Part 29

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He lands the punch square in your face. You feel dizzy. Your vision becomes blurred and the room starts to spin. You don't even see Sid pull his fist back to punch you again. But you feel it. And then you see blackness.

The world is travelling in the twilight, the last of the suns rays paint the road ahead shades of orange and red. Connor stares out the window, aimlessly letting the world float past as Hank drives. They returned home earlier than they thought. It is late, yes but they are home tonight.

"Do you think we should visit Y/N?" Connor asks the other man as they drive past the 'Welcome To Detroit' sign. "It's getting late but I'd love to see her."

"Sure we can stop by her place since you're dying to see her," Hank says and then turns a corner.

"Technically I'm not alive Lieutenant," Connor tells Hank.

"Eh, you're alive enough." Hank shrugs.

The two continue to drive, mostly in a comfortable silence as Hank has some soft blues playing on the stereo. As they pull up into your driveway, Hank is busy making sure he doesn't crash the car so he doesn't notice what Connor sees.

"Hank..." Connor says with a worried tone.

"What is it?"

"Hank the door!" Connor cries as he opens the car door and practically leaps out and runs to check inside your house. The door, as Connor saw, is wide open and has clearly been forced open as a large footprint is on the centre. Connor bursts through and starts checking every room in the house. He barges into the living room and sees Sumo, walking about like a drunk man, stumbling and barely able to stand with the dart still sticking out of his neck. 

"Oh my god!" Hank cries as he runs up to Sumo. "Sumo what the fuck happened? Connor what happened?!"

Connor kneels down and checks on the dog. "He's been hit with a tranquillizer approximately two hours ago. He should be fine, he just needs rest to sleep it off." 

"Where the fuck is Y/N?" Hank asks, holding the heavy dog in his arms.

Connor grabs Hanks gun from his pocket. "I'll look around the house."

Connor holds the gun up and starts walking around the house.  He sees a few blood droplets on the floor and bends down. He smudges his finger across the droplet and licks it off of his finger. 

"Lieutenant! Y/N's blood is on the floor! I think she's hurt!" Connor says. "What if someone took her Lieutenant? She could be in danger! What if she... what if she..."

"For god's sake, Connor pull yourself together!" Hank commands.

"What if it's too late? What if someone took her and killed her? What if she's dead?!" Connor asks as his LED flashes red.

Hank then slaps the android across the face hard.

"Check the door handles for fingerprints, we might find out who took her," Hank says firmly, trying to act calm. "Treat it like a normal case, Connor."

Connor walks over to the livingroom handle and examines it. Surely enough, there are fingerprints. After a few seconds of analyzing, the results show that the prints belong to Sydney Hector.

"They belong to a man by the name of Sydney Hector, goes by the name 'Sid'," Connor says. "That's the man that was here at Y/N's place when she stayed with us."

"That name... Check his criminal record?"

"He's been suspected of theft, has a DUI and..."

"And what?" Hank asks impatiently.

"He's been found guilty of taking part in illegal gambling," Connor says.

"Well, I think we both know where we should go now. Who is the lord of the underground gambling business in Detroit?" Hank asks.

"Patrick. Oskar's dad." Connor says. "We should go and see him!"

"What are we gonna do about Sumo?" Hank asks.

Connor begins to walk outside. "Put him in the car, he can rest safely in there."

Hank carries the drugged up dog into the car then both him and Connor get in too and begin to drive to Patrick's house. With Hank's speeding, they're there in no time.

They both hop out of the car and run up to the door. Hank bangs on it urgently and eventually, a sleepy, tall, blond-haired boy wearing a pyjama shirt and boxer briefs answers the door, wiping the sleep from his eyes. "Hello?"

"Oskar! Where's your dad?" Connor asks frantically.

"He's... upstairs why?" 

Hank and Connor push past Oskar who almost falls over and they sprint through the huge house and up the stairs. They barge open Patrick's door and see him laid on his bed in his jeans and socks watching television. Patrick's head snaps towards the two and his eyes widen. "What's going on?" The tall, muscular man asks, standing up.

Oskar comes running up the stairs after them to see what's going on and lingers behind Hank and Connor.

"It's Y/N. She's been kidnapped." Connor explains. "We think Sydney has her. Sydney Hector."

"What?! W-what do you mean kidnapped? Is she okay? Where is she?" Oskar asks, now beginning to panic.

"What? You mean Sid actually kidnapped the girl? How do you know?" Patrick asks, turning off his television. 

"She's missing from her home and my dog which she was looking after had been hit with a tranquillizer. Connor found droplets of her blood on the floor too and Sid's fingerprints are all over the door." Hank explains. "We were thinking you might know where he has taken her."

"There is one place..." Patrick says. "I'll show you."

Patrick throws on a shirt and his shoes quickly.

"I'm going too! Y/N's my friend!" Oskar says.

"Oskar no. It's too dangerous." Patrick warns. "You stay here and-"

"Look after Sumo!" Connor buts in. "He should be taken care of, you can wait here with Sumo and make sure he's okay." 

Oksar tries to think of what to say and then weakly responds with "But she's everything to me... I don't know what I'd do if she were be..."

Connor walks up to him and puts both hands on his shoulders, trying to be comforting but not working very well as he is shorter than Oskar. "I promise we'll bring her back. I wouldn't let anything else happen to her." Connor says. 

Oskar now has tears in his eyes. "Okay. Okay."

They all run downstairs and Hank gets Sumo out of the car and puts him into the house.

"I'll drive you there," Patrick says as he hops into the driver's side of the car. Hank gets into the passenger's side and Connor hops into the backseat and they speed off, ready to rescue you... if they're not too late already.

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