Part 30- The finale

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Hank gets into the passenger's side and Connor hops into the backseat and they speed off, ready to rescue you... if they're not too late already.  

You open your eyes slowly, your vision taking a while to adjust. You feel your pupils expand and contract like the lens of a camera as your eyesight gradually becomes less blurred. You feel your eyes well up with tears and you blink hard to get rid of them. Looking around, you notice that you're in some kind of room filled with empty, dusty cardboard boxes. You're sat on an uncomfortable wooden chair, your feet tied to the front two legs and your arms tied behind your back. Your head and face throbs with pain and your wrists and ankles are tied so tightly that you feel your feet and hands becoming numb.

As you look dead ahead, you see Sid standing in the doorway with something in his hand, swinging it back and forth. It looks like a long piece of cloth or a scarf.

"Finally awake sweetheart?" He asks as his voice bounces off of the walls of the room.

You feel scared. Scared for your safety. Scared for your life. You feel your heart pound, it pulses in sync with the throbbing sensation of your nose and head. "Awh poor baby..." Sid heckles as he approaches you and stands in front of you, towering over your shaking, aching body. You look down to the floor to try and avoid his sickening gaze. Sid puts a hand on your chin and forces your head up to look him in the eyes. "There's no reason to be scared babe... Actually... yeah. There's every reason to be afraid. I'm fucking insane!" He laughs. Your eyes well up with tears again.

"You see this?" Sid holds up the scarf. "If you start making noise then I'm going to shut you up with this got it?"

You nod, your whole body shaking.

"GOT IT?" He repeats, louder this time.

"Yes..." You squeak pathetically.

"Now..." Sid stands directly in front of you, his feet wide apart. He's playing with the scarf in his hand and looking down into your eyes. "We're gonna play a little game okay? We're gonna play... copy Sid. Don't worry it's simple." Sid leans down, his face inches from yours. You can smell him. He smells like drugs and unwashed, sweaty clothes. His breath smells like nicotine as he speaks. "I'm going to tell you what to say... and you're gonna say it. Okay?"

"Okay..." You whisper through tears. You've never been so scared in your life.

"We'll start off easy... say... Sydney."

"S-s-Sydney..." You stutter.

Sid grabs a handful of your hair. "WITHOUT the stutter please."

You take a deep, shaky breath and inhale a mouthful of dust. It tastes like decay.

 "Sydney." You say with tears in your voice.

"Good...Now say..." He leans in close to your ear and you can feel his hot breath down your neck. "I love you."

You feel yourself shiver with cold. You don't want to say it. You stay silent. 

"SAY IT!" He bellows.

You jump at the sudden noise and close your eyes tight. " love you..."

"Open your eyes... look at me... and say it again," Sid commands.

You open your eyes and tears spill out. You look up at him. "I love you."

Sid smirks with pleasure. "Good girl."

Then the sound of a car pulling up outside breaks the short silence and you scream for help. You shout for anyone but before you can finish your plea, Sid slaps you across the face hard. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" He bellows.

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