Part 06

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You close your eyes and goosebumps line the base of your neck and tingles travel down your spine as Connor strokes your hair softly, and then you fall to sleep.


You awake with a startled snort as your phone vibrates loudly on the desk in front of you. You look around you and find yourself nuzzled up close to Connors chest. Connor is still watching Netflix since androids don't need sleep. You look at the screen and see that he is watching some sort of documentary about birds.

You groan tiredly and nuzzle up to Connor again. He wraps his arms around you and hugs you. "Good morning Y/N. Would you like me to answer your phone? It's Oskar." Connor asks.

You groan again. "Nah I've got it." You say tiredly as you reach towards the desk and pick up your phone.

"Yo, my dude." You say tiredly through a yawn.

"You sound tired." Oskar responds. "You know it's noon right?"

You look at the time. It's noon.

"Yeah, I know. I just... had a nap." You lie.

"You and your naps." Oskar chuckles. "Well I just got this new game called 'Dallas: Disobey' and it looks really cool. Wanna come over to play it with me?"

"What's it about?" You ask curiously.

"It's a similar sort of game to that other one... What's it called... Light Rain? Yeah. I know there are three characters and they're trying to do an uprising." Oskar explains. You went over to Oskar's house a couple of years ago to play Light Rain. It's a brilliant game and you had lots of fun.

"An uprising? Why?" You ask.

"Enough questions! Are you coming or not?"

"Okay fine whatever. I'll be there in... about thirty minutes."

"See ya." And with that, Oskar ends the call.

You look up at Connor. "We're going to Oskar's to play a video game." You say.

Connors LED turns yellow and he blacks out for a moment.

"Connor? Are you ok?" You ask with concern. He blinks and shakes himself out of it before looking down at you.

"I just remembered something..." Connor tells you. "A deviant. I was... trying to talk him away from a ledge. He had a little girl in his arms. I was... a negotiator?"

"A negotiator...?" Maybe Connor had a much more important job than you initially thought. You heard on the news recently about an android working for the police. Maybe that's why Connor was all shot up? No... they announced about a month ago that they will no longer let androids have access to confidential files that higher up in social importance. Or something like that. Something about them being able to be hacked? It was a whole event.

"I'll be fine," Connor says, answering a question you didn't even ask. "I'll get dressed and then we can go," Connor says with a weak smile.

You swing your legs around and stand up stretching. Connor stands up too and then walks into the kitchen to find his clothes.

When you are both dressed, you leave to go to Oskar's home and make it there in no time at all.

Oskar opens the door and tells you to hurry up. "Come on! I'm dying to play this game!"

You both follow him into the front room where he has a huge, cinema-sized television and more games consoles than you have ever seen in one place.

The game is already loaded up on the screen and there are snacks and drinks ready to be consumed. If this game 'Dallas: Disobey' was anything like Light Rain then it would be very cinematic. More like you're playing a movie.

You sit down and Oskar plops himself next to you, sitting in the middle of the sofa. Connor sits on the opposite side of the couch, both of his feet on the floor, his hands on his lap and his back up straight.

You, however, are sat with both of your feet on the couch, making yourself comfortable as is Oskar.

Oskar presses play on the controller and you open up a bag of sweets/chocolate bar to eat while you watch Oskar play and advise him on what choices to make.

The game begins with a person in an elevator, closing his eyes and breathing deeply. He seems nervous.

"What's this about again?" You ask.

"SHHHHHUSH!" Oskar says as he throws another pack of sweets/chocolate bar your way. You stash it for later.

"You know what we're missing?" You ask. Oskar pauses the game and looks at you with an unamused expression. Not even five minutes in and he's already pissed. This is gonna be fun.

"What do we need Y/N?" He asks, trying to keep an annoyed face but a smile creeps up on him. That iconic Oskar smile.

"Drinks." You say simply.

"We have drinks you IMBECILE!" Oskar laughs.

"No I mean we need cups. I'm not sharing with you because you'll drink it all in one gulp."

"I'll get cups." Connor offers.

He stands up and then walks out and goes to find the kitchen.

"What're you gonna do with him?" Oskar asks, shuffling up on the couch.

"I think I'm gonna keep him." You respond, blushing to yourself for some reason. You don't want to embarrass yourself so you quickly change the subject. "How's your dad doing? Is he working today?"

"Actually no. I think he's in the other room." Oskar responds.

"What does he do again?" You ask curiously. Despite you having known Oskar for years and years, you still don't know much about his father.

"He uh-"

Before Oskar could finish his sentence, a loud crash comes from the kitchen, making you both jump. The two of you hop up and run to the kitchen to see what's happening.

You stand in the doorway and freeze as you look in on the scene happening in the kitchen. Oskar watches from behind you.

Patrick has Connor pinned up against the wall. The androids nose is dripping blue blood and there are blue blood stains on Patrick's knuckles. Connors LED is red.

"WHERE'S HANK? COME ON YOU PLASTIC PIECE OF SHIT TELL ME!" Patrick yells as he shakes Connor, making him hit his head on the wall.

"Dad..?" Oskar asks quietly.

Patrick turns his head and his grip on Connors collar drops.

"O-Oskar..." Patrick stutters. "Oskar get out of here..."

Connors LED then turns yellow and his expression goes blank for a minute. He's remembering something.

Connor let's out a sudden breath and breathes one word. "Hank..." He whispers.

Patrick looks back at the android who then swiftly punches him in the jaw, knocking him backward.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" Patrick shouts in agony. He then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a gun.

Connor runs for the doorway and before you can respond, he grabs your hand and starts sprinting out of the house, pulling you along.

"CONNOR WHAT THE-" Connor continues to run, pulling you along. Patrick fires his gun and it hits the floor near your feet. You scream involuntarily.

"GET BACK HERE YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" Patrick yells. He shoots again, this time, it nearly hits you. You scream again.

"DAD STOP!" Oskar yells from the doorway.

Connor runs down the street, pulling you along. Your heart is pounding and you feel like you're about to pass out. There's a metallic taste in your mouth.

Finally, you reach the river and Connor wades through the water, still holding your hand and yanking you along. You both walk through the water and reach the bridge. Detroit falls silent for a moment as you both stand there, waist deep in cold, dirty water.

"Connor..." You say breathlessly. "What's going on?"

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