Part 21

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Connor lays next to you and puts his arms around you, pulling your body onto his. You close your eyes. Then you sleep.

A gust of cold wind blows through you and you shiver before snuggling closer up to Connor's body, groaning tiredly. Your eyes flutter open and you look around, taking in your surroundings and remembering where you are. A blanket is wrapped around you and a pillow is under your head. The sun is overhead and there is a gentle breeze blowing through which is just the right temperature.

Worn out, you yawn and Connor looks down at you as you look back. He smiles comfortingly. "Good morning Y/N."

You slept all the way through the night next to Connor underneath the stars. The realisation creeps upon you at the same time as a soft blush on your cheeks.

"Morning." You croak.

"Did you sleep well?" He asks softly. You nod and stretch while letting out an exhausted yawn.

"I just got a call from Hank... He needs me in twenty minutes." Connor says. "And then we're going..."

You stick out your bottom lip in a childish pout. "Do you have to go?"

Connor hugs you tightly, resting his chin on your shoulder. "You know I have to Y/N."

You sigh. "I know..." You put your arms around Connor's torso, hugging him back.

"Let's go." Connor says. Then he plants a gentle kiss on your head before standing up.

You freeze up for a moment, unsure on how to react. Then you feel your cheeks flush pink so you get out of the truck bed as to try and hide it from Connor. Connor picks up the pillows and blankets and puts them on the back seat as you get into the passenger side of the car, yawning again. Connor gets in next to you and puts his hands on the wheel.

"I'll miss you Connor." You sigh.

Connor turns to face you. "I'll only be gone for a few days."

He starts the car and it bursts into life.

"Could you tell me more about the case? Or is it like... Top secret?" You ask curiously.

Connor begins to drive. "I can't tell you much but I can tell you that it involves a drug dealer we've been chasing for a while now."

"Really? Who?" You ask.

"We don't know his real identity. In all the images and footage we have of him, he's wearing a hood and a bandanna covering most of his face. His alias that we know him by is 'Sloth' because that's what his...clients call him."

You raise an eyebrow. "What a stupid dumb name. Why sloth?"

Connor shrugs. "I shouldn't be talking about this with you."

"At least tell me where you're going?" You beg.

"Plymouth." Connor says as he pulls out onto the main road and begins driving home. "It's a 28 minute drive from Detroit."

"Oh..." You say.

"Do you want me to drive you to Hank's and pick up Sumo? Then I can drive you home. "

"Sure." You say, looking out of the window

When you make it home, you get out of the car and walk up to Hanks home. Connor walks straight in and you follow behind. Hank is on the phone to someone.

"Okay yeah... We're leaving today... Obviously... I'll try... Yes... Okay... Bye." He then hangs up. "Look who finally decided to come back! Come on we gotta go." He stands up quickly.

"Y/N said she'd look after Sumo while we're gone." Connor explains.

"Thanks Y/N." Hank says distractedly as he puts on his coat.

"No problem." You smile. "I can see you're busy, I'll just walk myself home."

"Are you sure Y/N?" Connor asks.

You nod. "Sumo!" You say into the other room and Sumo comes bounding in.

"He doesn't need a leash, he has spare bowls and food in that cupboard and his bed is just down here." Hank tells you as he lifts a dog pillow from the floor, handing it to you. He isn't really paying attention though. He seems very distracted.

You take all of Sumos things and begin to head home with Sumo, just trying to pretend it was a normal day and that you wouldn't be without Connor for... Well you weren't sure how long.

"So." Hank says to Connor, leaning against the doorframe. "How'd it go? You were out all night so I assume you did something."

"We had a brilliant time Lieutenant. The look on her face was dazzling. It couldn't have gone better." Connor says dreamily.

"The... Look on her face? Connor. Too much information." Hank shivers and then looks around to grab the rest of his things so he can leave.

"No we didn't have intercourse." Connor explains.

"Oh okay." Hank answers. "Good to know. We ready to leave?"

"Yes Lieutenant."

As you walk, the journey seems less lonely having Sumo next to you. It's actually pretty easy walking home with a dog bed and a couple things on it. You make it home in no time.

As you walk inside your house, it feels like you haven't been here in weeks. The familiar half painted wall greets you along with a mostly empty home.

You walk into the kitchen and put Sumos bowls down, filling one with water and the other with the food Hank gave you. You think about where to put the dog bed. Would he even use it? At Hanks house, Sumo usually sleeps in bed or on the couch. Maybe Hank just gave you the bed in case you didn't want him jumping on the furniture. But you don't have a problem with that. Sumo is a good boy.

You walk into the living room and Sumo cautiously follows you, sniffing his surroundings as he goes curiously, getting used to the place.

You sit in the living room and Sumo hops loyally onto it next to you. Just as you're about to turn on the television, your phone buzzes and makes a noise.

Sighing and hoping it's not Sid, you pull your phone out of your pocket. It's a message from an unknown number. At first you think it's Sid until you read the message.

Unknown number:
I really enjoyed last night and I hope you did too. Maybe we could do it again sometime? -Connor

How did he get your number? Well, he's an android. Androids are capable of anything. Well... Most things. You decide to add the number to your contacts under "Connor 🤖🤗"

I enjoyed last night too 🙃 thanks for such an amazing time 😙

Connor 🤖🤗:
I think it's you that made it so amazing.

You blush. Just as you're typing your reply, you get another message.

I dont want to fight u and I hate not being able to speak to u 😢 Youre all I can think about. Plz just speak to me 😔😣

I don't want to argue or fight either but I just don't know if I can trust you 😒😔

Will u speak to me tomorrow? Meet me at the skatepark?

You sigh and think for a moment. Maybe it'd be worth seeing what he has to say? As much as you don't want to admit it to yourself, you really miss Oskar. That's why you've constantly been pushing him to the back of your mind.

Okay. I'll see you tomorrow at 2.

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