Part 16

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However, there is one thing you're sure of for definite. If it's with Connor, it'll be the best night of your life.

You're huddled up on the couch, watching your favorite show on television. It's dark outside but your curtains are pulled shut so it doesn't make a difference. In your hand is a tub of Skittles/Ben and Jerry's and on your face is a small, content smile as you feel just that. Content with life.

The sweet taste of the snacks only improve your mood and you feel serene. Your phone is still turned off so nobody can bother you. But of course this is your life, if things start going well, it's best to be suspicious. Nothing goes calmly for too long. This is about to be proven.

It starts with a knock. A loud, purposeful, determined knock- more like a bang. You jump slightly.

It knocks again.

Furrowing your brow with confusion, you put your food down and stand up to see who is at your front door. You glance at the clock in the hall. It's 12. Who on earth is at your home at midnight?

You tiptoe towards the door and hesitantly look through the peephole. You're greeted by someone you really really didn't want to see. Sidney Hector.

He knocks again, a hard, firm, almost angry knock. Is shakes the door. And you. You jump back.

"Y/N I know you're in there! Open up I wanna talk!" He says.

You look through the peep hole again and see the face you remember so clearly. The face of a man you simply didn't want to associate with. Then you remember one night quite a while back.

You, Oskar and Sidney all sat together at the skatepark.

Hey remember when I used to throw you about with the others here?

Sidney chuckled manically. To say he threw Oskar about before was an understatement. He was a bully. Oskar didn't respond for some reason or another.

Sid slitheres his fingers across his pushed back, greasy black hair and then laid down on the cold concrete, looking up at the star lit sky, the reflection of the sea of stars in his grey-blue eyes. They were as tired and as sunken as they are now.

He reached a hand down into the pocket of his dirty jacket and pulled out a baggie filled with green.... Moss? It looked like moss.

Sid what's that?

You asked him. He laughed evilly.

It's pot Y/N. Weed.

You felt your mouth turn dry. You didn't- and still don't- want to do drugs. Maybe that's why Sid's face always looks so sunken?

Want some? Here.

He offered you the bag. You shook your head quickly.

What about you big guy? Wanna get high?

He turned to face Oskar, shaking the bag at him.

No thanks. Don't wanna ruin my sweet bod with the Devil's lettuce.

Sid shrugged and pulled out an already rolled blunt from his pocket along with a lighter.

Suit yourself.

He lit the blunt and began to suck on the end, inhaling the smoke before breathing it out of his nose like an angry bull.

"Y/N! Come on! You and I both know I'm not leaving so you may as well let me in!" Sidney tells you, almost singing.

You lock the door and Sid hears the key turn and the door click. He stops. It's an angry pause.

"Did you lock me out? Oh I know you didn't just lock me out. Let me the FUCK IN!" He shouts the last part. So easily annoyed. A side effect of the drugs? What else has he taken?

"Go away Sid!" You say, trying to sound brave. You're not sure if you succeeded or not.

"Oh you and I both know that's not happening. Just let me in and we can talk. I want to know why you stopped talking to Oskar. And why you stopped talking to me. I really liked you, you know? Then you... you... " The mad man starts kicking the door, hard. "YOU GAVE ME UP LIKE A PIECE OF SHIT! CUT ME OUT OF YOUR LIFE LIKE I MEANT NOTHING TO YOU!"

In an instant, you're scared. Terrified. For your safety.

"Leave me alone or I'm calling the police." You warn.

Sid chuckles. "No you won't."

He's right. You won't. You look around, searching for an answer. You see the back door. Sid continues kicking and yelling.

"Let me in Y/N..." He sings through gritted teeth.

You shake your head at the door and then turn to the stairs and quietly but quickly jog up them and into your bedroom. You throw on a pair of jeans and a hoodie then stuff a shirt and pair of shorts into a backpack and sling is over your shoulder as you walk downstairs. You look at the door. It's shaking on his hinges, palpitating with every time Sid launches his foot into it. You shove your feet into a pair of converses and then walk towards your back door, pulling the hood up over your head as you slowly unlock the door and step outside. You lock it again and stuff the key into your pocket and begin to walk away.

You can still hear him. The air is cold. You know exactly where you're going.

"Y/N! Come on let's talk!" Sid's voice slowly fades away as you walk out of your back garden and start making your way to Hank's house.

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