[Bonus Chapter] Party Preparations

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- Kang Hyunjae-

Today is the day. The day of the annual school party. This is like, the only night that matters for everyone that attends our high school. At least that's how Tae and I feel about it. The time we had to wait until today was unbearable. But the time has come. In only a few hours, the school campus will be opened and the party will be ready to start.

I decided on my outfit almost immediately after Taehyung handed us the invitation. For some reason, I thought it would be fun to wear the skirt of my school uniform in a more playful way. The checkered blue-white pattern on the skirt goes perfectly with a plain white hoodie and some white sneakers.

As I stare at the pieces of clothing, that are now lying on my bed, a small grin spreads on my lips. I don't know if they have blacklight tonight, but if they do, I will stand out with my white hoodie. That's for sure. I quickly wipe the smile from my face, frowning at my thoughts. It's not like I want to stand out or something. must be the party vibes getting to my head.

I quickly check the time on my phone before I toss it on my bed, landing next to the hoodie. Within an hour and a half, I meet with the boys at Namjoon's coffeeshop so we can start the evening with a nice drink. It's not like preparing myself will take much time or something. I know there are some girls who will spend hours and hours on their hair and makeup and they spend way too much money on an outfit. Do I look like on of those girls? No, thank you. I'll just put on my clothes -that are as casual as they could be and maybe some eyeliner. I mean, it's still a special night, right?

Not only will it be a great night with my friends, but I also get to see Stray Kids live. A band that has been my and Taehyung's favorite for quite some time now. He called me about half an hour ago, just to tell me how excited he was about seeing Stray Kids for the first time. His voice was full of energy and I could tell how hyped he was. He also told me that Jungkook was in complete panic mode and that he kept calling him for advice. Taehyung found it 'cute' and was eager to help him. Everybody deserves a friend like Taehyung.

Then my phone buzzes. For a moment I think it's Taehyung but as my screen lights up I see a message from Jungkook. Is he coming to me for help now too? I quickly grab my phone and my eyes linger over his text message. A small smile forms on my lips as I read his text.

[Jeon Jungkook]:
Already looking forward to tonight, I'm sure it will be fun with you and the others.

I let out a soft chuckle as I write my reply.

[Kang Hyunjae]:

I'm glad you're coming with us, Jungkook.

I toss my phone away as I make my way to the bathroom with a smile on my face, ready to prepare myself. Tonight will be awesome and nothing is going to stop that.

- Kim Taehyung -

My phone buzzes again, only like a minute or so after I tossed it away. I glance at the screen to confirm what I already thought. It's Jungkook again. The poor kid is in full panic mode, completely stressed out about tonight. He already fired me with tons of questions, it's like he is calling me after every piece of clothing he runs into. It's not like I really mind, though. I feel kind of honoured that he's coming to me, Taehyung, with his questions and pleas for help.

But right now, I'm not really in the position to help him. I'm in the middle of huge pile of clothes, my black skinny jeans somewhere halfway on my legs. If I would jump over the clothes right now, I will most likely trip and end up with a nosebleed or something. I quickly tug on the waistband of my pants to pull them over my hips but as soon as I'm finished, my phone falls silent. Looks like I'm too late.

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