Chapter 28

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My happiness ends quite abruptly as I'm approached by a familiar person.

The last class has ended and I've wore a big smile throughout the day. Now I'm walking through the hallways on my own. Taehyung and Jimin are off to somewhere and Jungkook disappeared without a sign. Not that it matters, though. I can't wait to head home and tell my parents the good news. 85%, they will most likely get a heart attack.

That is, until someone calls out to me from behind. I turn around to see one of my fellow classmates walking behind me, trying to catch up. It's Jung Hoseok, the class' sunshine, But right now, he doesn't look so sunny. His face is serious as he looks at me.

"Kang Hyunjae?" he says as he got my attention. "You're friends with Jeon Jungkook, right?" Even his always so cheerful voice is serious now. And as soon as he mentions Jungkook, I feel a slight hint of concern coming up.

"Yes, I am," I softly reply. "Why?"

"You might want to come with me," Hoseok says. "You're not going to like it, but you have to know."

I frown at his words, and now the worry is growing rapidly. "Where are we going?" I say as I follow him. Of course, I follow him,. If Jungkook is involved in a bad way, I want to help him.

"To his house," the boy replies. "I'm his neighbour."

He seems to be in a hurry as we leave the school building and walk over the campus. It doesn't take long before I spot Jungkook in the distance and for a second, I forget about Hoseok's words. But as I pick up my pace to catch up with Jungkook, Hoseok stops me. "Don't," he warns me. "Just follow me, I want to show you something."

Now I'm getting nervous. It's already weird to see the school's sunshine like this. And then he stops me from going over to Jungkook just after he tells me that something is wrong. I feel myself growing uneasy as we follow Jungkook from a safe distance. It really feels like the purpose of all of this is that Jungkook doesn't notice us and that feels wrong.

We follow Jungkook into an unfamiliar neighbourhood and I can only guess that we're following him home. It really feels like we're stalking him or something. I don't know Hoseok's intentions, or why he's taking me. Because I'm friends with Jungkook, he told me. But why?

Hoseok extends his arm, preventing me from walking further. He points towards Jungkook, who is about to enter a small house. As soon as he's inside, Hoseok lightly grabs my arm and he starts to run towards the house. It's starting to feel like a weird movie and I'm kind of freaking out, to be honest.

As we reach an open window, which appears to be the kitchen window, Hoseok gestures to crouch down and I follow him as he presses his back to the brick wall under the window. He puts his index finger up to his lips, telling me to stay silent. My heart is beating rapidly and I'm feeling nervous, not knowing what to expect.

Soon, I can hear a door opening -probably the kitchen door- and Jungkook's voice saying "Hello, appa." There's the sound of something being placed back onto a wooden kitchen table and the voice of an adult man greets him back. I frown again. Why does Hoseok wants me to hear this?

I can hear the rustling of paper, and Jungkook says something about an assignment. Apparently, he's showing his dad our history assignment. Is that what Hoseok wanted to show me? It makes me kind of proud that Jungkook shows it to his dad.

But then something I didn't expect happens.

"Jeon Jungkook, what the hell is this?" an angry male voice bellows through the open window, causing the hairs on my neck to stand right up. My breath hitches as I realize it's Jungkook's dad screaming to him.

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