Chapter 18

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"Yah, Taehyung! You're finally waiting!" I call out as soon as I spot the figure quietly sitting on the walkway in front of my house. It's monday morning and I left my house with no hope that Tae would actually wait for me after I asked him so many times. But there he is, against all odds.

Upon hearing my voice, Taehyung immediately jumps up and turns around, causing me to jump a little in shock. "Hyunjae, is it true?" he chides without returning my greeting. "Did you bring Jungkook over to your house? Is that why you didn't call me? Why-"

"Woah, hold your horses, Taehyung," I quickly blurt out to stop his rant. "How do you even know?"

He gives me a surprised look. "So it is true?"

"It is," I sigh. "The library was closed and we needed a place to study, y'know? Now, who told you this?"

"Jimin," Taehyung replies. "I'm surprised, I never thought you would let him inside your house."

So it was Jimin, huh? I should've known. Jungkook obviously told Jimin where he was going and then Jimin couldn't help but share this scoop with his assignment partner. It's totally like Jimin to do that. I wonder who else know about this. If he spread the news, I probably end up being attacked by all those Jungkook fangirls as soon as I enter the school building. They will probably think that I kidnapped their precious Kookie to turn him into a school skipping, smoking monster as well. Let's just hope Jimin told no one else besides Taehyung.

"I'm surprised myself," I shrug. "But he kept insisting and it pissed me of so I just gave in, I guess?"

"Did anything happen?" Taehyung asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

Yeah, stuff happened. Weird stuff. But I'm not going to tell Taehyung. He either won't stop teasing me, or he'll punch Jungkook in the face. It's either one of those and I don't want any of those to happen. Taehyung is already teasing me with plenty other things. And Jungkook's pretty face shouldn't be ruined over something like this. So I lie. "Nah," I yawn.

"You guys are boring," Taehyung sighs, rolling his eyes.

"Sure," I huff as I try to calm my nerves down. Just thinking about what happened last Saturday makes my heart flutter. I want to kiss you. That's what Jungkook said and I can't stop thinking about his words. I roughly shake my head to get rid of the thoughts, almost causing me to fall over from the dizziness that's caused by it and Taehyung gives me a puzzled look.

"Yah, Taehyung," I say sweetly, in an attempt to cover up my weird behaviour. "When is the next History test?"

Taehyung's puzzled expression turns into a frown. "Hyunjae, you're not planning on studying, aren't you?" he asks with a slightly concerned tone.

"No, I'm not," I hastily reply. "You should start worrying when I ask which chapters it's about." That's something I'll ask Jungkook.

"Ah," Taehyung humms while slowly nodding his head. "Well, I don't know either."

I could've expected. Well, I'll have to ask Jungkook as well. He'll be laughing his ass off as soon as I bring up the History test. I'm sure about that.

"Hyunjae, you're acting weird, you know that?" Taehyung sighs. I open my mouth to say something in defense but he pinches my nose before I have a chance to. "Look, I don't care if you want to study more or something. Just don't expect me to do the same. And don't forget about our smoking dates on the rooftop."

I let out a soft breath as we enter the school building. "I'll explain everything during lunch break, okay?"

"Fine," Taehyung shrugs. "It better be something juicy."

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