Part 27

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Yo bois I made a Discord server. Join if u want idm.

Its name is BethHasFreckles so... yah

Also this part's very shit. Sorry.


"Okay." You sigh. "Just for you though." 

You all head out of the house, Felix and Sumo too and begin to walk Robbie home. 

"Where exactly are we going?" You ask, unsure of whether you're taking him to Sid's house or his mum's house or Sid's dad's house or whatever. Even if you did know, you didn't know where the address is.

"We're taking him to his mother's house. Sid told her that he left him with me because he's busy." Oskar explains. 

Robbie is walking behind the two of you, in between the two dogs. He seems to have taken a particular liking towards Sumo. Suddenly, you're hit with a massive wave of sadness as you remember Connor. You haven't seen him in what feels like weeks. For days now you've been pushing him to the back of your mind to try and prevent it from making you depressed but suddenly, now, you realise just how much you miss him. Oskar looks at you with concern as you look at you feet as you walk, your face now showing a forlorn, lost, perturbed expression. 

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks, sounding nothing but concerned.

"I just... miss Connor a little." You admit. "I'll be fine."

"Who's Connor? Is he your boyfriend?" Robbie asks, pooing up from in between you and Oskar. 

You chuckle a little. "No, he's just... he's a close friend of mine. He works for the DPD." You say, proud that your friend worked so high up.

"Oh yeah? What does he do?" Robbie asks, kicking the pavement as he walks. 

"Well... he's Lieutenant Anderson's partner. He's... an android." 

Robbie goes quiet for a minute. "I didn't think androids were allowed to work for the police now after that other one got hacked."

"The law changed recently for Detroit police department," Oskar explains. "Though frequent check-ups on the androids are required much more than before."

"Oh," Robbie says simply.

"Do you like androids Robbie?" You ask.

"No." He says.

Oskar and Robbie stop in front of a house, presumably Robbie's home.

"Bye," Robbie says before running off into his home.

You look at Oskar. "Well."

Oskar shrugs. "Wanna go to the park then?" He asks, stuffing his hands into his pockets. 

"Okay sure." You say and you both start walking to the park. "So... You haven't contacted Eva yet." You make conversation as you walk. 

"How do you know that?" Oskar asks, he looks down as he walks, trying not to step on the cracks as he goes.

"I spoke to Eva before I- crap I left that box at your house." You curse. "You know what, nevermind, keep it." You laugh to yourself at your stupidity.

"I could drop it off at your house tomorrow if you want?" Oskar offers, looking at you.

"Nah it's fine. Anyway yeah, I spoke to Eva before I came to yours." You say. "I said to her that it's best not to rush things, basically the same as what I said to you."

"I think I might message her tonight. Just say hi or something." The boy says. "Anyway, that's enough for me. What about you? How are things with you and Connor?"

You blush. "Well, we aren't a couple Oskar."

Oskar tuts. "Yeah. I know. I mean like what's been happening? Do you see each other much when he isn't working?"

"Well... We... went on a uhm... I don't wanna call it a date but we spent a night together a few days ago." You explain. "Connor filled Hanks truckbed with blankets and pillows and we spent the night under the stars together."

"That sounds so sweet..." Oskar smiles. "Did you fuck?"

You choke on your spit. "Oskar! That's so out of character!" 

"What? It's a genuine question! Did you bang OK?"

"No. We didn't. We didn't kiss. We didn't bang. We just enjoyed each others company."

"That's sweet." Oskar smiles.

When you get to the park, you and the tall boy walk in and sit down next to each other on the swingset.

"What do you wanna do?" Oskar asks.

"Let's just... talk for a while."

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