Part 13

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Just out of curiosity, how did you find this story? Like did you search something and it came up or did wattpad reccomend you it? I'm a curious bean.

Also, I've included a lot of vivid imagery similar to what happens in my head when I'm alone so it could be kinda emotional or cryptic idk I'm bad at portraying thoughts in text form.


Connor smiles. Hank doesn't.

"I need another beer."

You sit on the couch in your dark room only illuminated by the blue light of the television. Nothing's on screen. Just blue. The light reflects off your face as you sit there with your knees hugged up to your chest.

It's silent. The light is blue but it feels deeper. Like the colour damp walls smell like. A musky, lonely, intrusive colour.

You're silent. The light is bright but it feels dim. Like the light from a slowly dying candle. A flickering, lonely, slowly dying light.

You've never felt this lonely, yet you've always been this alone.

It's not until Connor leaves that you realise just how lonely you are. You miss him, clearly, but he's at home. where he belongs.

What if you never see him again? What if, unknowingly, when you left him after Memphis, that's the last time you'd see him?

It feels red now. You're angry. You fixed him. You brought him into your home and helped him find Hank. Then he leaves. He leaves after making you like him.

It's blue again. You're sad. It's not his fault you get attached too easily.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

It's purple.

You're stupid.

He can never feel the same way. He's a machine. You're a person.


You push your palm to your forehead and press hard. You want the thoughts to stop. Stop thinking about him. He's not thinking of you. Can he even think? He's stupid. You're stupid.

You take a deep shaky breath and reach for the remote control. The light disappears with the push of a button. You're plunged into darkness. You could go to bed, but you can't see. You can only smell the chemical aroma of the paint seeping through from the hallway. everything reminds you of him. You're weak. Idiot. You can't shut out the thoughts of this man- this machine.

Again, it's not his fault. He's gone home.

You sit there with your knees hugged up to your chest and let yourself fall sideways onto the couch, flopping lazily into your side. You stare into the pitch blackness of your living room. You blink. It doesn't make a difference.

Doesn't that scare you? Closing your eyes in a dark room only to find you're in the purest blackness there is.

Your phone is on the arm of your couch. You lazily reach up and take it. It lights up and your retinas sting at the sudden beam of brightness and you close one eye.

You ponder messaging Oskar. But you still don't trust him. Or do you?  No. Not quite.

It's completely silent and the blinding light of your phone aches your eyes.

Groaning lazily, you turn on the torch on your phone to light your way through your house so you can walk through it in darkness and into your bedroom.

You stand in your doorway and shine the torch around the room. You catch sight of the Android dock in the corner. Empty.

You roll your eyes and walk into your bedroom, closing the door behind you. You flop onto your bed and close your eyes tiredly.

"Goodnight Connor..." You mumble to the empty dock in the corner of your room.

Connor stares out of the window from Hanks living room. Hank's passed out on the couch and the television has gone to static.

"Goodnight Y/N..." He whispers to the moon, his head filled with thoughts of you.

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