Chapter 32

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There are already tons of students in the cafeteria that's hardly recognizable, even though the party is supposed to start in half an hour. Looks like everyone decided to start early. But hey, why wouldn't they? Everything seems to be ready.

All the lights are off and spotlights and disco balls are creating marvellous light shows on the floor and in the air and the dancing crowd. There are garlands with small flags hanging everywhere, each end decorated with balloons in all colors. Light chains are spread criss cross through the cafeteria, adding a bit of extra light. Huge tables are lined up at the sides of the cafeteria, providing the students with food and drinks. A deep bass comes from the extra added speakers. The stage that's used for the annual speeches of the principal is covered in a layer of smoke, coming from two vape machines. Colored light chains are placed underneath the curtains of smoke, giving them mysterious colors and a vibe of magic.

We all look around in amazement; it's rare to see our school like this. And this year, they really outdid themselves when it comes to decorating the place. They changed the boring, old plain cafeteria into a booming party hall. They did a fantastic job to create an amazing atmosphere in here.

"Let's go and check out the drinks," Taehyung suggests, being the first one to regain the ability to speak after we're left speechless for a little while. I hum in agreement, curious about what they have in store for us tonight. The others follow us, more out of habit than out of curiosity that comes from themselves.

"Oooh, they have beer," Taehyung exclaims, his voice filled with excitement. While I and the other boys were busy looking at the food and the drinks -cola, orange juice, sprite, stuff like that- Taehyung immediately went for the beer, of course. Everyone walks over to Taehyung and everyone looks at the cups filled with beer like it's the first time they ever see it. I know what Taehyung wants to do and I quickly grab his arm to prevent him from doing so. "Not yet, Tae Tae." I sigh as he gives me a small pout. "You will never forgive me if I let you get drunk before Stray Kids performed and you don't remember anything about it tomorrow."

With a defeated sigh, Taehyung grabs a plastic cup filled with cheap soda and the rest of us quickly follows his example. We return to the center of the cafeteria, where several plastic tables are set up for students to sit and relax. We roam between the tables but soon enough we find out that there aren't any spots left where we can sit with the five of us together so we decide to leave the tables for what they are and walk around for a bit.

In the meantime even more students entered the cafeteria and it's getting a bit crowded in here. I have a hard time to keep up with the boys and I'm trying my best not to lose them in the student mass. The only one that really stands out is Yoongi with his white tank top. Taehyung and Jimin are both in black and perfectly blend in with the darkness, which makes them hardly visible. Jungkook is also dressed in quite dark colors, except for the red bands on his sweater. Long story short, I better stay close to them.

And that's not my only duty. I have to guard Jungkook from his screaming fanclub. Yet another reason to stay close to the boys. To him, at least. I don't think the others are really bothered by it.

Speaking of the devil, a small group of girls approach us and they swarm around Jungkook. These are the girls that spent way too much time on their hair and makeup and way too much money on their outfit. Jungkook gives the girls a not too happy look as they smile at him and ask him to spend some time with them. How happy it would make them. This is what I was talking about a moment ago, this is what I have to protect him from. He sends me a pleading look but I'm already on my way. I lightly push one of the girls aside to reach Jungkook and casually put my arm around his shoulder. "I'm sorry girls," I say with a smug grin. "He isn't available tonight." They all give me a look of disbelief as I pull Jungkook away from them, offended whispers leaving their lipstick-covered mouths.

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