Part 05

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"Shit." You say before running off into the kitchen. Connor follows you, the two of you laughing happily. Not a care in the world.

After you and Connor finished acting like children, you decided to call it a night. The sun outside was beginning to set and perhaps it's time to start settling down for the night.

You stand in a sort of T pose in the middle of the kitchen and look yourself down. You're covered in paint.

"I think I'm gonna get in the bath." You say as you turn your hands over and look at the paint.

"Yeah you need one." Connor chuckles. He's becoming more and more human with each moment. Connor, like you, is also covered in paint. He even has a few speckles in his hair and a large dollop on his nose.

You stick your tongue out and walk past him. As you do this, Connor quickly rolls the paint roller across your back leaving a large patch of paint.

You gasp and turn, gently pushing Connor in response. "Asshole!" You joke.

Then you walk upstairs to get in the bath. You close the door behind you, it shuts with a gentle click and you turn on the tap before you start getting undressed. You wrap a towel around you and pour in some floral/fruity scented bubble bath into the water and stir it in with your hands. You stand back up and look at yourself in the mirror. You have paint all up the side of your face. It reminds you of Oskar's birthmark.

You silently chuckle to yourself and turn off the tap before letting the towel drop to the floor and getting into the bath. You slide under the warm water and let the bubbles engulf you. The paint melts off of your skin and into the water. Slowly, you close your eyes and think about all the things you love...

Sleep... Food... Connor...

Woah hold up.

You don't love Connor do you? Then why is it that everytime you think of him, your heart flutters and you get butterflies. The thought of him never fails to make you smile. But he's an android. Are androids capable of love?

You sit up and reach for the shampoo. You then begin to wash yourself.

When you're clean, you stand up and step out of the bath, dripping onto the tiled floor.

You pat your hair with a towel and then wrap it around you. You pick up your clothes and then walk into your bedroom. You pull on a shirt and pair of shorts/onesie and slide on some comfortable, fluffy socks. You pull out your brand new hair dryer and turn it on. It's wireless and can dry your hair in seconds.

When your hair is dry, you pick up the towel and your dirty clothes and walk downstairs to put them in the washing machine.

You step into the kitchen casually and freeze up when you see Connor.

Connor is almost naked.

He has taken his jacket, shirt and trousers off along with his shoes so he is only wearing his boxers. He is standing over the sink with a damp cloth in his hand, wiping the paint off his face.

"Connor?" You squeak.

Connor jumps slightly and turns around.

"Y/N! I didn't know you'd be done so quickly!" Connors cheeks flush pink. (Again, unnecessary human-like reaction. But a nice one. Cyberlife did an amazing job at making androids seem like people).

"Why are you in your underwear?" You ask slowly.

"I was going to put my clothes in the washing machine while you were in the bath. But then I remembered that you may want to wash your clothes too." Connor explains.

"How thoughtful." You laugh awkwardly. You pick up Connors clothes and put them and yours in the washing machine. You push the button and it begins to wash.

You look out of the window and see the sun's last rays disappear over the horizon. You glance up at the clock and see that it is already 10PM. Time flies when you're having fun.

"What do you wanna do?" You ask Connor, leaning on the kitchen counter.

"I enjoy watching things. Particularly birds and fish. I like how they seem so free in the way that they move." Connor says dreamily.

"Well..." You say slowly. "I don't have any fish or birds... but I have Netflix?" You say. Netflix, of course, has become much more advanced. But people still use it in the 2030's.

"That sounds fun." Connor smiles.

You think for a moment and then mentally slap yourself. "My television doesn't have Netflix installed. Only my computer." You sigh.

You could install it, but with all the updated software and upgrades Netflix has had over the past 20 years, it would take forever to install. Maybe even up to ten hours depending on how slow your Internet is.

"We can watch it on your computer." Connor suggests.

"But I only have one chair in there..." You say.

"We can share."

You shrug. "Okay, worth a try."

Connor follows you into your computer room at the back of the house. The same room you fixed him in.

Connor sits on the comfy computer chair and turns on the computer on the desk on front of him. He looks at you and smiles as he pats his lap.

"Couldn't you at least put some clothes on?" You ask.

"For some reason, Y/N, I don't believe that your clothes would fit me."

You think for a minute. "Maybe Oskar left some of his clothes here last time he slept over? I'll go check." You say.

Though you wouldn't like to admit it, you rather liked being with Connor while he was wearing nothing but a pair of boxer briefs and socks but you were afraid that you might starting to feel... a certain way while sitting on his lap. You have to keep your urges under control.

Sure enough, you find one of Oskar's backpacks with some clothes in. You pull out a black shirt with white writing on it that says "Tea Shirt" with a drawing of a tea bag on it. It's a little big but that's okay.

You walk into the computer room and toss the shirt at Connor. It lands on his head.

Connor already got Netflix up and was scrolling through what to watch.

He pulls the shirt on over his head and smoothes it out, looking at the writing.

"Tea Shirt?" Connor asks.

You shrug. "It's Oskar's."

Connor pats his lap again, signalling you to sit down. You walk up to the chair and sit on Connors lap, swinging your legs over one of the arm rests so you're sat sideways.

"What do you wanna watch?" Connor asks gently.

"I don't mind..." You say equally as gently.

Connor selects a random show and it begins to play. You yawn lightly before resting your head on Connors chest and looking at the screen with heavy eyelids.

Connor goes to raise his hand and pauses for a moment before lifting it up to your head and playing with your hair soothingly. You close your eyes and goosebumps line the base of your neck and tingles travel down your spine as Connor strokes your hair softly, and then you fall to sleep.

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