Part 10

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As you stand there on the platform, a dog gallops in front of you. It's a big Saint Bernard with a blue collar. It walks up to you and starts sniffing the coat. It barks.


The dog waddles up to Connor and the android bends down and pets Sumo as it licks Connors face, its tail wagging.

"Sumo?" You ask, mirroring Connor's speech.

Connor pets the dog. "This is Hank's dog. But what is he doing here?" Connor stands up and looks around. "I don't see him anywhere here."

Sumo walks up to you again and sniffs your coat. He recognizes the smell instantly. Perhaps he ran away from Hank or got lost and walked up to you because he could smell the coat. 

"Hey, buddy." You say with a smile as you crouch down in front of the dog. "Where's Hank?" You ask as if he would be able to answer you.

the dog barks. He then spins around and starts walking away. You and Connor look at each other before hastily following him. He walks out of the train station and then you all stand in the fresh Memphis air for a minute. It's cool and slightly windy. The sky is black. You don't even know what time it is. There is a motel dead ahead with a flashing red sign that reads "Memphis Motel". How creative.

Sumo barks at the building and then crosses the street towards it. Sumo is barking at the door as you and Connor stand behind him, unsure of what to do.

Connor shrugs at you and then opens the door.

"I'm gonna go look for him. I'll be back soon." A man says to the guy behind the counter as he pulls on a coat. He looks to be about in his fifties and has a head of silver hair and a messy beard.

"Hank..." Connor says quietly. The man turns to face you and Connor as you stand in the doorway.

The man's jaw drops. "Connor..." He says simply. "Where in the fuck have you been?" The man looks at Sumo. "And you!"

You don't know what to do or where to put yourself. Hank then shifts his attention to you.

"Is that my coat?" He asks as he looks you up and down.

"I-I'm sorry I was cold... You can have it back." You tell him nervously as you start to take off the coat.

"No no it's fine keep it on if you're cold." Hank sighs. "Who are you?"

"I'm uh... I'm..." You don't know what to tell him. Who are you?

"Lieutenant Anderson, They found me. They shot me and left me for dead by the river. Y/N found me and fixed me. She's here to help." Connor explains for you.

The guy behind the counter shifts uncomfortably. He shouldn't be hearing all of this. Hank says itd be better to discuss this in his room and so you, Connor and Sumo follow him up into the room where he's been staying.

"So what qualifications does Y/N have? Does she work for the police? The FBI?" Hank asks.

"Well, no I-" You start to answer.

"Do you have any idea how dangerous these people are? Just how much power they have? How the shit could you let her get tangled up into this Connor?" Hank rants.

"She has... Personal connections with Patrick Lieutenant. She may know more about him and his family than we do." Connor tells the Lieutenant.

Sumo lazily hops onto the unmade,  single bed and lays down on it. Hank looks at you and raises an silver eyebrow.  "Connections?"

You nod shyly.

"What kinda connections?" He asks with a slight head raise.

"I'm best friends with his son." You say, referring to Oskar.

Hank raises his brows in surprise. "Well fuck me. He has a son?"

You nod.

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you come here?" Connor asks Hank.

Hank sighs. "I have connections here. Someone who owes me money. I came to collect it to pay off my..." Hank looks at you. "My debts."

Debts. Great.

"I was going to go home today but then this guy decided to run away." Hank tells you as he gestures to Sumo. "So I'm going tomorrow instead."

You then realise you have no place to stay until then. Hank seemingly reads your mind.

"You two can crash here until then."

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