Part 04

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Follow me on Twitter pls? It's BethHasTwotter. You don't have to tho and I don't use it that much so...

Also tysm for 500 reads! This means a lot to me and it makes me feel really happy considering I've only been writing this for like five days :) it's nothing compared to other dbh fics but it's something so I wanted to thank y'all.

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You smile as you look at him. "Much better Connor."

You and Connor say your goodbyes after talking for a while and then you leave the house. You can tell that Connor feels much fresher and taller now that his shirt doesn't have holes and blood all over it as he stands with confidence. It's just past midday so the sun is still shining bright in the sky.

You and Connor walk side by side through the city, enjoying each others company. You don't know what to do with him. Should you hand him in? He's a prototype, after all, he probably belongs to someone important. Nevertheless, for now, you wanted to keep him. Perhaps someone will claim him? You decide that until then, he should stay with you.

"Y/N... I... have to admit something to you." Connor says, looking down at the ground.

You look at the android curiously. "Go on..." You say.

He takes a deep breath (it's odd how androids simulate human functions such as breathing, despite them having no need to do so). "When I touched Felix... I regained some of my memory. It was like I saw a series of images and information." Connor explains. "It's as if part of my memory has been unlocked."

You're surprised with this, and you're filled with excitement. "So this means your memory isn't gone? You could get it back? You might be able to remember who shot you?"

"I think something has to trigger it. Like a touch or sight. Or a smell or sound. The feel and sight of Felix helped me remember something."

"Well, what do you remember?" You ask. You're dying to know who hurt Connor in the first place. You have so many questions.

"I remember a dog. A saint bernard called 'Sumo'. Though I don't remember much about him, I remember he exists." Connor tells you. "And I remember a man's voice telling me the dogs name..."

Strange... Perhaps the family that owned him had a pet dog?

The two of you make it home safely and in no time at all.

You unlock the door and the two of you step inside. The house is bright thanks to the sun and you smile as you finally feel at home.

"May I ask you something Y/N?" Connor asks you as you lock the door behind you and kick off your shoes.

"Of course," You say with a smile.

"Did Patrick seem... off to you? He was acting rather strange when he saw me. I have to say, I was pretty intimidated." Connor asks.

"I thought he seemed to act weird too. But I don't think he's a big fan on androids." You shrug.

"Oh..." Connor responds. Connor looks around the still unpainted hall. The ugly, patchy, grey plaster is exposed giving the house an unfinished feel.

You sigh. "Ugly isn't it? I have the paint in the kitchen but I just never have the time or energy to do it."

Connor ponders for a moment. "Why don't we do it now? I can help you and we can get it done significantly faster." He offers.

"Right now?" You ask.

Connor takes off his jacket. "Of course. I'll get the paint." Connor then hangs his jacket on the coat rack near the door and walks into the kitchen as he rolls his shirt sleeves up.

You shrug and wait for Connor to return with the paint. He walks back into the hallway with the big bucket of paint, a couple of paint rollers, a tray and a sheet. You had all of these things in the corner of your kitchen, waiting to be used but never did. He carries all of this with ease and you're impressed.

You open up the bucket of paint and the smell hits you like a gust of wind. It's such an odd, chemical smell but for some reason, you still like it.

You pour an amount of paint into the tray and pick up a roller as Connor puts the sheet down to protect the floor. You're the first to dip into the paint and then Connor does the same.

Since you decided not to do anything with the hall until it was painted, it's still completely empty aside from the coat rack and shoe rack near the door. This means you don't have to move anything to start painting.

Connor starts first. He rolls the white/lightly coloured paint onto the wall, the sound of the thick, slightly sticky paint makes a satisfying sound as he rolls it up and down the length of the wall. You start too.

"Is there anywhere else in the house that's unpainted?" Connor asks as he dips his roller back into the paint.

"Just the hall upstairs. I thought that I should paint all the rooms first since they're the priority." You say.

You take the roller off the wall and then stand back to make sure you're doing it right and that there are no patches. As you walk, you put your foot right into the bucket of paint. Your foot sinks right to the bottom of it. The bottom half of your right leg is now coated in the thick, cold, sticky liquid.

Connor laughs at this. You look at him. You've never seen an android laugh before. Connors laugh is cute. Nevertheless, you scowl at him for laughing at your misfortune and then take your foot out of the bucket. Connor continues to laugh and so you decide to run your fingers up the length of your leg which has paint and you flick the paint at Connor. The splatters go onto his face.

You take your sock off and put it on the sheet so if you step off it, you don't leave paint on the floor. Connor then picks up the sock and throws it at you. It hits your face and you now have a large patch of paint on your cheek.

"You little-" You say and you pick up the paint roller and shake it about towards Connor, splattering him with paint.

Connor gasps at this. His fresh new shirt is now ruined. Again. Connor then picks up his roller and dips it in the paint.

"You're going to pay for that." Connor says with a smirk.

"Shit." You say before running off into the kitchen. Connor follows you, the two of you laughing happily. Not a care in the world.

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