Part 08

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So this is it. You're going to Memphis.

You and Connor are standing at the train station, looking onto the tracks and waiting for the train. You're still wearing Hanks coat, hugging it close for warmth in the cold air. Connor looks at you and sees that you're still cold and side steps closer to you and wraps an arm around you for warmth.

An old lady waddles up, wrapped up warm in a thick coat, scarf and hat. She has a thin, wooden cane which helps her to walk.

"Now aren't you just a perfect pair of love birds?" She says sweetly as she stands next to you with a sweet old lady smile.

Connor turns to look at her and the lady catches sight of his LED and clothes. He put his jacket back on, despite it being damp. The ladies smile fades as she sees that Connor is am android. She clears her throat and looks dead ahead with a straight face. Clearly she isn't a fan of androids.

You and Connor look at each other as the train rolls up. You both get on and go straight to the back of the train, sitting beside eachother. Over the past few years, trains have become less and less popular over time so there are barely any people. You are sat next to the window so when the train begins to roll away, you can see it leaving all the people behind.

Connor takes his jacket off again and lays it across the empty seats in front of us to let it dry out.

You let out a yawn. Yes you may have slept until noon but by golly you were still tired. Typical.

"How long is it gonna take to get to Memphis?" You ask Connor, looking out of the window.

"Nineteen hours and fifty seven minutes." Connor explains.

"Twenty hours?! Are you kidding me?" You ask shocked. Maybe you should've asked about what you're getting yourself into before you, you know, got yourself into it. You now realise how stupid you've been.

You're going to Memphis. With an android you barely know. To meet a guy you only just heard about. Who is being chased by some people who on an illegal gambling business. And the leader seems to be your best friends dad.

Although all of this is crazy (You haven't even brought any clean clothes) and although you should feel scared and unsure of what's going to happen, you look at Connor and feel safe.

You sigh and bring your legs up to your chest and hug them. You rest your head on Connors shoulder and sigh again.

"Are you okay? You're sighing a lot." Connor asks.

"Yeah I'm okay. But I didn't bring any clothes or anything. Going to a whole new state isn't something we should up and do on a whim like this but we are." You say.

"We aren't planning on staying for long. We just need to find Hank and then go back home." Connor tells you.

You both go quiet for a while. You watch the world and time pass as you stare out the window. Connor sits there quietly. It's not an awkward silence, it's more of a peaceful, thoughtful, relaxing silence. But you decide to talk anyway.

"Do you wanna play a game?" You ask.

Connor looks down at you "What kind of game?"

"I spy?" You suggest.

Connor nods. "Okay. I'll go first. I spy with my robot eye... something beginning with... P."

You smile when Connor says 'robot eye' and think for a minute.

"Hmm... Purple?" You ask.

"Nope!" Connor says happily.

You look around the train. What can you see..? Floor... ceiling... window... window pane?

"Pane." You suggest.

"What? No!" Connor laughs. "Do you give up?"

You shake your head enthusiastically and look around some more. What else? Windowsill, sign, bar... pole...

"Pole." You say.

Connor shakes his head.

You look around more. That's it!

"Poster!" You say excitedly.

"Yeah!" Connor says.

There are posters on the walls of the train all around. You should've guessed it sooner.

"Okay my turn." You laugh.

You look around some more. Hmm...

"I spy with my human eye something beginning with O." You say with a grin.

Connor looks around the carriage. "Old people?" He asks.

You blink at the android. "How- what- how did you get it so fast?" You ask in response.

Connor shrugs. You now realise that Connor is probably going to be really good at guessing games.

"Yeah whatever. I don't wanna play this anymore." You say mardily.

Connor chuckles to himself. "Why so salty?"

You look up at him with a raised brow. You try to be serious but you can't help but snigger.

"You're so weird." You laugh as you lay your head back on his shoulder.

"Y/N... may I ask something?" Connor asks you.

You close your eyes. "Go ahead."

"Do you think androids are capable of falling in love...?"

Your heart pounds. "I think they might."

"Do you think an android could fall in love with a human? And a human with an android?"

You think for a moment. Well you know for a fact that people can fall in love with androids. After all, you've experienced it first hand.

"Of course." You answer. "Love doesn't have boundaries."

Your phone buzzes in your pocket. Suddenly, you remember it being there when you went into the water. You take it out and with surprise, discover its not broken. You turn it on. A message from Oskar.

BFF🙃: oh my god are you okay?? I'm so sorry I had no idea dad had a gun 😣🙁

You ponder how to respond and whether to you even should. You decide to answer but be distant.

You: I'm fine. I'm on the way to Memphis. I'll be back soon.

Before you hit send, Connor stops you.

"What if his dad reads it? He'll know where we're going." He says. You realise that it would be best to not let anyone know where you're going.

You:  I'm fine. I'm going out of town for a day or two. Good luck with the phsycho dad.

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