Chapter 33

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The party continues. The Stray Kids performance is in full swing. Every song they do is welcomed with loud cheers and whenever a song ends they receive a loud applause. They are on fire, creating a great party atmosphere in the cafeteria.

Students are dancing as if their lives depend on it, like they are on unlimited energy sources. Which most of them are; beer is provided and available for everyone.

I, on the other hand, didn't touch a single cup of beer yet, just like the others. Well, I'm not entirely sure where Yoongi and Jimin are; they disappeared into the crowd a little while ago. I'm currently sitting on one of the few available plastic chairs as I watch how Taehyung and Jungkook are still dancing to the music, copying each other's movements along with lots of laughter.

And then I just feel like I need a drink.

I jump up from my chair and place my hands on both Taehyung's and Jungkook's shoulders, causing them to stop their weird movements and turn around. Jungkook gives me a questioning look, but Taehyung looks at me like he already knows what I'm about to say. "Let's grab a drink," he states before I even have a chance to say something. Indeed, he knew what I was thinking. Jungkook slowly nods, showing that he understands it too. He looks a lot more nervous all of a sudden, but follow us nevertheless.

Both Taehyung and I -and neither is Jungkook, who is even younger- aren't legal drinking age yet. But yet we make our way over to the other side of the cafeteria, to the tables where the drinks were put on. We push through the dancing mass, shoving aside some students that are already drunk. And then we reach our destination. Red plastic cups filled with beer are lined up on a long table against the wall. I expected there to be some kind of supervision, old ladies telling us that we shouldn't drink or something like that. Taehyung and I exchange a smug look before we both grab a cup. Much to my surprise, Jungkook doesn't even hesitate as he grabs one too before we walk off to somewhere else, our alcoholic beverage in our hands.

With a victorious feeling, I gulp down the contents of the red cup almost at once and Taehyung does the same, before he wipes his mouth with a satisfied sigh. "This isn't exactly how you're supposed to drink beer, you know?" I state as I drink the leftovers in my cup as well. Taehyung just shrugs. "It's fun to do with your first beer, though."

Jungkook, who is standing next to us, just stares at the cup in his hands, thoroughly inspecting the yellow liquid that it contains. Hesitation made his way back to his face and he seems to regret that he grabbed the cup with beer in the first place. "I've never ever drank before," he mutters.

"It will be fine, Kookie," Taehyung tries to reassure him. "Just follow the experts." He looks like he's ready to get his second beer already but I place my hand on his arm to prevent him from doing so and give him a warning look. "Don't. At least wait for this one to kick in," I firmly say to the boy who tries to corrupt me with his puppy eyes.

Jungkook gives us both an insecure glance and I sigh. "At least don't follow the lead of this pabo over here," I say as I poke Taehyung's cheek. "You'll be wasted in no-time if you'd do that. Just take it easy, one beer might be enough for you to feel the effect since it's your first."

With a slow nod, Jungkook brings the cup to his mouth and takes a small sip. Immediately after, he makes a face and brings the cup down. "It doesn't even taste nice," the boy mutters as he sticks his tongue out to emphasize his disgust. I can't help it as I burst out in laughter and Taehyung does the same.

"You have to get used to it," I explain. Tae nods in agreement. "My first beer was terrible but now I kind of like it," he adds.

"Oh well," Jungkook shrugs as he gives the red cup a determined look. Then he gulps down all of the yellow liquid at once, just like Tae and I did. He scrunches up his nose, flinching at the bitter taste but he manages to swallow it all and Taehyung and I give him a loud applause. "Your first beer ever," I say with a smug grin. Taehyung ruffles Jungkook's hair. "Our Kookie is growing up so fast."

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