Chapter 23

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Several classes went by, and Jungkook kept acting normal. No suspicious smirks, no smug remarks, just a normal Jungkook. He almost makes me believe that I can escape from this. Almost, until English class, the last class for today, is about to end. He gives me an innocent smile, too innocent for it to be really innocent.

"So, when is your dinner with Jungkook?" Taehyung asks as we both pack our stuff. I give him a confused look before I remember what he's talking about. I made up this dinner to cover up what this bet really is about -a kiss.

"Today," I sigh. It's a good thing Tae didn't notice my confusion from a moment ago. Jungkook's weird behaviour already had him suspicious and probably reluctant to believe the whole thing. "You'll have to walk home alone."

"Don't worry," Taehyung laughs as he leaves his chair. "I'm off to work on the History assignment with Jimin."

I quickly sling my bag over my shoulder before I follow Taehyung out of the classroom, joining the huge mass of students in the hallways. Jungkook is nowhere to be seen and neither is Jimin so Taehyung and I just make our way to our lockers, pushing our way through the sea of students while we delicately ignore the outraged whispers coming from them.

"Jimin asked me to meet me at Joonie's coffeeshop," Taehyung says as he looks at his phone while grabbing his coat from his locker. "Always on his way to meet Yoongi."

"Yoongi doesn't work today, he has classes 'til five," I dryly remark, almost laughing about how eager Jimin is to meet Yoongi always and everywhere. Even while studying. "Does Jimin know that?"

We close our lockers and start to walk out of the school building. "Probably not," Taehyung shrugs. "But he'll find out soon enough."

I nod. I could wait for Taehyung to walk with him for a bit, but I don't. I think it's better to go away as quickly as possible. So I say my goodbyes to Taehyung and wish him good luck with their assignment and to cheer Jimin up who is about to find out that Yoongi isn't there. Then I hurry to leave the school grounds. But soon, as I almost reached the main gate, I hear quick footsteps coming up from behind me. Of course they belong to Jungkook. "Yah, Hyunjae," he calls out. "Why the rush?"

I turn around, desperately trying to keep my cool. But the moment our eyes meet, I feel my face heat up immediately and my heart flutters. "Hyunjae, give me your test paper~" he sing songs. His smirk grows even wider. He knows it, right? He knows that I failed and he knows that he won the bed. He knew from the beginning that he would win this bet. Taehyung was right about that.

I glare at him while stuffing my hand into my bag. His confidence is slightly pissing me off. I almost feel offended; how can he be so sure that I failed?

With the biggest reluctance I've ever felt, I hand him the paper with a big red 51 written in the upper right corner.

"Ah," Jungkook mutters as his eyes scan the paper until they find the big red mark. He looks up at me, his doe eyes boring into mine. "Seems like you owe me a kiss, Hyunjae." His voice is deep and low, almost raspy, like it was on that Saturday at my home.

I sigh and bow my head. Part in defeat, part to hide my embarrassment. It's really going to happen. Jungkook is about to kiss me and I just have to go along with it. It's not like he's stealing my first kiss or something but still... Jungkook is about to kiss me. Jungkook is about to kiss me. My heart is pounding in an almost frightening rate and it's only getting worse as Jungkook's confidence never falters. This whole bet. It was a calculated risk. But I forgot that I suck at math.

"I do," I reply, trying to keep my voice from shaking too much. Due to experience, I succeed and I almost sound as confident as Jungkook as I look him straight in the eye. "Just tell me when you want it."

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