bit at the boy in front of me, triggered by this unknown nickname.

"'Jae'?" I repeat, a bit wary.

Taehyung sighs. "You weren't listening to your usual nicknames."

I was spacing out again, I guess. It happens a lot, nowadays.

"What were you saying?" I ask the still purple-haired boy in front of me. He seems to be really fond of that color, since he decided to stick with it.

"I forgot," Tae mutters, plopping down on one of the cardboard boxes littered around the room.

Taehyung kept his promise and right before the start of the summer break, he and Jimin bought their apartment. It's a really nice apartment in a nice area. It's close to school and even closer to Namjoon's coffeeshop. He's really lucky with this spot. But on the downside, it means that I will have to take the walk to school alone from now on.

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