Part 09

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This parts kinda short and kinda rushed I'm sorry


You: I'm fine. I'm going out of town for a day or two. Good luck with the psycho dad.

"Y/N? Y/N wake up." Connor gently shakes your shoulder and you open your eyes tiredly and slowly. Your eyelids are still heavy as if they're weighted with sleep. You're leaned on Connor and his arm is around you. You don't even remember falling asleep but it's plausible since the journey was twenty hours long. 

You gently stir from your slumber but don't move away from Connor. 

"What? Are we there?" You ask.

"Not quite... But you've been asleep for a long time and you haven't eaten. Would you like me to get you something from the trolley?" Connor asks as he looks down at you.

You're angry for a second. You want to bite Connor's head off for waking you from your peaceful slumber but then realize how hungry you are. You look down at your stomach and it lets out a hungry growl as if it's a wild animal.

"Yes please, Connor. I'd like a burger/some fries," You say, finally sitting up. Your legs feel funny and your butt has gone numb from being sat down for so long. Connor gets up and walks away to the front of the train where there's a small confectionary stand with cheap microwave burgers and fries along with other snacks. 

You decide to check your phone. You've had a few missed messages from a certain tall boy.

BFF🙃: Where you going? Will u be safe? Guessing you're going with Connor

You sigh. It's not his fault that his dad's like that. But you find it hard to believe that he had no idea he was at least a little bit dodgy.

You: Im just leaving for a few days. Ill be with Connor so Ill be safe.

BFF🙃: Will you let me know when u get back?

You: 👌ok

You stuff your phone into your pocket and Connor comes back with your food. You thank him and start to eat as he plops down next to you.

"We should be there in an hour," Connor tells you.

"Wow, I really was asleep for ages." You laugh.

When you finish your food,  you sit back and take a deep breath. You can't get Oskar out of your mind. He must have known about his dads work, at least partly.

"Connor?" You ask, looking away.

"Yes Y/N?"

"Do you think Oskar knew about his dad?" You ask.

Connor thinks for a moment. "Maybe he did? But maybe Patrick kept it away from him? Maybe he told Oskar he worked somewhere else?"

I sigh.

"Do you trust him?" Connor asks.

"I do- well, I did. But now I don't know what to think..." You say.

The train finally arrives a little bit later and you and Connor walk off the train and stand on the train station platform.

"Now what?" You ask with a deep breath.

The air in Memphis is cold and thick. Luckily, you're wearing Hank's coat still so you're not as cold as you would be without it.

Connor looks around.

As you stand there on the platform, a dog gallops in front of you. It's a big Saint Bernard with a blue collar. It walks up to you and starts sniffing the coat. It barks.


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