Chapter 4

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The next morning goes as usual. I wake up too late, hurry into my clothes, rush downstairs, hastily greet my parents and leave the house. Taehyung is waiting for me outside.

Well, waiting.

He's just walking past my house, not even bothering to wait for me. He always does this and I always fall for it. He knows that I will follow him anyways.

"Yah!" I yell at Taehyung as I'm running after him to catch up. He turns around with a sly smile. "You're so glad to see me that you're even running up to me!" he grins.

I tssk at him. "You're just too selfish to wait for me," I scoff.

It always goes like this. I guess you could call it a tradition. We appear to be very fond of them. Traditions, I mean.

Today our first class is History class. We both hate it, but yet we always attend class. Maybe because Mr. Jung is really scary.

"First class with Mr. Jung, huh?" I say as we continue our walk to school. Taehyung just sighs, not looking too pleased. "Great way to start the morning."

"Hey," I exclaim. "Our walk to school is the start of your morning," I pout. "I am the start of the morning. You always forget about me."

"You're always with me. Of course I eventually forgot about your presence." he replies.

That's cold.

We continue our walk in silence. Are we fighting? No. Do we ever fight? Nope. We just like to pick on each other for fun and make it look like we're fighting. And then we continue what we're doing, feeling all satisfied.

No one greets us as we enter the campus. But I can understand that. We have that 'you better stay away from us' vibe. Sloppy uniforms, uninterested expressions with a slightly evil grin. Everybody just stares at us as we make our way to the classroom.

"Goodmorning, Mr. Jung." Taehyung enters the classroom with a loud greeting. I follow behind him, rolling my eyes. "Always in dire need of attention, huh?" I hiss.

We make our way to our usual seats in the back of the classroom. Everyone is staring at us because of our loud entrance. Mr. Jung already seems to be pissed off. Nice job, Tae.

I glance over at the golden trio, the top students of our class. Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook and Kim Seokjin, the class president. They look back at me, faces full of disbelief. They probably can't imagine how a student can be this respectful.

"Goodmorning class," Mr. Jung greets his students. "First up is a homework check. If you don't have it, please raise your hand."

The entire class turns towards us in unison. I have to hold back a smirk and Taehyung next to me doesn't even bother to hold it back. We don't do homework and everyone knows that. Every time the teacher asks the class for their homework, the entire class looks at us, to watch how we raise our hands.

"Of course," Mr. Jung sighs. "You two again." We give him a silly smile and he clears his throat. "Well done, everyone else."

He starts rummaging through the papers spread out on his desk, humming as he found what he was looking for.

"This," Mr. Jung says while holding up the pile of papers "is the assignment I was talking about last week," he states. He slowly walks around the classroom, handing everyone a paper with an explanation of the assignment. He stops as he reaches us. "This time, I expect a neat assignment from both of you. It's graded and therefore necessary to pass this year." He pauses for a second. "If you skip this assignment, you will mercilessly be hold back a year and you will be separated in different classes. Think about it." He shrugs before continuing to hand out papers.

I frown. That's a serious threat. I look up at Taehyung and he seems to be thinking the same thing. We don't want to be separated and my dad will kill me if I don't pass this year. Taehyung looks at me and we both give a small nod. I guess we have to put some effort into this, for once.

"But," Mr. Jung continues as he hands out the last paper. "You have to work in pairs, made up by the class' president."

Automatically, Seokjin raises from his seat and glances around the classroom. I lean back in my chair. Of course I will be paired up with Tae. Seokjin always puts us together.

Seokjin starts calling out names, and different reactions emerge from the students. Some of them are happy with their partner, some of them aren't.

"Let's get this over with," I say to Taehyung. Tae just yawns in response.

"Kim Taehyung," Seokjin calls. "And Park Jimin."

What? Wait, that isn't right. I glance at Taehyung, who looks just as shocked as I am.

"Kang Hyunjae." I freeze. It won't be Taehyung. I hold my breath. I swear I see Seokjin smirking. "And Jeon Jungkook."

Shit. That's the teacher's pet. The Goody Two Shoes. The school's top student. Why am I being paired up with him? I glance over at him. That guy with his neat and perfect uniform. He looks back at me with a face full of disappointment. He's as unhappy with this situation as I am.

"Hey, move." I look up. Park Jimin is standing next to me, holding his stuff in his arms. "I have to sit there."

It's really happening. I cast one last desperate glance at Taehyung -which he returns- before leaving my usual seat. Now I just do what I have to do. I drag my feet towards the seat Jeon Jungkook is sitting. With a loud bang I drop my stuff on the desk next to his and sit down.

"Kim Seokjin," I hiss to the person sitting in front of me. The boy turns around. "Are you proud now?" I sarcastically remark.

"Actually, I am," he replies with a small smile. "I thought that Jungkook might have a good influence on you."

The corners of Jungkook's mouth curl up into a little smile and I snort. "Nobody influences me."

Seokjin gestures to Taehyung, who is glaring at us. "He seems to."

"He's the only one," I mutter in defense.

Seokjin gives me an exaggerated sweet smile. "We'll see about that, Hyunjae. It's my duty as the class' president to help my classmates and this is the best way I can think of."

"Ah, shibal," I huff. Then I roughly rise from my seat, almost knocking my chair over. Jungkook and Seokjin look at me in surprise. "Yah," I exclaim, gaining the attention of Mr. Jung. "I have to use the restroom." I grab my bag and before Mr. Jung can protest, I stomp out of the classroom.

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