Chapter 45

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Monday came way too soon.

Our last days together were painful. We should've gone on fun dates together, enjoyed each others company while we still could, made the best out of it. But we didn't. We spent every day together but not how we should've spent them. We were just sitting close to each other, staring into oblivion while our minds were running wild. We hardly spoke, we didn't cry. It was as if we were in some sort of shock. It all felt so unreal.

Of course, we finally explained everything to Taehyung. How the domestic abuse has been a thing for years, how I got involved in it and how Jungkook wanted to keep it a secret because he didn't want to leave this place. Taehyung wasn't mad that we kept something this big and important from him, not even the slightest bit. He was shocked and felt helpless, just like Jungkook and I. 

And now it's Monday and the three of us, Jungkook, Taehyung and I, are at Seoul Airport.

The initial plan was that one of those random child protection institute workers was going to bring Jungkook to the airport. But Jungkook insisted that we, or I should bring him. That way, the last time he spent in Seoul was with me. The last words he would speak before he leaves are directed at me. And they allowed us to take him.

So here we are. We just brought his luggage to the luggage check-in and now we're standing in front of the gate.

How I'm keeping up, you ask? Barely. It feels like part of me went missing when Jungkook told me the news a few days ago. And another part of me will leave as the plane takes off. I'm not crying, I'm far beyond that state. I feel like I'm just floating off somewhere in an emotionless state. I feel numb.

And Jungkook... I know he isn't feeling any better than I do. The huge bags under his dead and empty looking eyes give it away. But he stays strong, even though he's hurting so much. He tries for my sake. But I know that he's suffering as much as I do.

Even Taehyung is a bit upset with Jungkook moving to Busan. I never realized until now that they grew pretty close over the weeks. Tae doesn't look as bad as we do. But he is quiet. And when Taehyung is quiet, he isn't feeling well.

"Flight K-Air4554 from Seoul to Busan is leaving in 20 minutes. Passengers, please go to gate seven," the intercom says and a cold feeling comes over me.

"I think it's time for me to leave," Jungkook softly says with the saddest smile I've ever seen. His hand is clutching the shoulder strap of his backpack tightly and his knuckles have turned white. His other hand, that didn't leave my waist for one second until now, lets go of me and lifelessly hangs next to his body.

I don't think the human body and mind can feel more sadness than I'm doing right now. I can't feel any more pain when Jungkook speaks those words and steps away from me to say his goodbyes to Taehyung.

But my eyes still tear up as the two boys in front of me hug each other. "Thank you for everything, hyung," Jungkook mutters as he lets go of the purple-haired boy. "Please take care of Hyunjae for me."

Taehyung's eyes are sparkling a lot, indicating that he is having a hard time holding his tears back. "I will," he replies. "Take care, Kookie."

Then Taehyung walks a little distance away, giving me and Jungkook some space for a proper goodbye. We look at each other with teary eyes. This is the moment we both feared. This is the moment we will be separated for God knows how long. He will attend another high school and will start a new life there without the abuse of his dad. But also without me. A single tear finally escapes my eye and rolls down my cheek and Jungkook quickly steps forward to hug me tight.

"I'll come back, Hyunjae," Jungkook whispers. His hot breath tickles the skin of my neck. "The distance between us won't change my feelings."

"Please call me sometimes," I choke out. My emotions are getting the best of me and I start to sob uncontrollably. "I don't want to live without you."

Jungkook slowly lets go of me and gently cups my cheeks with his hands. "I will call you a lot, Noona," he promises me. "They can't tear us apart that easily." He gives me a sad smile before he gives me a soft kiss on the lips.

"All passengers of flight K-Air4554 from Seoul to Busan, please board the plane via gate seven. The flight will leave in ten minutes." the female voice speaks through the intercom again.

Jungkook slowly let's go of me and takes a step back. "I-I should go now," he softly says, trying his best to keep his cool. "Please smile for me one last time." His brown doe eyes look into mine and I can tell that he has a hard time to keep his tears from falling. So I muster up all the positivity I have left and give him the brightest smile I can manage. For him I could preteld that I was happy even when I was sad. So I can do it now, too.

Then Jungkook pulls me close to him again and I nuzzle my face in the crook of his neck, breathing in his soothing scent for the last time. I feel safe in his arms and I don't want this moment to end. I don't want him to gor far away. I don't want him to leave me.

"I love you, Kang Hyunjae," he mutters as he hugs me tight. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Jeon Jungkook," I breath out. I've never spoken these words aloud but they are genuine and I mean them. If I knew this would happen, I would've said them sooner.

We hold onto each other for a moment but then Jungkook gently removes my arms from around him and he takes a step backward. His eyes lock with mine and for a moment we just stare at each other, memorizing each other's eyes for when we can't look at them.

"Stay strong, Noona," Jungkook says a he brushes a tear away with his thumb. "I know you are strong so please stay strong for me, for us."

I nod a few times. I have to do this. For Jungkook, for us. He will come back  and everything will be fine again. He will call me often and... and...

And then Jungkook lets go of me forgood. He gives me one last sad, heartbreaking smile and a small wave before he quickly averts his gaze to hide his tears. A raw cry escapes his throat as he runs off and enters the gate that will lead him to the plane he has to take.

I feel like my world is falling apart. I stumble backwards and two strong arms catch me from behind. Taehyung hugs me tight, rocking me back and forth to calm me. But it's obvious that he has been crying as well. Then he pulls m ealong, away from the gate, away from the plane that takes my Kookie far away from me. We don't even stay to watch how the plane takes off. I just can't.

"Let's go home, Hyunjae," Taehyung sighs.

But with Jungkook gone, part of me is gone too. And I don't know if I'm able to restore that part anymore.


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