Part 01

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The air is oddly thin tonight. While you don't know what, something feels... different about tonight. The feeling of both dread but excitement looms over you in the night sky above. You have just been out into town to look for some more stuff for your new home. You had only just moved out of your parent's house and you still have plenty of decorating to do as the house was completely empty when you moved in. The trip to town was only supposed to take about an hour or so but you ended up spending the entire day there.

You take a deep breath as you come across a small river, breathing in the air. It has a bridge over it which you love to sit on and stare out into the murky water below, thinking of all the fish down there you can't see. You walk up to it and stand in the middle, looking out onto the river. Then something catches your eye. In the far distance, just on the river bank is a minuscule, red blinking light.


You think to yourself as you begin to walk towards the light. As you approach, you see a mass of some sorts half covered by the dirty water of the river. Then you see what it is.

An android lays down with a dead-eyed look on its face in a pool of both river water and blue blood. He is wearing a jacket and pants with a shirt which was once white but is now stained blue by its blood. There are countless bullet holes in the thing and blue liquid is everywhere.

You drop your bag which has your newly brought things in and run over to the android. You kneel down and turn it onto its back. You've never seen this model before. Its jacket reads "RK800". Must be a prototype? But then that leaves the question, what is a prototype doing all shot up in a river bank? Right now, you don't care what the answer is and try to lift the android up onto its feet. It's heavy and it's a struggle to carry but you push through and pull the android all the way to your home, not even caring about your bag.

You walk into your home and pull the android through it and into the computer room you have in the back of the house. It used to be a utility room but you decided to turn it into a place for you to go when you get bored.

You plop RK800 onto your computer chair and examine it closely. It seems to have all of its biocomponents and they seem to be in working order. It seems that the bullet wounds, while they almost killed it, didn't completely destroy the android.

You reach towards rhe android and then undo his shirt so that you can see the bullet holes. Nothing you can't fix. You walk over to your desk drawer and pull out a lighter. This'll do the trick.

After pulling out the bullets which were lodged inside of him, you used the flame to seal the holes.

After healing the bullet holes, you try to turn it on. Nothing. No response. You try again. Nothing. Now all you can do is reboot it and hope for the best. 

So that's what you do. You reboot the android, unknowingly wiping its memory of everything. 

The androids LED begins flashing yellow and it blinks and looks blankly ahead before looking at you. It's pupils expand and contract like a camera lens trying to focus as it tries to catch sight of you.

You wave your hand in front of its face try and help it focus. 

"Hello? RK800? Can you see me?" You ask slowly. This android is cute. Very cute. But you try to stay focused and get him back into working order.

RK800 blinks and it's pupils stop expanding as it finally finds you. "Yes."

"Do you have a name?" You ask.

"I... don't remember..." It responds. 

You ponder for a moment and reach down into the pocket of his jacket and pull out a small card. It's some sort of identification and it's mostly ruined by all the river water and blue blood but you can make out a picture of the android and the name at the top says "Co###r".

"RK800, register your name." You say.

The androids LED flashes a few times to tell you that it's listening.

"Connor." You say, hoping that's what the name said underneath all that damage.

"My name is Connor." His LED turns blue upon finally calming down.

You smile at the android, happy that he already seems healed.

"What would you like me to call you?" Connor asks, looking up at you as you put the lighter back into your drawer.

"Oh um... Just call me Y/N." You respond dismissively.

"Y/N," Connor repeats. "A lovely name."

"Connor, what is your function? Who is your owner?" You ask.

Connors LED turns yellow. "I don't know..." He responds. "I don't have anything in my memory..."

You pucker your lips in thought. "Odd..." You mutter, mainly to yourself. "Well. You can stay here until we find out where you belong if you like?" 

Connor nods.

"My parents gave me a spare android dock although I don't have an android. I guess they just assumed I would." You shrug. "Anyway, that's in my room so you can stay there."

Connor nods again.

"Come on, I'll show you." You say. "You... might wanna button up that shirt..." You laugh. 

Connor looks down and jumps slightly after seeing his top is almost completely naked. He quickly buttons up his shirt and follows you out of the room and up the stairs. 

You walk into your bedroom and show Connor the dock you have in the corner. It's a small pad in which when an android stands on it, the android will stay in standby while it recharges. 

"Thank you Y/N." He says with a smile. The realism of these machines never ceases to amaze you. 

"No problem." You smile. "It's getting kinda late. You don't mind if I go to bed early do you?" 

"Of course not. I can recharge and collect my thoughts while you rest." Connor responds sweetly. 

You smile at him. Then before you know it, you're tucked up in bed drifting off to sleep. But not one without questions. Who is Connor? Why was he shot so many times and dumped? Why can't he remember anything?

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