Part 22

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Okay. I'll see you tomorrow at 2.

Sumo sits beside you, watching with intent as you brush your hair in the mirror. A smile creeps across your face as you catch sight of him watching you with such a mesmerised look on his face.

When you finish getting ready you stand up. "Who wants to go for a walk?" You ask, looking at Sumo.

Sumo lets out one of his low barks and his tail wags excitedly.

You smile at this reaction and rub his head playfully. "Come on then."

The two of you head out the door and begin walking. The air is slightly windy and cool.

Sumo trots next to you like a proud horse. As you both make it down the streets, you're hit with an amazing, sweet smell. Cookies. Sumo notices the smell too as he lifts his nose up and sniffs.

Deciding to follow the smell, you turn a corner and come across a small bakery. You turn to Sumo and he looks at you too. "Do you want something to eat boy?"

Sumo responds by wagging his tail. You smile and then walk up to the bakery.

As you push open the pastel green painted door, a small bell tingles from above the door.

"Just a second!" A happy but busy sounding voice comes from the kitchen. As you approach the counter and Sumo trots next to you, you see a small white dog on the other side, curled up in a ball on a fluffy pillow. At first, you thought that the pillow itself was moving as the white fluff perfectly mimicked the white fluff on the pooch. But then you saw the little pink nose.

"What can I get you?" A girl about the same age as you walks out of the kitchen speaks to you as she puts a batch of freshly baked cookies into a glass case to show off.

"Oh umm..." You think, looking at the goodies in the glass case.

"It's okay I'll give you time to think." She says with a bright smile. She then gasps as she sees Sumo. "Oh my gosh look at him!" She takes off the pink floral oven mitts and gazes at the saint bernard as if he's an actual saint.  "Is he yours?!"

"He's a friends, Im looking after him for a few days." You explain.

"Oh he's just adorable! What's his name?" She asks.


She gasps again. "And does Sumo want a treat?"

Sumo starts wagging his tail happily.

"I think he does!" The lady laughs.

She opens a small glass jar with some dog treats inside and pulls out a long treat which looks like a stick. She leans over the counter and wiggles it in front of Sumo who takes the treat from her happily.

"Uhm I really love the smell of those cookies/look of that muffin. Could I have one?" You say.

"Of course!" The woman gets some cookies/the muffin from the glass cabinet and hands them to you.

You hand her the money and thank her before leaving, the small bell tingling again on the way out.

As you walk down the street, Sumo trots with his treat in his mouth happily.

You continue to walk until eventually, you make it to the skate park. There is only one person there. One person and one dog.

Oskar and Felix.

"Y/N!" Oskar says, looking up at you.

He gets up and jogs over to you, Felix following him. As he reaches you, he wraps his arms around you in a tight hug. Instinctively, you hug him back.

"I didn't think you'd come." Oskar admits as he pulls away from the hug and looks at you.

"I wouldn't let you down." You say.

The two of you walk over to the concrete bench and sit down on it. Sumo and Felix begin to sniff each other and Oskar tilts his head at Sumo.

"You have a dog?" He asks.

"Oh no it's Hank's." You say.

"Who's Hank?" Oskar asks with nothing but curiousity in his tone.

"You know, the guy your dad wanted to kill because he owed him some money? I know its hard to keep track since your dad probably has that sort of relationship with hundreds of people."

"Okay ouch." Oskar says. "Look I wanna talk about that."

"Okay then talk."

Oskar sighs. "I swear to you I had no idea that my dad was a... Gambling lord. You know that I tell you everything and... I'm really sorry for... Well... I don't really know what I did wrong but I'm sorry."

You look at Felix and Sumo who seem to be getting along.

"I guess... You really didn't do anything wrong... I think I was just mad. I'm sorry too." You sigh.

Oskar begins playing with his hands and looks down at them. You look at his hands too before the two of you look up and into each bothers eyes.

"You don't have to be sorry Y/N..." Oskar looks into your eyes, his murky sea blue eyes almost look white in the sun. "I...I love you."

You freeze up for a moment, unsure on what to do or how to respond. You gulp. You simply look at the boy.

He sighs and glances back down at his hands for a moment. "I... I've always loved you... And I always will."

He leans in, putting his hands on the concrete bench for support then slowly closes the space between you, connecting your lips in a sweet kiss. For a moment, you're caught up in the moment. And although you don't love him, you kiss him back. His lips are sweet like vanilla, the skin on his hand smooth like a peach as it comes up and cups your face gently.

As you kiss, a name pops into your head.


Then, like a brick, the sudden realisation of what you're doing hits you and you pull away, pushing Oskars chest slightly.

He looks surprised, almost startled at the fact that he actually kissed you.

"Oskar I..."

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that without asking." His face flushes a red colour.

"I just... I don't..." You take a breath to collect your thoughts.

Oskar sinks slightly. "You don't like me like that do you?"

You look shyly up at him and he sighs before rubbing his face. "Do you like someone else?"

You look to the floor.

"Who is it?" He asks. "If you don't mind my asking."

You mumble an unintelligible answer which Oskar can't hear. He asks you to repeat it.

"Connor." You answer, as if you've only just realised it and saying it for the first time. "I like Connor."

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