Part 24

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I've been at this shitty family barbeque (I say family. It's people on my step dads side so none of them are actually related to me)  so this parts out a little later than usual. And rather shorter too.


"Your number?" Oskar suggests.

The two of you decided to go somewhere to eat your sweets. The skatepark. You're sat on a bench together, you're eating your pastry/cake and Oskar is eating a very big sausage roll. You're quiet.

"Why so quiet bruh?" Oskar asks as he stuffs his mouthful of sausage roll into his cheek like a chipmunk so he can talk.

You shrug and take a bite out of your treat.

Oskar swallows. "Come on what's up."

You sigh. "Well you kissed me yesterday. And then today you got some random girls number. What's your deal?"

Oskar goes red. "Well... I thought that we were gonna forget yesterday... And I really like Eva."

"True... I guess we were gonna forget it... But you've moved on very quickly. I just don't want you to be flirting with anyone you see to try and force yourself to move on."

Oskar simply takes another bite of his sausage roll.

"How do you really feel about Eva?" You ask.

Oskar swallows. "I don't know her." He says honestly.

"Exactly." You say.

Oskar smiles. "She's pretty though."

It's true. She's very pretty. Her fluffy, wavy hair is brown, almost black and ends just above her shoulders. Her eyes are icy blue almost like a frozen over ocean and her skin is flawless. She almost reminds you of Snow White.

You laugh. "Yeah. Yeah she is."

Oskar fails to finish his sausage roll so tosses it over to Felix who catches it in his mouth.

On the skatepark, there is a group of boys on bikes going down the ramps and then doing tricks. One of them stands on the top of the tallest ramp, shaking as he looks down. He is the smallest of all the boys and his bike is rusted and small. The handlebars are slightly bent and the pedals are rusty.

"Go on Robbie! Do it!" The others encourage.

You and Oskar look at him with wonder as he quakes with fear.

The boys begin to chant the boys name. "Robbie! Robbie! Robbie! Robbie!"

The boy then closes his eyes and pushes his feet off the floor, his bike going forward and then down the ramp.

"Robbie open your eyes!" One of them yells.

Robbie doesn't. He picks up speed as he goes. And then. Crash. He falls off the bike. He screams and then starts to cry.

"Robbie!" All the boys yell in unison as they run up to him. He has scraped his face on the floor but that's it.

"Are you ok?" Oskar yells.

He walks over to the boy laid on the floor and helps him up to his feet. The boy seems to be fine but the right side of his face is grazed badly.

"He'll be okay he does stuff like this all the time." One of the boys say.

You're sat on the bench, watching the scene unfold as the dogs sit in front of you, watching too.

"Are you sure?" Oskar asks. From where you're sat, everything they're saying just sounds like incoherent mumbling.

"Yeah sure. You can get back to your date." A different boy says as he picks up Robbies bike.

"She's not my date unfortunately." Oskar sighs, sticking his hands into his pockets.

"Ah that's unfortunate for you mate, don't mind if I go chat her up a bit for ya?" The boy from before heckles.

"Mate you're like six." Oskar laughs.

"Twelve actually but yeah. Only joking anyway."

Oskar smiles. "I know. Well... Get better soon." Oskar says to Robbie who's still sniffling. Robbie sniffs and nods quickly, wiping the snot from his face.

Oskar then walks off towards you again.

"Is he okay?" You ask, ruffling your hand through Sumo's fur.

"He'll be fine apparently." Oskar shrugs.

"Shall we go?" You suggest. You've finished your food and the hard concrete of the bench is beginning to hurt your backside so now you want to get home.

"Sure." Oskar shrugs.

You stand up and the sudden realisation of the fact that your butt and legs have gone numb hits you and suddenly your legs feel like jelly. But you decide that you'll make it. So you begin to walk home.

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